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View Full Version : Round Britain Coast Walkers

22-Sep-07, 08:12
Wendy, Paul and Havoc set off from John O'Groats at the end of last year (13th November 2006) to walk the coast line of Britain, have reached Stornoway and are on their way with Havoc their dog on the last leg of their journey back up the west and north coast to their starting point of John O'Groats. They are raising money for Royal National Lifeboat Institute and Guide Dogs for the Blind - you can follow their travels by logging on http://www.tvh3.com/coastalwalk/htm hope you will support and show good highland hospitality to this lovely threesome.
From Stornoway their next known bed is thanks to lovely lady - in Bettyhill.
They leave on the ferry to Ullapool at lunchtime today (they do not walk on water) tickets for ferry have been donated by Cal Mac - which ferry company could help them to 'do' Orkney, any offers?
If you have a corner of a barn, a spare bed, a hot meal I know this smashing threesome will appreciate all help, especially DONATIONS, please reach out and make the extra little bit of effort to help these folk have a memorable and fantastic few weeks on the final stretch of their extremely long haul for charity.

percy toboggan
22-Sep-07, 08:16
What a splendid wheeze!
If only I had the body to withstand the rigours of such a trek.
Not to mention the time.

Good luck to 'em - and what a great name for a dog !
I might use it myself one day.

23-Sep-07, 09:58
Sorry put the wrong site address - it was org and should have com or otherway around - hope you can now find the site and see the photos taken from John o'Groats, Keiss, Mid Clyth and all the way around Britain - still to load latest photos.

23-Sep-07, 10:27

Here is the link. Cheers for posting this, I knew nothing of it. What a remarkable journey.

23-Sep-07, 10:34
Pat do you know when they are due to be around Scrabster?

23-Sep-07, 12:12
Good luck to 'em - and what a great name for a dog !
I might use it myself one day.

I agree. They will be shouting.

"Cry Havoc, and let loose the dog to explore!"

25-Sep-07, 06:49
Wonder how they are getting on - last night here was a little windy with horizontal stair rods!! the thought of anyone out in one of the most exposed parts of Scotland in these conditions for charity is beyond belief.

27-Sep-07, 22:10
Better weather today, although nightime temperatures are very cold.

Any ideas on where they are now Pat??

30-Sep-07, 19:22
Just found out they have rounded Cape Wrath and are
at Durness tonight - please keep looking out for them to give them encouragement, some highland hospitality and of course donations please.
They are at campsite in Durness for the last of the John Lennon Festival, do not think they believed me when I told them this was on and if they rushed they could make it.
Hope the weather keeps good for them.

30-Sep-07, 21:07
Just found out they have rounded Cape Wrath and are
at Durness tonight - please keep looking out for them to give them encouragement, some highland hospitality and of course donations please.
They are at campsite in Durness for the last of the John Lennon Festival, do not think they believed me when I told them this was on and if they rushed they could make it.
Hope the weather keeps good for them.

I saw them at Cape Wrath Lighthouse today.

30-Sep-07, 22:11
Glad someone else has met up with them - hope the rest of their walk is in dry weather like these past couple of days.
How are they coping with everything?

30-Sep-07, 22:21
Glad someone else has met up with them - hope the rest of their walk is in dry weather like these past couple of days.
How are they coping with everything?

Thanx my mate Pat!,

let us greet them most fulsomely!


01-Oct-07, 18:36
Pat can you find out whne they are roughly due in Caithness land, and estimate of a finish date. Just so we can shout from the rooftops they are here. It said they would finish around the 11th of November, is this still correct or are they ahead of schedule.

01-Oct-07, 19:47
yes they are ahead of schedule. Will try to find out when they are due or if anyone sees them ask them and post it on here please.
They have a mobile, depending on where they are depends on if they can charge it up to be able to use it!
Know they are going to stay a night in Bettyhill (Elizabeth Mountain if you are posh) with a person who has offered them a bed - so folks in that area or passing through please look out and post if you see them please - we all want to find out where they are.

11-Oct-07, 00:00
I've been away for a week - anyone seen or heard of them please?

13-Oct-07, 13:25
Wendy, Paul and Havoc have finished their charity walk around the coast of Britain - it has taken them since the 13 November 2006 to walk all this walk, raising money for RNLI and Guide Dogs.
Congratulations to the 3 of them.

13-Oct-07, 22:54
Congratulations, I did not even know they were this far, which was a shame as we wanted to let everyone know they were here.

Well done a remarkable journey. Did they get a welcome at Groats?

14-Oct-07, 19:34
All I know is that Wendys Mum and Dad came up from England to greet them - do not know any more.
I had been hoping to hear more from the orgers about their movements in the north.