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View Full Version : Tolerance and red cards!

05-Sep-07, 10:24
Boy I enjoy these God debates.

I'm amazed by the breadth of opinion, passion and interesting arguments (none as accurate as mine of course, well unless they're on the same side!)

Yesterday, whilst typing, a list of God's faults!! a red square appeared on my screen and thereafter, I couldn't send any more.

"Cripes," I thought, "Now God is cheating". Today however all is well. Any explanations, or was it a miracle?

05-Sep-07, 11:55
Keep an eye towards the heavens........ if you see a huge hand with a pointing finger emerging in your direction from a dazzlingly sunlit break in the clouds, it may not be because you've won the Lottery........ :lol:

Andrew C
05-Sep-07, 16:10
Yep...the Lord God is sending you homeward to think again! ;o)

05-Sep-07, 18:15
fugitive-it may be time to take cover.

05-Sep-07, 18:20
Hi Guys,

Amusing as this undoubtedly is, I think that Fugitive would like..and certainly deserves, a serious reply to the question.


05-Sep-07, 20:36
How strange. [para]

05-Sep-07, 20:52
God or Mod, one of the two Fugitive;).

05-Sep-07, 21:44
Ahh, must be God then 'cos lowly Mods don't have that power - YET Mwaaahhhahahahaha!!!!

05-Sep-07, 22:46
Ahh, must be God then 'cos lowly Mods don't have that power - YET Mwaaahhhahahahaha!!!!

Wow...Hell fire and Brimstone hits the the Org...:eek:

...is this a first?