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27-Oct-07, 00:56
Anyone got a recommmendation for a holiday destination that caters well for parents with babies? Cheers.:) We were thinking about Centreparks next year but I'd consider anything that is good for just chilling out (if at all possible with a bairn).

27-Oct-07, 09:14
My Daughter and family have just come back from Centreparks in Wiltshire, they went with two other couples and shared two three bedroom lodges.
they had six children aged from three to thirteen.
She said that it is superb and is suited to every age group, even an old crinkly like you Dad and it does'nt matter if you go out of holiday season
the facilities cater for all weather.

28-Oct-07, 00:11
Yep Center Parcs is great - we like the one near Penrith. Loads to do and children welcome everywhere.

28-Oct-07, 09:57
any of the parks are nice with babies. we tend just to go for the caravans as we are only using them as a base.. and only there for sleeping and showers and a few hours down time.. with sam and ben being 4 and 3 now.
but things like haven and the like are catered to families.. so you will be fine with any of them.

29-Oct-07, 00:56
Just don't do it. I have lost count of the number of functions, holidays, events etc that have been spoiled by wailing babbies!!

Let's face it, the gig is not going to remembered by the nipper(s), the only people who will remember it are those who had their holidays impaired by squalling bairns.

If you leave it until later, YOU will enjoy it a lot more, YOUR kid(s) will enjoy it a lot more AND other people will enjoy it a lot more!!

I have yet to see to see a "Do" with kiddies present that was not a lot more to do with the parents' enjoyment, than it was about the younguns.

29-Oct-07, 09:23
Just don't do it. I have lost count of the number of functions, holidays, events etc that have been spoiled by wailing babbies!!

Let's face it, the gig is not going to remembered by the nipper(s), the only people who will remember it are those who had their holidays impaired by squalling bairns.

If you leave it until later, YOU will enjoy it a lot more, YOUR kid(s) will enjoy it a lot more AND other people will enjoy it a lot more!!

I have yet to see to see a "Do" with kiddies present that was not a lot more to do with the parents' enjoyment, than it was about the younguns.

completely disagree with this, as a small child we were taken on holiday, either camping in embo or to butlins and i can remember it, kids dont spoil holidays! especially if you go to a family orintated place!

29-Oct-07, 09:44
our children go everywhere with us. its a simple necessity, they have to.
we have taken them all over the world.. well a couple parts anyway!
ben was just 4 mnths old when we took him to america.. and they were both fine.. they slept nearly the whole flight.. and sam was easily entertained.
they have been to majorca.. and were fine.
we drove down to nottingham this year.. and not a bit of problem. we broke the trip into a couple days.

29-Oct-07, 09:57
completely disagree with this, as a small child we were taken on holiday, either camping in embo or to butlins and i can remember it, kids dont spoil holidays! especially if you go to a family orintated place!

I agree with you Ash....

Problems only arise when kids are taken to functions or events (or indeed on holiday) where there's no provision made for them being children. In that case, I'd agree with scorrie, it's probably best not to take them.

It's up to the parents to check that it will be a family friendly environment -sometimes e.g. a wedding invitation these days just doesn't include small children, sometimes it does, but the bride and groom don't think to make any provision for them actually being there -that's where problems can arise! - and sometimes they do, including providing things like highchairs and a special menu for the wee ones.

The occasion will be different, but there's no reason why it should be "spoiled".

I do know adults need child free time too, but parents should be able to enjoy holidays and social events with their children without feeling they're spoiling things for other folk. Adults who don't have kids won't choose to spend their holidays at somewhere like centreparks.

Don't be put off, Rheghead! Choose a family friendly place and you can all have a good time. :D :D

29-Oct-07, 11:49
completely disagree with this, as a small child we were taken on holiday, either camping in embo or to butlins and i can remember it, kids dont spoil holidays! especially if you go to a family orintated place!

I am only talking about Babies, not kids in general. Of course older bairns can enjoy themselves and behave themselves. I just don't see what the point is in taking a baby on holiday, it could be New York or New Year, as far as a baby is is aware.

I have been there and bought the T-shirt with babies and holidays, and my Wife and I chilled out a lot more, knowing that our baby daughter was safe at home with her Gran while we had our first break in seven years.

29-Oct-07, 11:58
my Wife and I chilled out a lot more, knowing that our baby daughter was safe at home with her Gran while we had our first break in seven years.

That is OK, I'm glad for you but we haven't any family to offload our daughter on to because one Gran is very lame on her feet and the other is a fulltime carer for my father who has alzheimers disease.:(

mums angels
29-Oct-07, 11:58
I have only left my children at home once and that was my honeymoon and i hated it , i missed them loads and would never go away again without them .

babies may not remember the holidays but they are part of the family and shouldn't be left at home with someone else IMO.

we have taken them camping etc but will admit going to stay with family in the Uk is always much easier ...that way we also have babysiters in the evening once the children are in bed :lol:

29-Oct-07, 12:10
we dont have any family here to take the kids either.. and a baby i find is easier to deal with than a child!
even though they wont remember the trip, you will... and theres a lot of bonding to be done there.. you can still see the sights and things with a baby in tow...

29-Oct-07, 12:43
anywhere self catering or with facilities for making up baby food and sterilising as long as you have the basics like a travel cot and a booster seat for at the table (and the emergency calpol sachets) you can go pretty much anywhere and dont try to cram your days full of activities its good to just chill sometimes and let mums have a rest too!!

29-Oct-07, 16:12
I must admit that we forsook holidays when our two were babies - partly because we'd not long moved just before both (so were still settling in as such), and because my mum was in Raigmore with cancer (so we were paying regular visits down there for a few months), and also partly because of all the paraphernalia required to be dragged along (depending on the destination).

TBH I would have to agree with some of Scorries sentiments that a holiday when they are that young is not really for their benefit, but for the parents and any older siblings. They're too young to remember it, and the travel & strange location/unfamiliarity/change of routine may cause them more upset than anything.

Having just been to Butlins I can safely say I'm glad ours were of an age where they could join in and enjoy. Of those who I saw there with babies, they all, with no exception, had older kids around them too.

29-Oct-07, 16:40
TBH I would have to agree with some of Scorries sentiments that a holiday when they are that young is not really for their benefit, but for the parents and any older siblings.

TBH, We want to go on holiday for my wife's benefit (who was diagnosed with cancer this year and wants to do a bit of convalescing after her treatment)not our baby's, I wasn't wanting for sanctimonious comments why babies shouldn't go on holiday, I was wanting suggestions for destinations that cater for parents with babies, not for babies with parents, if you haven't anything positive to suggest then why post on this thread?

Andrew C
29-Oct-07, 17:27
Just don't do it. I have lost count of the number of functions, holidays, events etc that have been spoiled by wailing babbies!!

Let's face it, the gig is not going to remembered by the nipper(s), the only people who will remember it are those who had their holidays impaired by squalling bairns.

If you leave it until later, YOU will enjoy it a lot more, YOUR kid(s) will enjoy it a lot more AND other people will enjoy it a lot more!!

I have yet to see to see a "Do" with kiddies present that was not a lot more to do with the parents' enjoyment, than it was about the younguns.

Parents of kids need a change of scenery and a rest too. I think we all forget we were bairns once.

We go camping with our kids (5 and 2) and they love the freedom of it. I don't necesarily reccomend tent camping with kids, but we have a trailer tent which gets you off the ground. Most good campsits have great amenities for the kids just to play in the safety of the site.

Centreparcs is a wee bit expensive for us, but I'd love to try it sometime.

29-Oct-07, 17:29
Parents of kids need a change of scenery and a rest too. I think we all forget we were bairns once.

We go camping with our kids (5 and 2) and they love the freedom of it. I don't necesarily reccomend tent camping with kids, but we have a trailer tent which gets you off the ground. Most good campsits have great amenities for the kids just to play in the safety of the site.

Centreparcs is a wee bit expensive for us, but I'd love to try it sometime.

we always go to embo, its cheap and keeps my wee one happy


Andrew C
29-Oct-07, 17:36
what is there in Embo ash?

29-Oct-07, 17:39
they have a big play park, tennis courts, basketball, bike hire, lovely beach

indoor swimming pool, music and activities at nights for adults and kids and forest trails:D

Andrew C
29-Oct-07, 17:44
they have a big play park, tennis courts, basketball, bike hire, lovely beach

indoor swimming pool, music and activities at nights for adults and kids and forest trails:D

Might check it out. We usually take our first camping break in the Easter hols....will add it to the possibilies! :)

29-Oct-07, 17:44
TBH, We want to go on holiday for my wife's benefit (who was diagnosed with cancer this year and wants to do a bit of convalescing after her treatment)not our baby's, I wasn't wanting for sanctimonious comments why babies shouldn't go on holiday, I was wanting suggestions for destinations that cater for parents with babies, not for babies with parents, if you haven't anything positive to suggest then why post on this thread?

1. Because you didn't say in your first post "If you haven't got anything useful to add to this thread then don't add anything at all"

2. Because it is my right on a public forum to reply to a thread how I see fit

3. Because I've already said we didn't take our kids away when they were babies - one of the reasons you should well be able to understand given your own family circumstances.

...and finally...

4. Because as a thread goes on the posts often stray from the original query - sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. My post, while still being about babies and holidays, may not have been the answer you were looking for, but don't bite my rear simply because its not what you wanted, but by all means feel free to ignore it.

Andrew C
29-Oct-07, 17:53
TBH, We want to go on holiday for my wife's benefit (who was diagnosed with cancer this year and wants to do a bit of convalescing after her treatment)not our baby's, I wasn't wanting for sanctimonious comments why babies shouldn't go on holiday, I was wanting suggestions for destinations that cater for parents with babies, not for babies with parents, if you haven't anything positive to suggest then why post on this thread?

Genuinely sorry to hear your wife has been sick....hope you manage to find something good. In those circumstances I reckon centreparcs would be your best option. They have some lovely centres....friend of mine is just back from the one in Penrith and he said it was great.

Was a bit confused about the 'you shouldn't be taking yer bairns on holiday' comments myself, but I guess I'm learning that the .org is by and large a free for all....a bit like my request several months ago for practical suggestions about how the Sally Army could better serve the community....was hijacked by all sorts of atheistic agendas etc

In all of it, though, its just amazing that we can't be civil about what we write...doesn't take much to be gracious.

29-Oct-07, 18:16
Las Vegas.... (not)

What has worked well for us in the past is going on holiday with another couple with kids around the same age... usually rented a cottage / apartment (have done Devon, Portugal and South Africa with the same friends) then you can take it in turns to go out / babysit whatever combination you want or just stay in. It gives you all a chance to have a little freedom in the holiday....

29-Oct-07, 18:20
any of the park holidays are fine for children.. as they cater mainly to families..
haven and parkdean are who we use a lot. if you go on to their website you can see each of the parks and all their facilities

29-Oct-07, 18:24
In all of it, though, its just amazing that we can't be civil about what we write...doesn't take much to be gracious.

Public forums are about opinions, the cut and thrust is what makes it interesting. If we had everyone in perfect agreement it would be dull. People are free to ignore anything that they don't like.

The gist of my initial post here was to suggest that a a break without the kids can be more restful for the parents. I am devoted to my children and don't think I should feel guilty for taking four days break in York after seven years without a holiday of any sort. Other parents might want to be with their kids 24/7, that is their choice.

Please let this forum remain open to all opinions, you really do come across as having sour grapes about the response you received to one of your previous posts.

At this rate we might expect to see a foreword on all new threads stating:-

"NO negativity, NO disagreeing, NO deviation whatever from the original point ( I will be the judge of what constitutes deviation), no Sarcasm, No Irony, absolutely NO satire, The use of the terms "I agree" and "Well said" MUST be included at some stage of your reply. Other than that Let rip!!"

29-Oct-07, 20:10
Just go to a really nice hotel where Mrs Rheg can get pampered with all the spa treatments and there is no cooking or washing up to deal with. Most hotels will now give you a crib for the baby and you can basically do as you do at home with regards childcare. Mini Rheg won't remember it but I am sure Mrs Rheg will remember the pampering.

Have a great holiday, when you finally decide.

29-Oct-07, 20:21
Rheghead,Have you thought about one of the "timeshare" parks ie;Dalfaber Golf and country Club,Forrest Hills etc?You get a chalet so you can please yourself as to when you come and go,they have leisure centres,hairdressers,pubs,restaurants etc and are mostly child friendly(well as near to it as you can get anywhere in the UK IMO)You dont have to buy into the timeshares you can "rent" one out from people who have them but aren't using them.It depends on how far you want to travel really,Centreparcs is fine but quite a long journey with a wee one and also if your wife tires easily.The other option is one of the Hotels that have self catering villas,that way you have a lodge of your own but a hotel next door!I can recommend The Kingsmills in Inverness also Craigmonie Hotel in Inverness have family poolside villas that were very nice a couple of years ago x

Margaret M.
29-Oct-07, 20:49
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's health challenge. I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday wherever you choose, Rheghead.

I think we are all aware that when we post on here we can expect a variety of opinions and feedback and I agree with Scorrie when he says:

"Please let this forum remain open to all opinions".

29-Oct-07, 21:18
I think we are all aware that when we post on here we can expect a variety of opinions and feedback and I agree with Scorrie when he says:

"Please let this forum remain open to all opinions".

Indeed, but if the thread was entitled 'Recommendations for whitewater rafting destinations with babies' then I think his 'opinion' would be valid. No one here needs a lecture on the 'obvious' that going on holiday with a young child can be fraught with difficulty for everyone. The fact that I have asked for suggestions where to take a baby on holiday certainly implies that I am mindful of that fact. Needless to say, his input wasn't an opinion but just an opportunity to blab about something that wasn't required in order to flame.

Thanks for everyone else who have kindly offered suggestions.