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View Full Version : Summers end!

22-Sep-07, 21:27
Hi Folks,

We all seem a bit subdued this weekend.

what summer we had is behind us, autumn is on its way..then another winter.

I am scunnered looking at summer clothes I haven't worn yet ..on a 50% discount in the shops.:(

That said, I love the cold, crisp, bright days of Autumn,..don't you?

I made a huge casserole tonight..first of many!

Cosy is nice!


22-Sep-07, 21:56
Hi Folks,

We all seem a bit subdued this weekend.

what summer we had is behind us, autumn is on its way..then another winter.

I am scunnered looking at summer clothes I haven't worn yet ..on a 50% discount in the shops.

That said, I love the cold, crisp, bright days of Autumn,..don't you?

I made a huge casserole tonight..first of many!

Cosy is nice!


hi karia, yeah, im e same as ye. clothes wi e tags still on them!
i do love the autumn tho. tomorrow i celebrate mabon. its the autumn equinox.
im lookin forward til seein e full moon iss month, because its e harvest moon
it will appear to be huge. i saw it last year, ma exact location is a story il share wi ye anither time ;)
anyway it wis huge and a deep orange colour. totally breathtaking.
better no go back til e same spot incase i get arrested or something :eek:
im gona make lasagna tomoro, never made it before

22-Sep-07, 22:17
hi karia, yeah, im e same as ye. clothes wi e tags still on them!
i do love the autumn tho. tomorrow i celebrate mabon. its the autumn equinox.
im lookin forward til seein e full moon iss month, because its e harvest moon
it will appear to be huge. i saw it last year, ma exact location is a story il share wi ye anither time
anyway it wis huge and a deep orange colour. totally breathtaking.
better no go back til e same spot incase i get arrested or something
im gona make lasagna tomoro, never made it before

Dearest Niecelet.

Do not get arrested..I am 6 hours away with your bail money!;)

Autumn is quite nice,..I was trying to compare it to spring and though they are a lot alike... I concluded the following:

Spring is hopeful,

Autumn is acceptance..

winter is parting.

summer is something that We Scots need explained to us!

with pictures!:lol:


22-Sep-07, 22:21
Aye, I ordered ma winter coat & a new hat/gloves/scarf set yesterday <brrrr>. I'm hoping I'll still get some use of my summer tops by sticking a polo-neck under 'em - thank heavens for smock tops! [lol]

22-Sep-07, 22:27
Hi weeburd,

I bought a wee swingy Autumn jacket..but it's wool, I know what wool means,...abandon hope is what it means!;)

what colour is your coat..please don't say 'brown':(


22-Sep-07, 22:29
Dahhhling, it's all about colour this winter![lol]

Erm, it's quite vibrant - I think if I disclosed it on here, people would definitely spot me a mile off [lol]!

22-Sep-07, 22:37
Dahhhling, it's all about colour this winter!

Erm, it's quite vibrant - I think if I disclosed it on here, people would definitely spot me a mile off !

You go girl!

Trend setting rascal that you are!

My new jacket clashes with my umbrella..OH cannot see how that could happen...Duh,..they both have checks!:eek:

Blokes eh!..Thank god they have us to dress them![lol]


22-Sep-07, 22:37
Autumn for me is acceptance, and also preparation. I enjoy pulling out the woolen jumpers and making sure they are mended and clean, makes me feel like I'm ready for the first frost.
Winter is introspective for me; reading, knitting, writing letters, little art projects. It's a time to keep busy indoors with things that I don't make the time for in summer.
This autumn will be harder with grief included, but that's where I'm hoping for acceptance.

22-Sep-07, 22:40
You go girl!

Trend setting rascal that you are!

My new jacket clashes with my umbrella..OH cannot see how that could happen...Duh,..they both have checks!

Blokes eh!..Thank god they have us to dress them!


Oohh, I hovvered over a Prince of Wales check mac, but it was just too thin to withstand the wind up here! [lol]

22-Sep-07, 22:40
Autumn for me is acceptance, and also preparation. I enjoy pulling out the woolen jumpers and making sure they are mended and clean, makes me feel like I'm ready for the first frost.
Winter is introspective for me; reading, knitting, writing letters, little art projects. It's a time to keep busy indoors with things that I don't make the time for in summer.
This autumn will be harder with grief included, but that's where I'm hoping for acceptance.

Our thoughts are with you and sassy on that!


22-Sep-07, 23:11
I love Autumn and Winter, I love warm fires glowing, soups, stews etc. I like wearing sloppy jumpers so I can hide my wobbly bits. The leaves on the trees turning gorgeous shades of gold, red and orange. I love the preparation for my childrens birthdays then onto Christmas. I am not a summer lover, my theory is its easier to warm up when your cold than to cool down when your too hot.

Anne x
23-Sep-07, 00:48
I to love this Season in anticipation of casseroles stews mince and tatties doughballs swingy warm jackets high boots xmas etc etc Snow brrrr
but away to South of France & Monaco next Sunday for a week catch the last glimpse of summer still prefer the Scottish Seasons all they be different !!!!

23-Sep-07, 00:54
I was looking for a camouflage jacket for the winter...but I couldna find one! :lol:

Anne x
23-Sep-07, 00:56
I was looking for a camouflage jacket for the winter...but I couldna find one! :lol:

Lol sounds like me !!!! even a red swingy one !!!