View Full Version : best movie

25-Oct-07, 00:14
whats the best movie you have ever seen????

25-Oct-07, 00:23
The Lord of the Rings trilogy for sure, in the cinema - brilliant , but overall I think I'd plump for "The Perfect Storm" which was based on a true story and starred George Clooney, not that his gorgeous features had ANY effect on me whatsoever........ ;)

25-Oct-07, 00:33
i like gladiator,seen it at the cimema brilliant film. must not forget forrest gump another classic film brilliant in every sense of the word.

25-Oct-07, 00:46
Wizard of Oz!!!!

25-Oct-07, 00:52
Aliens. The best action film.

25-Oct-07, 07:40
I have two favorites Trainspotting & Rain Man.

25-Oct-07, 07:48
I would say my fave film would have to be "field of dreams" starring Kevin Costner.
Always makes me cry that film and I'm a bloke :)

25-Oct-07, 07:57
Has to be Dirty Dancing

25-Oct-07, 08:27
A perfect World with Kevin Costner - went to see it at the cinema with my sister when it came out. The 2 of us were in tears, but no-one else in the cinema was :lol: Bought it on dvd a couple of years ago and it still makes me cry!

25-Oct-07, 08:40
mines has to be dirty dancing, seen it a thousand times, know the film off by heart :D

25-Oct-07, 08:41
For me it is a toss up between The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. Both of which are written by Stephen King.

25-Oct-07, 08:55
Raging Bull.

25-Oct-07, 08:59
has til be THE LOST BOYS wif corey haim :D

mind u the list could go on an on, final destination trilogy, nightmare on elm street, fast n the furious

25-Oct-07, 09:21
all time favourite film has 2 be dirty dancing, i love it...........no1 puts baby in the corner!
other favourites include all eh classics ie lost boys, goonies

25-Oct-07, 09:24
Mine is Dirty dancing,closely followed by Grease!Oh and I love hairspray and topgun too :) x

25-Oct-07, 09:28
Diva - subtitles, but the most stylish film ever.

25-Oct-07, 09:31
I love " Cool Runnings" watched it last night on sky,
my other favs are "Dirty Dancing" and " A Knights Tale" ( Heath Ledger.........yummy ) :D

25-Oct-07, 09:52
Mine is Dirty dancing,closely followed by Grease!Oh and I love hairspray and topgun too :) x

OOOH how could i forget hairspray and grease!
shame on me lol:lol:

25-Oct-07, 09:55
There's too many to choose from.
My favourite film is 'Gone with the wind' but not for it's special effects obviously.
Other than that I would have to say erm...... Star wars (the whole lot of em) or things like 'A bugs life'. The animation is amazing and they're just great, funny films.Oh but of course there's things like 'The final destination' trilogy - cool! Alien film - bit over done now but cool all the same, 'Saw' ones are great - love a good gory film.
So really, as I said at the start there's just too many to choose from.

Noticed when I went to the piccies the other day (To watch' The dark is rising') that there's a new Aliens v Predator film out in January - looks well good.
Incidentally 'The dark is rising' was absolutely ridiculous! Complete waste of money. This kid was given all these powers and didn't even use them!!!

25-Oct-07, 09:57
I suppose I really should have said Bambi seeing as i had a star part in it [lol] x

25-Oct-07, 11:33
OOOH how could i forget hairspray and grease!
shame on me lol:lol:

Mine is without a doubt Hairspray! Made me laugh so many times, and the soundtrack is just so catchy!! How could I forget Grease though?! Hehe shame on us, Ash!

25-Oct-07, 12:02
Dirty dancing is the best for me!!!

I also like top gun, cocktail anything with tom cruise in the early days:D

25-Oct-07, 12:09
We all tend to forget our favs!When anyone asks me I usually say Rocky horror picture show but this time I forgot about it!I have just realised that most of my favs are musicals...if you can call them that [lol] x

25-Oct-07, 12:12
Without a doubt it has to be, Shawshank Redemption, a close second is The Green Mile,the third would be Pay it Forward. These are all fairly new, so if you take all time films, i think i would move them all one space and in first place would now be, Imitation of life, staring the great Lana Turner. That was a film in a million once seen, never forgotten and no need for special effects. Actors and actressess that new their craft well.;)

25-Oct-07, 12:16
Best film I've seen this year has to be Hairspray, took our daughter and she was transfixed. Miss Potter was also good. Also like all the Harry Potter films, especialy the latest (for the special effects).

25-Oct-07, 13:13
My fav film has to be top gun I absolutly love that film. Watched spiderman 3 last weekend and was pretty delighted with it also liked trainspotting as well. On sky the other day little shop of horrors was on so i watched a wee bit of that was really good as well:D

25-Oct-07, 13:53
Just love Dirty dancing and Ghost is brill the list could go on and on

25-Oct-07, 14:25
I still love Coyote Ugly or Dirty Dancing i'm afraid!

25-Oct-07, 15:44
Never knew there were so many Dirty Dancing fans!

25-Oct-07, 16:06
I liked Dirty dancing to but much prefered Ghost. Also liked, Field of Dreams, Gladiator(Russell Crowe in a skirt Ohhh)Ben Hur(Charleton Heston was okay in a skirt as well) Once Upon a Time in America and i could go on forever, so i'll close before i get on a roll te he.[lol]

25-Oct-07, 16:13
Hello everybody!

I discovered this site a week ago and since then I've been hooked..

The Shawshank Redemption...has to be my fav..

25-Oct-07, 16:16
So much choice. Oh well I can't decide.:confused

25-Oct-07, 16:16
hello superted!Welcome to e org!Always nice to get "fresh blood" [lol] x

25-Oct-07, 16:23
Thank you thumper...

Its taken me a week to pluck up the courage and post...[lol]

25-Oct-07, 16:24
Welcome aboard superted, your input will be appreciated by all. I look forward to your posts.;)

25-Oct-07, 16:25
Thank you thumper...

Its taken me a week to pluck up the courage and post...
We are a nice bunch most of the time honest :eek: don't be frightened we only tear you apart for your initiation ceromony :lol: x

25-Oct-07, 16:30
I'll look forward to that...:eek:

25-Oct-07, 16:58
the great escape
national lampoons animal house
shawshank redemption
american graffiti
anything with the keystone cops, ben turpin, laurel & hardy & the three stooges and the bowery boys.. [ok so what i know im nuts ].
so what i dont care.[lol] :cool:

25-Oct-07, 17:09
Schindler's List, Shawshank Redemption, The Shining. Not in any order.

25-Oct-07, 17:25
mine would be, Once upon a Time in America, brilliant gangster type film, even better than Goodfellas, but that was a good film aswell.

25-Oct-07, 17:37
Cant just leave Field of dreams as my only film :)
Others would certainly be Shawshank,green mile,Beat street and not forgetting thers only one jimmy grimble.

Be interesting to find which films you would rate as a turkey?
I would have to say ratatouille, seen it on screener didnt take to it at all even my kids didnt like it, seems I am in a minority as the planet is going rat crazy!
Also didnt like one night in paris didnt get the plot at all no story to it at all ;)

Valerie Campbell
25-Oct-07, 18:18
Can I have 2? I absolutely love 'Withnail and I' but I also enjoyed 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.' No difference between the two, huh?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25-Oct-07, 19:51
to hard to pick one out but star wars (4,5&6) lord of the rings (any)and indiana jones are my faves.

25-Oct-07, 20:09
The bounre films are my favourites.

25-Oct-07, 20:20
Aliens is the best :D

25-Oct-07, 21:49
Band of Brothers...a series...but bloody good!

johnny north
25-Oct-07, 22:10
Either of the first 2 Godfather films would get my vote closely followed by The French Connection and Withnail & I

25-Oct-07, 22:20
My recommended top 10 list as of now, some are always in there, especially the top 5 but from time to time I change them in the top 10.

1. Planet of the Apes (1968 version) -all time favourite
2. Gandhi
3. Forrest Gump
4. Oh Brother Where Art Thou
5. Its A Wonderful Life
6. Worlds Fastest Indian
7. Local Hero
8. Rocky
9. Raging Bull
10. Awakenings

If I tried to do this tomorrow it might be different, I love so many films.

25-Oct-07, 22:26
Going totally off topic now but I noticed Jeemag had Local Hero as his number 7, did anyone see in the papers that the hotel that was used in that film has been on the market for 6mths and not one offer?it is sad to think it may close for good x

Yoda the flump
25-Oct-07, 22:27
Bladerunner followed by Downfall, A Nightmare Before Christmas and Shrek.

Saving Private Ryan has the best start to any film I have seen, shame the ending is probably the worst!

25-Oct-07, 22:48
Gotta be Gone in 60seconds-I LOVE it! Also love Grease, Dirty Dancing, Con Air, Top Gun, Shawshank Redenption, Green Mile.

26-Oct-07, 20:51
Saving Private Ryan has the best start to any film I have seen

Can't disagree with you there, I remember breathing out after the first ten minutes, was brilliant :Razz

26-Oct-07, 20:59
Fiction, without a doubt, has to be the LOTR trilogy. Fact has to be Ghandi.

26-Oct-07, 23:41
Saving Private Ryan has the best start to any film I have seen, shame the ending is probably the worst!

Yes, it was a bit like watching Lenny Bruce for half an hour and then switching to Lennie Bennett for the rest of the movie.

26-Oct-07, 23:52
Top gun is my favourite film closely followed by dirty dancing, pretty woman and the full monty.

27-Oct-07, 00:08
how could i forget about kill bill 1 and 2 tarrentino is a genius. i like british films aswell. the best british film i have ever seen is this years love it had katht butke in it and the sound track was david grays white ladder he was also in a few scenes they sometimes put it on one of the bbc channels if you get a chance to watch it i would recommend it.

Anne x
27-Oct-07, 14:05
The Perfect Storm ,Local Hero , Highlander list just goes on and on oh !!! and Soldier Blue

27-Oct-07, 16:13
shrooms 8-)

27-Oct-07, 17:14
Hecks - no way I can list just one so favourites are Bladerunner & Shawshank, but honourable mentions go to Men of Honour, Knights Tale, The Bicentennial Man, Chain Reaction, Dave, The Net, Gladiator, Field of Dreams, Erin Brockovich (not the inspiration for my username as one Orger believed!), Fifth Element, Sneakers...gonna stop there 'cos otherwise I'll just have to reel off most of the DVD collection!!!

27-Oct-07, 17:54
Hecks - no way I can list just one so favourites are Bladerunner & Shawshank, but honourable mentions go to Men of Honour, Knights Tale, The Bicentennial Man, Chain Reaction, Dave, The Net, Gladiator, Field of Dreams, Erin Brockovich (not the inspiration for my username as one Orger believed!), Fifth Element, Sneakers...gonna stop there 'cos otherwise I'll just have to reel off most of the DVD collection!!!

Gladiator has been in and out of my top ten, class film, as has Fifth Element a visual and action filled treat!

Some other recent classics that come to mind are

Million Dollar Baby
Cinderella Man

27-Oct-07, 18:57
Shawshank Redemption
Jason and the Argonauts
The Matrix
Deep Impact
King Kong
Green mile
Crimson Tide
A Few Good Men
12 Angry Men
Star Wars episode I

There are so many but they are the brainstormed 10.

27-Oct-07, 19:08
The African Queen
Angels with Dirty Faces
Once Upon a time in America
Blade Runner
City of God
Once were Warriors
Pulp Fiction
The Usual Suspects
Fight Club
LA Cofidential
The Man who would be King
The Sixth Sense

As has been said before, could go on for a while!

27-Oct-07, 19:09
The only film I saw two days in a row at the cinema was "Dead Poets Society". Loved it.

But I can't just name one film....the following were the ones I loved:

Fiddler on the roof
Anything by Pedro Almodovar (especially "Tudo sobre mi madre"- Everything about my mother)
Breakfast Club and St. Elmos fire
The fisherking
Luna Papa
Pulp fiction
Untamed Heart
True romance
Something about mary (the only film during which I fell of my chair with laughter....literally)
Girl interrupted

better stop.....I have a feeling I could go on and on............

27-Oct-07, 23:55
i think my list will probably exceed about 20! crash is a brilliant and won a well deserved oscar as did the last king of scotland brilliant film!

28-Oct-07, 00:19
mines is scooby doo and mystery goulies and the goonies

28-Oct-07, 02:23
Jeemag said:-
If I tried to do this tomorrow it might be different, I love so many films.

and it's true! Have to agree about Ghandi, Awakenings etc but there are so many others! I still love going to "the pictures" - memories of The Pavilion and The Breadalbane twice a week without fail! One that hasn't been mentioned is "Curse of the Golden Flower" usually avoid subtitles but this made it worthwhile..

28-Oct-07, 03:17
Jeemag said:-
If I tried to do this tomorrow it might be different, I love so many films.

and it's true! Have to agree about Ghandi, Awakenings etc but there are so many others! I still love going to "the pictures" - memories of The Pavilion and The Breadalbane twice a week without fail! One that hasn't been mentioned is "Curse of the Golden Flower" usually avoid subtitles but this made it worthwhile..

You have hit on one of my favorite producers, but that film really disappointed me, visually stunning as usual but the whole story lacked substance and really had me bored, I am such a fan of his movies I was overly disappointed. "Hero" and "House of the Flying Daggers" were just so much better, after you have watched them first and then seen "Curse of the Golden Flower" you'll know what I mean. "Hero" starring Jet Li definately is one of the most amazing films I have ever seen and I still to this day do not understand why it did not sweep the board at the oscars. The soundtrack as usual by Tan Dun was nothing short of genius! If you have not seen Hero or House of Flying Daggers and you liked Curse of the Golden Flower, then I strongly recommend you watch them. Try if you can to watch Hero with surround sound, its really an experience, especially the fight in the rain in the court yard with the musician playing that stringed lap instrument, incredible visuals and sound. If you get the DVD you can listen in english and the dubbing is not really bad. Watch this clip. These are the same people that coreographed The Matrix.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=azObdhUGyqw (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=azObdhUGyqw)

28-Oct-07, 12:35
Aliens. The best action film.

I agree but I have to add The Empire Strikes Back. I must have a thing about sequals....

28-Oct-07, 23:45
I agree but I have to add The Empire Strikes Back. I must have a thing about sequals....

I like all the Alien movies, even the third one, but I thought Alien Ressurection topped the whole lot when it came out, brilliant film! And Empire is also in my opinion the best Star Wars movie. Star Wars was good but Retrun of the Jedi was ruined by the whole ewok teddy bear caper. And the new star wars movies were not bad, but not great. Empire Strikes back is a movie great!

And what about these two for classics!!

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (absolutely brilliant and nobody mentioned it yet?)

01-May-08, 22:04
Mine has to be City Of Angels and Top Gun, Men in uniform yum yum!! x :D;)

01-May-08, 22:11
For me it is a toss up between The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. Both of which are written by Stephen King.

My choice's too and anything with Kevin Spacey in it.

01-May-08, 22:15
1st ..coyote ugly
2nd...dirty dancing
3rd... ghost

get the tissues out :lol:..ohh and the green mile another fav

02-May-08, 01:59
Got an endless list of fav movies but a few of the ones I will watch time and time again are
coyote ugly
erin brockovich
maid in manhattan
the full monty
calander girls
pretty woman
runaway bride
all the starwars films
most of the carry on films
dirty dancing
1st 3 americam pie films
I could go on lol but the list would be soooooo long :lol:

Kevin Milkins
02-May-08, 02:07
Shawshanks Redemption.
I got it on tape.
I got it on DVD
It was on last week on TV and I watched and enjoyed it all over again.

02-May-08, 03:08
1. Top Secret
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. Airplane
4. Airplane 2
5. The Shawshank Redemption
6. 12 Angry Men
7. The Rear Window
8. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
9. Children Of Men
10. Schindler's List

Just a Top Ten straight off the top o' ma heid.

I like comedy films most of all (and not the happy feel good 'comedies' they have nowadays - I like the type of comedies that make me laugh out loud), especially the films of Zucker/Zucker/Abrahams, and I really like films that display a great rapport between the featured artistes, like Morgan Freeman/Tim Robbins in 'Shawshank' and James Stewart and Grace Kelly in 'The Rear Window'.

I love '12 Angry Men' simply because the whole basis of the film is the interaction between the extremely well-written characters. There's no flash bang explosivity here, folks. Just a wonderfully portrayed scenario, unfolding scene after spellbinding scene. Also, Ed Begley's overt racism, exposed by his fellow jurors must have been a mightily powerful statement in many parts of 1954 USA.

'LOTR' simply for taking my favourite childhood books, and bringing them to life in such a majestic way. Marks off for not sticking to the plot, but well, hey-ho. Simply stunning.

'Children Of Men' for taking the story of The Bible and trying to make it into a pre-apocalyptic warning to us all now. Although since Roger Waters' Battersea Power Station pig was stolen recently, this end-scenario can safely be consigned to the rubbish bin. ;)

And lastly, 'Schindler's List'. The only film I've ever watched that I will never, ever watch again. I just don't think I could. It's a fantastic film, and I'd advise everyone to see it, but it disturbed me greatly. A subject too close to my heart, perhaps.

02-May-08, 06:50
Have a few,Ghost,Always,Close Encounters of the Thirdkind & ofcourse all the Trekies

02-May-08, 09:20
My two would be Midnight Express and Apocalypse Now. There are 100's of other great movies but I could watch those two over and over again.

02-May-08, 09:32
Best film i have seen is 3oo (got to love those spartans )

02-May-08, 09:34
Forgot about shawshank redemption, and Green mile, best films ever!!

02-May-08, 09:34
new fav films

The notebook( cried alot)
P.S I Love you (cried)
The Eye (screamed alot)
One missed call ( jumped alot) love being scared :lol:

02-May-08, 09:36
My two are Lord Of The Rings and The Green Mile.

02-May-08, 10:11
I suppose I really should have said Bambi seeing as i had a star part in it [lol] x

I was going to say Bambi anyway, even though I wasn't in it.

02-May-08, 11:49
I have loads fo films i love, but the one i have probably watched more than any other is

The Outsiders.

Don Quixote
02-May-08, 12:31
The Blues Brothers
First Star Wars Movie
Donovans Reef (John Wayne)
This Wonderful Life

02-May-08, 16:28
The first ALIEN movie steals its plot from Beowulf.
The best movie ever made is: SUNSET BOULEVARD followed by PALM BEACH STORY, BRINGING UP BABY and CONTRABAND.
SUNSET BOULEVARD begins with the central character, dead, in a swimming pool. Can't get better than that!
BRINGING UP BABY has Cary Grant and young, lovely Kate Hepburn plus a dinosaur and an escaped leopard. From the golden era of comedy!
PALM BEACH STORY direted by Preston Sturgess (now what a life he had) You'll never forget the Weinie King from Chicago who meets our heroine in the shower
CONTRABAND is a British made thriller set in the Blitz at the same time the BLitz was occurring. It features a crazy Swedish restaurant in the West End of London.
To return to ALIEN - Beowulf begins with a banquet and something rather nasty under the table that keeps eating the guests. Ring any bells?
Finally the most over-rated movies of recent times are APOCALYPSE NOW and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. Apoclaypse Now is over after the first 20 minutes! NO country for old men - the ending is feeble and what on earth is Tommy Lee Jones doing going on about the good old days. Hasn't he heard of Geronimo...

02-May-08, 17:42
Shawshank Redemption
Field of Dreams
The Forgotten
Gone Baby Gone
Harold and Kumar go to white castle

Varied I know but thats me for you!

percy toboggan
02-May-08, 18:00
This is one of those perennial questions for internet forums.....Since 1994 I consistently answer the 'Shawshank Redemption' ...as do about sixty per cent of adult American males...which is a quite remarkable statistic.
It is a remarkable film.

Some of the answers here are interesting...thanks for asking dandod

02-May-08, 20:31
goto be forrest gump closely followed by shawshank redemption................pure magic!!!

02-May-08, 21:53
My Favourite Film Has 2 Be Bullit With Steve Mcqueen.

lynne duncan
02-May-08, 21:54
dirty dancing
all the harry potter set
pirates of the carribean
any musicals 7 brides for 7 brothers
white christmas
bing crosby - frank sinatra - doris day
lotr - brilliant
star wars

02-May-08, 23:46
1) shawshank redemption
2) matrix
3) madmax
4) armor of god
5) friday
6) road trip
7) mask
8) rush hour 1 2 3
10) full metal jacket

16-May-08, 01:48
i cannot sy my favourite coz i hav about 1000 i can say the film i hav watched the most is queen of the damned i hav seen over 1000 times and now cannot watch without falling asleep :(

16-May-08, 05:41
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

but the sussies chafe lol:cool:

16-May-08, 09:44
haha yeah i only watched that film quite recently and thought it was pure ace

18-May-08, 16:23
just watched p s i love you thought it was a great film

here are a a few other good ones i have seen recently and some that are just good

wild hogs
just like heaven
good luck chuck
kicking and screaming