View Full Version : Wick Co-op Guild Outing c1950

05-Sep-07, 09:37
I am happy to post this thread on behalf of Trinkie who is keen to add more names to this wonderful old photo of the Wick Co-op Guild outing.

Trinkie believes this photo to be late 40's early 50's and to avoid confusion she has created a key to the faces.

Good luck




05-Sep-07, 09:40

Trying again hoping to improve the photo.

LB :)

05-Sep-07, 12:09
Are you sure it is the Coop Guild as I think it is a Deep sea Mission outing and the Picture is taken where the Fire Station is now although I stand to be corrected.

05-Sep-07, 13:04
Well done Lavenderblue2, and thank you. I do hope we can get some more names.
I received this picture a few years ago and it came as ''Co-op Guild Outing''
but I agree it was taken near to where the Mission used to be, however, I'm open to suggestions - although my mother was a member of the Co-op Guild and not of the Mission and she is in the picture.
I'm sure someone will be able to tell us.

Thank you again,

Bill Fernie
05-Sep-07, 13:51
If you want to email me a large scan of the photo I will put a larger version on the site and link it back here. the bigger the scan taken the better.

email it to me [email protected]


Bill Fernie

05-Sep-07, 15:37
Howp all at wifies werena plannin gettin on at bus...ed wid be gey cramped on at ain!!haha

06-Sep-07, 11:37
Just bumping this thread back up for Trinkie - come on all you 'Silver Surfers' in Wick - surely you can come up with a name or two.

I wish I could help. :(


07-Sep-07, 09:32
Some of the faces do look very familiar from when I was a wee girl, but I just can't put names to them. :confused

I think my aunt might be in the photo, but it would need to be a little clearer for me to commit myself! :roll:

08-Sep-07, 08:11
Angela - what was your aunt's name ? I might remember her.

I have sent a much larger photo to Bill which I hope he'll put on, then folk could copy it off and take roond to some of their older relatives for names !

The more I look at this photo the more memories come back -
Mrs Coghill who had a little shop down by the Trinkie.
Mrs Class - wasn't her husband the Librarian ?
The two MacGregor sisters who used to collect for the Salvation Army - jingling the tins in front of you!

Those women 'kept the Home Fires Burning' through two world wars !!
Some had very sad stories to tell. But I remember them blethering and laughing, stalwarts of the church and community.
Many of them worked at the Herring.
You would see them standing blethering in the queue at the Co-op clutching their purses which held their hard earned cash.
One or two chased us from the street if we made too much noise !

Women's Lib ?? They had it before the phrase was invented !

It would do them such an honour if we could name them all. I think this is the finest photo we have.......The Women of Wick .

08-Sep-07, 10:24
trinkie - I will PM you - I've got a few names just hovering there on the edge of what passes for my brain these days! :roll: :lol: