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View Full Version : Fridays Groat

peter macdonald
07-Oct-07, 10:06
Just a couple of snippets ..It was grand to see our regional councillors answering questions at the Landward Caithness ward forum on page 3 A lot of stuff which would have been "behind closed doors or you had to be in the know" seems to have been openly discussed unlike a lot of previous administations Great stuff and long may the Groat report it
I also saw on page 1 when questioned about the councillors stance on wind farms Mr Hargrave pointed out that councillors CANNOT comment personally on any subject going before the planning committee(eg windfarms) and that there will be a referendum on the idea of the Stroupster windfarm with aprox 1150 local residents allowed to vote It was fine to see some local opinions being reported such as Mrs Robertson and Mr Richards views along with Mr Young of CWIF who gave his opinions of present and future energy provision

Lastly on page 11 do you notice the amount of money this county gives to Charity each week ??? Its amazing I wonder what it works out at per head of population over the year???
Aye miserable Scots ????????? I think not

07-Oct-07, 15:25
Lastly on page 11 do you notice the amount of money this county gives to Charity each week ??? Its amazing I wonder what it works out at per head of population over the year???
Aye miserable Scots ????????? I think not

The image of the Tight-fisted Scots is a myth bandied about by tight-fisted Yorkshiremen like me to divert attention from themselves;)