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View Full Version : One Sense Less!

13-Sep-07, 19:57
Hi Folks,

A lightweight question as we wind down for the weekend.

If you had to sacrifice one of your five senses, which would it be....
...Sight, sound, taste, touch or smell?

I paint and like my grub..and my partner..so would have to lose sound.

What about you?


13-Sep-07, 20:11
it would be smell

13-Sep-07, 20:12
i would have to say taste as every other sense i need to see my kids grow up

Billy Boy
13-Sep-07, 20:15
it would be smell

would that be because your other half pass's wind a lot ;)

13-Sep-07, 20:31
nope not really :lol: but it would make cleaning up after the dog so much nicer :D

13-Sep-07, 20:32
it would be smell

Hi Corgiman,

On first thought I would agree with you but smell is so much a part of how we perceive taste that without it our food would be bluurgh!

* bluurgh, a technical term for bland..or no nice!;)


13-Sep-07, 20:36
you have never tasted her cooking :eek: gonna hide now before this is noticed :lol:

13-Sep-07, 21:00
i would have to say sound as well.. just think of the peace..for that one weekend of course!

13-Sep-07, 21:04

Simply because the majority of taste is actually smell, so therefore you would not actually lose all that much :)

13-Sep-07, 21:06
I'm senseless already ;)

13-Sep-07, 21:16
I would like to keep all my senses for as long as I can, we all lose some of them as we get older. But I would like to have the ability to stop replying to daft threads [lol]

13-Sep-07, 21:22
I'd have to lose my sense of taste, I have a good enough memory to not forget what a steak or a tiger tastes like but would have the added benefit of being able to enjoy all those meals and drinks previously denied to me cos I didn't like the taste :lol:

Any excuse for MORE food lol

13-Sep-07, 21:32
I have to say taste. I lost it once after a high fever, no taste at all for about 2 months, and it was odd but livable. I ate the same things anyway and remembered what they tasted like.
Worst for me would be losing sight or sound. Am highly visual, its how I place myself in the world.

13-Sep-07, 21:46
It'd have to be taste for me too. Couldn't bear not to see, hear, touch, smell the people and things I love:(...

...but taste?? Well, I'd live....[lol]

13-Sep-07, 22:01
I'd have to lose my sense of taste, I have a good enough memory to not forget what a steak or a tiger tastes...

You eat Tigers? :~(

13-Sep-07, 22:03
I couldn't live without seeing, hearing, smelling or holding my children so if I had to choose I'd lose my sense of taste, at least that way I'd eat less I suppose [lol]

13-Sep-07, 22:04
You getting worried there SandTiger??

Actually I drink them rather than eat them:lol:

13-Sep-07, 22:06
I have a good enough memory to not forget what a steak or a tiger tastes like

You eat Tigers? :~(

I was wondering the same thing, surely that's a typo? (I hope :eek:)

13-Sep-07, 22:06
It'd have to be taste for me too. Couldn't bear not to see, hear, touch, smell the people and things I love...

...but taste?? Well, I'd live....

Hi Helen,

You Reckon?

Mon ami...les saucisson are in mourning!;)

( She said sipping a post prandial glass of Amaretto, with a side of ...foie gras!)

I can hear the music on my tongue!

At least you can wake up and smell the coffee.... I won't have heard the cafattiere!

YP Karia!;)

13-Sep-07, 22:07
You getting worried there SandTiger??

Actually I drink them rather than eat them:lol:

Phew... Hyperventilating session over with :Razz

13-Sep-07, 22:10
I was wondering the same thing, surely that's a typo? (I hope :eek:)

No wonder Caithness is depopulated of Tigers :confused

13-Sep-07, 22:18
Stop making me drool over the keyboard karia...most unseemly!

But I could still smell the saucissons and coffee... roses...the fresh, salty air of the sea...and even MrW's underwear to see whether it needed washing...

...whereas you'd have to taste it:eek:!!


Andrew C
13-Sep-07, 22:34
Um....taste...then I might lose a couple of pounds (or stone!)


13-Sep-07, 22:46
Stop making me drool over the keyboard karia...most unseemly!

But I could still smell the saucissons and coffee... roses...the fresh, salty air of the sea...and even MrW's underwear to see whether it needed washing...

...whereas you'd have to taste it:eek:!!


Mrs Wyler!

(poor Mr W..having his undies 'bandied about' in such unseemly fashion!);)


13-Sep-07, 22:50
I reckon that those who work in Government actually need an ADDITIONAL sense ie Common Sense!!

On a lighter note, when I was younger my ambition was to have more money than sense. Just found a fiver, I'm nearly there!!

13-Sep-07, 22:52
It would have to be smell. I love the sensations that my food provides me; I also love the sounds of bird song, wind in the grasses and trees; touching different surfaces and textures gives such a buzz; and, of course, sight.... well that HAS to stay - clouds, blue sky, pretty flowers, sparkling sea, Mrs R, childrens' faces - the list is endless. Nope - smell I could by without.

13-Sep-07, 23:04
I was actually thinking about this the other day and how it would make dieting easier if I couldn't taste food, then it would only be fuel for me, and not the taste sensation that I want.

I'd be happy to lose either taste or smell, because that way I would not be craving different tastes in food.:eek:

13-Sep-07, 23:06
Mrs Wyler!

(poor Mr W..having his undies 'bandied about' in such unseemly fashion!);)


Sorry karia!

Just my sense of fun;)!

14-Sep-07, 08:56
would that be because your other half pass's wind a lot ;)
I would have to say smell too i think [lol]

14-Sep-07, 09:02
Living with some one who is deaf ( hubby ) i would say taste as he misses out so much in life like birds singing, the sea crashing on the shore.......Things we all take for granted. Also he has lost his sense of smell at the moment as he has a tumor in his sinuses ( Op to remove it on 1 st Oct ) so Asking some one with no hearing and no smell he says taste. janx

14-Sep-07, 09:04
I am going deaf ,wear hearing aids so I would definately agree that taste would be the easiest sense to do without.....and as i work as an NHS cook many might say I have already lost it anyway:lol:[lol]

lady penelope
14-Sep-07, 22:34
I can't smell well. I don't unless I wear one of those silly strips on my nose all night. Then if I do, it only lasts till dinner time!
I would rather lose my sense of taste!:roll:

14-Sep-07, 22:40
Hi Lady P,

I think taste and smell are co dependant,..I hope that you get better soon and can enjoy the full repetoire of sensations once again.


lady penelope
14-Sep-07, 22:59
Unfortunately I have been like this for years. The doctor calls it ' a cute rhinitus' I don't mind being cute! I've just started Scottish Slimmers for the rhinitus. Maybe losing my sense of taste will be good for me[lol]

14-Sep-07, 23:46
mine would be taste. I love to see, touch and smell and hear the sounds of nature. Talking of hearing, my old man has conditional deafness - he hears what he wants to hear and ignores the rest [lol]

15-Sep-07, 10:23
would,nt really like to part with any of them but if it came to the crunch i suppose smell would be the least missed.
sight hell no :eek: hearing no , touch naw