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View Full Version : John O'Groats Hotel.

26-Oct-07, 14:06
It's made the front page of the 'Groat' today.

I'm intrigued by this notion that there is some sort of 'right to buy' the hotel?

I'd be the first to say the Hotel should be the flagship of the area but I fail to see how a proposed 'community buy out' under a 'right to buy' would work?

Can someone enlighten me?

There almost seems to be an opinion in the paper that the owners - for some bizarre reason - have no intention of doing anything with it at all. Can't see it myself, but that's the impression the piece gives.


26-Oct-07, 20:38
It's a shame to see such an attractive building look so bad. I hope whatever happens it happens soon it's not exactly a good advert for the area.

26-Oct-07, 20:42
If you have ever been to Lands End you cannot fail to have noticed that the hotel complex there is just as bad. It must be a symptom of heavily touristy places.

26-Oct-07, 23:54
Are they not owned by the same person at present. I dont ken if its a rumour but the owner wanted to make it all enclosed and you would have to pay to go there like you do at lands end (when I last went there in 1999) but apparently he discovered that the surrounding land and harbour was not part of the deal and hence nothing has been done. True or rumour? I dinnae ken, but there has to be a man who does [lol]