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View Full Version : Suing God

20-Sep-07, 13:03
Apparently, some smartie has decided to take out their frustrations regarding the way the world is going on the Almighty:


Wouldn't want to sit in on THAT jury!

20-Sep-07, 13:06
and why not, gods got a lot to answer for.....In MHO

20-Sep-07, 14:34
Very funny, makes me think of Mark Twain[lol]!!

The guy "filed the suit to make a point about the frivolous lawsuits frequently seen in the US............."

....so PLEASE can this not turn into another God thread!!:eek:

20-Sep-07, 15:35
'State lawmaker Ernie Chambers filed a lawsuit on Friday against the Almighty -- acknowledging he/she goes by numerous aliases -- for causing "fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues" and other alliterative catastrophes'.

Maybe he should of filed a lawsuit agains mankind, who after all have abused the planet since time began!

20-Sep-07, 17:22
what would be fuuny or not is if God apeared in court*g*
just imaging the swearing in.. Do you swear to tell the tuth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help You.. umm... God?

20-Sep-07, 17:48
what would be fuuny or not is if God apeared in court*g*
just imaging the swearing in.. Do you swear to tell the tuth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help You.. umm... God?

That is a funny thought Brandy. I have this image of God being nervous about giving evidence and his Solicitor saying "Just relax and be Yourself"

20-Sep-07, 17:58
:confusedWas that not a film by Billy Connolly, "The Man Who Sued God", his boat sinks and he is told that he cannot get the insurance as the storm that sank his boat was "An Act of God"

20-Sep-07, 18:06
yeah this film, i remember watching it years ago.


21-Sep-07, 08:52
:confusedWas that not a film by Billy Connolly, "The Man Who Sued God", his boat sinks and he is told that he cannot get the insurance as the storm that sank his boat was "An Act of God"

It was a good movie, I thought. Because it ended up involving the Catholic Church as His (God's) representatives on earth, and they were in a bind as to whether or not God exists. If He did, they were liable, if He didn't, the insurance company would have to pay up. I thought it was great. [lol]