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View Full Version : Toddler/Baby Song

Andrew C
13-Sep-07, 22:14
Hello folks,

just wanted to throw an idea out for discussion to see if people (especially ones with toddlers) think its a good idea.

We're thinking about running a trial session (approx 8 weeks), in the New Year perhaps, of a wee group called "Toddler Song." This would be an hour of activities for mums/dads/grannies and toddlers with music based activities....singing, playing instruments, a bit of free play and the obligatory cup of tea.

The cost would be very minimal, would have a limited sign up for each session, but would definetely be repeated in the year if it was popular.

1. Would that be something you'd be interested in?
2. When would be the best time to have it so as not to clash with other events?

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Andrew C (my wife, Tracy, would be running it)

13-Sep-07, 22:19
Would there be any religion involved in this??

13-Sep-07, 22:20
Is it in a group or is it auditions like X Factor?

13-Sep-07, 22:21
yes, def. i know my two love music. and they are 4 and 3
mother and toddler groups are usually at about 10 am- 11:30is
playgroup is at about 9-11:30ish am and 12:30 pm-3:00 ish
same for nursery..
so a time within those hours.. with enough time to make school runs for older children would be ideal.. i know at the moment.. it is a mad dash to get ben to play group at 9:15 pick up at 11:45 then sam to nursery at 12:40 and pick up at 3:10
throwing in lunchtime and breakie.. and a quick tidy and laundry.. maybe a dash to the shops.. and thats the day done!
so good luck hun!!
but think its well worth it.. as most children love music!

13-Sep-07, 22:22
I would be interested, but how much of it would be religious?

Andrew C
13-Sep-07, 22:26
1. No auditions...its a group thing...everyone singing playing at once.

2. Its not a 'religious' thing...If there is any 'religion' in it at all, there might be a wee song that might just hint and the distant notion of God loving people but that depends on what music we have available. :) No, thats not the purpose of the group.

3. There is never a great time, but good to know what happens when. We have a kid in school ourselves, so we know the time constraints.

Thanks for the input so far.
Andrew C