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View Full Version : Stick on Poppy

Anne x
12-Oct-07, 22:49
What do you think of the new stick on Poppy ? apparently children were injured last year with the pin so they have decided to change the design how many of you remember the old poppy ??? before plastic

13-Oct-07, 00:04
Much Safer.
Some children found it funny going about sticking the pins in other children.[mad]

13-Oct-07, 09:03
I have a relative who is trying to find a single poppy with a green leave behind it like you see news readers and other presenters wearing on TV. Does anyone know where I can get one.

13-Oct-07, 10:18
Have a word with your local British Legion.

13-Oct-07, 10:35
I have a relative who is trying to find a single poppy with a green leave behind it like you see news readers and other presenters wearing on TV. Does anyone know where I can get one.
The Remembrance Day Poppies with green leaves can only be purchased in England, The Earl Haig Poppy Fund of Scotland decided a few years ago to do away with the green leaf to save money, so more money can be used to serve the charity.

13-Oct-07, 16:33
I do find it rather silly (and a sad statement of over-protectiveness) that they have done away with the trad poppy. Kids have always injured themselves with pins, as indeed do adults even now. Kids will also always find pins to stick in other kids; well, OK, boys will! It has long been a fact of life since before any of us were born. Getting rid of pins will not solve the problem - decent respect for others will. Since we have so many children and grown-ups injured and killed iin car accidents will that mean we are going to do away with cars? (hmm, now there's an idea!) :roll:

13-Oct-07, 19:06
There is nothing to stop you getting an artificial leaf and attaching it to your poppy stem / pin. There are poppys on sale each year which are child safe[disgust]
They have green plastic stems.

I have a relative who is trying to find a single poppy with a green leave behind it like you see news readers and other presenters wearing on TV. Does anyone know where I can get one.

13-Oct-07, 20:32
My OH says he purchased a poppy with a green plastic stem yesterday in Edinburgh. Won't the sticky ones be unusable if they have to be put on another item of clothing? Anne x > What were the poppies like before plastic?

13-Oct-07, 23:01
It is really sad that brave servicemen have saved our nation from tyranny only to see it develop into a nation without standards.