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15-Sep-07, 10:45
Something nice has happened in our family this week:)!

My youngest daughter (17) has got a boyfriend! He seems nice...friendly, polite, her age, and she's very happy. All well and good so far.

Now she's never been the tidiest of girls - her room is usually the proverbial 'pigsty'. Think messy teenagers and add a few 00s on for her:eek:!!

BUT for the last few weeks (since the boyfriend's been on the scene) she been very industriously tidying, bringing down plates and cups, putting up photos on the wall, hanging up clothes...

It's a bloomin' miracle!! I sometimes just peek in her room to see if it's really true..........and it is!!

What nice things have happened to you recently?

15-Sep-07, 10:49
Yip Helenwyler I can identify with this one!My son has a room like a tip but everytime the girlfriend is coming to visit the room gets a good clean out lol!It's a great thing eh? :) x

15-Sep-07, 10:50
And there was me thinking that girls are tidier than boys. There goes another misconception of mine blown out of the water.:D

15-Sep-07, 10:54
It certainly is a great thing Thumper!

I'm temporarily walking on air[lol]!!

15-Sep-07, 12:59
Cannot see any "floor" in either of my daughters rooms, one with steady boy friend other without, so theory slightly flawed.
HOWEVER, when this steady boyfriend was "new" her room was immaculate for his visits.

15-Sep-07, 13:19
Glad I'm not the only one with a teenage daughter that when i open her bedroom door all i can see is plates/mugs/glasses/clothes and not the carpet! She will sometimes put some effort in and i see about 2 square foot of carpet but it soon gets buried again lol .... i just leave her to it, she's the one that has to do it when i blow my stack :lol:
and to get back on topic ... i was at a meeting wednesday evening and was not in my work clothes and got told how different i looked :)

15-Sep-07, 14:10
Hi Folks,

If a brand new boyfriend is all that's needed to make someone tidy could someone fix my husband up with a nice young man?;)

Maybe not![lol]


15-Sep-07, 14:29
And there was me thinking that girls are tidier than boys. There goes another misconception of mine blown out of the water.

Yep, girls are allowed to be 'equally' untidy these days Rheghead:eek:.

Hi Folks,

If a brand new boyfriend is all that's needed to make someone tidy could someone fix my husband up with a nice young man?


Be careful what you wish for karia[lol]!

15-Sep-07, 14:57
Ah, her mindset is changing. Soon she will be suggesting changes to the house and showing her own degree of maturity. The poor lad is doomed! ;)

15-Sep-07, 18:19
oh dear do i have to wait for teen miss k to get a boyfreind before she will tidy her room:roll:

16-Sep-07, 06:15
Even at 17, I wasn't allowed boyfriends in my room!!! (Unless I sneaked them in and out while the parents were out at work anyway)

16-Sep-07, 09:52
oh dear do i have to wait for teen miss k to get a boyfreind before she will tidy her room

Hopefully not MISS K, but I did:confused

Even at 17, I wasn't allowed boyfriends in my room!!! (Unless I sneaked them in and out while the parents were out at work anyway)

Neither was I Hobbes1962!!

We have had what they call 'a full and frank exchange of views' on the matter:roll:, so she knows what we expect and don't expect, and I'm at home too when they are. I find that they prefer to be 'out' most of the time anyway...

P.S. Has nobody else had something nice happen recently???

16-Sep-07, 15:23
chester zoo are sending out Lauren a replacement toy lemur after my major panic on friday which is very very kind of them, a nice bt man replaced my back wheel with the spare after having a blow out on thursday..god was i thankful..

16-Sep-07, 15:33
Hi Helen,

The rain here is torrential and we hit three bad skids en route to Sainsbury's but we didn't crash and got home safe and sound.....That was nice!:D


16-Sep-07, 15:37
Hi Helen,

The rain here is torrential and we hit three bad skids en route to Sainsbury's but we didn't crash and got home safe and sound.....That was nice!:D

kariaI hope you put your drawers straight into the washing machine? :eek:

16-Sep-07, 15:41
I hope you put your drawers straight into the washing machine? :eek:

Connie, You don't know how close to the truth that is![lol]


16-Sep-07, 15:45
Hi Helen,

The rain here is torrential and we hit three bad skids en route to Sainsbury's but we didn't crash and got home safe and sound.....That was nice!


Glad you got home safely karia:)!

We've had wall-to-wall sunshine this weekend, which is very nice...for us;)!!

I've been picking apples from the tree and making apple sauce for the winter...lovely!

16-Sep-07, 15:54
Glad you got home safely karia

We've had wall-to-wall sunshine this weekend, which is very nice...for us!!

I've been picking apples from the tree and making apple sauce for the winter...lovely!

Shakes water from hair and says through gritted teeth..'How very pleasant for you'!'[evil]

Drip, dreep, drop!

Karia :Razz x

16-Sep-07, 16:31
Helen -how very nice-bloody shame it will not last.,
But savour it for now:)
On the more positive side,Oldest daughter stayed overnight,(great night in the irish) 5 year old wrecked the house-but her 2 older brothers sorted it out for nan an grandad Super:)

16-Sep-07, 22:55
Im glad im not e only one who cannot find her daughters bedroom floor, for a laugh, i put a big bin there once - result, bin empty etc,etc [lol]

16-Sep-07, 23:10
Yep, I know about empty bins bluelady...

...and the things I find in the dirty linen basket:eek:!!