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View Full Version : Politics: Labour candidate's short lists.....

percy toboggan
25-Sep-07, 17:46
Harriet Harman said today that the Government are considering a change in the law to allow 'all black short lists' in constituencies. The idea is to have a 'House of Commons' that truly represents the people. The aim is for around sixty black Members. The organisation 'Operation Black Vote' is fully behind the plans. Their spokesman was zealous in his support.

Commenting upon the news B.B.C. Radio 5's Victoria Derbyshire asked listeners - 'is this a good idea, or is it patronising?' Apparently , thinking it might be a 'bad' idea was not an option. Nevertheless, many callers were opposed, then the calls put to air became rather more selective, probably in the interests of balance.
What do you think? Is racial discrimination ever a good idea?

25-Sep-07, 18:43
Racial discrimination is not just not a good idea.........it is illegal.

If you mean positive discrimination, I don't think it is.........because too often positive discrimination results in people being employed because of a quota system, as in your example, rather than because they can actually make a decent fist of the job.

And there are more than enough numpties in Parliament already.

25-Sep-07, 22:39
I think its just as bad an idea as having all female lists. Positive discrimination is still discrimination. And selecting someone on the basis of colour or race is the very thing that successive Governments have been trying to stamp out for years. To be honest, I'm growing tired of the way we pander to 'minorities'. I'm a great believer that any post or position should go to the person best qualified for it, and if we give it to someone partly on the basis that they belong to a 'minority group', then everyone gets cheated.

26-Sep-07, 11:20
It is a risky strategy, if the voters take a dim view of it they may well vote for another party. Or perhaps a would be candidate who feels that they have lost out may stand as an independent, thereby splitting the party's vote. An example of this is that Labour imposed an all-women shortlist in Blaenau Gwent (a Labour stronghold) at the 2005 election, this led to one Peter Law standing as an Independent and winning, (referred to here):


26-Sep-07, 11:34
Anything that excludes people on the basis of their colour is racist no matter how they try and dress it up.

26-Sep-07, 12:38
didnt nu labour do this a few years ago with all women lists and got away with it by branding it positive discrimination?

26-Sep-07, 12:40
So I guess now they can call it positive racism?

percy toboggan
26-Sep-07, 18:52
How refreshing not to be lambasted for daring to post on such a topic. Thanks to all for your views. I'm not the only one...not by a long chalk who thinks this is madness.