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02-Sep-07, 17:58
ok.. you know how kids just crash out? i know if i went to sleep like this i would never be able to move!

02-Sep-07, 18:21
aaauw thats soo cute , not comfy looking but cute

my wee one is the same

02-Sep-07, 18:22
what's your secret? funny how kids can sleep anywhere mines 2 and still does sleep all night.

02-Sep-07, 18:33
Hi brandy,

Sam looks really cool and 'laid back':cool:

Ben looks like he thinks the car seat's still on!

...both look lovely!:)


02-Sep-07, 18:47
I'm getting good at the head loll these days Brandy:eek:!

Lovely boys:)!

02-Sep-07, 19:41
Hi brandy,

Never mind 'how can they?'.......

..what about 'why can't we?'..:roll:..


02-Sep-07, 19:43
oh god well you have never seen my mum fall asleep on a sunday after a roast dinner lol

she falls asleep sitting up and wakes herself up with snoring![lol]:lol:

02-Sep-07, 20:02
Thanks brandy, perfect bliss:)

02-Sep-07, 20:24
My middle boy was the best or worst whichever way you look at it. He could fall asleep sitting up in his cot with his head between his knees...or whilst eating his tea, found him crashed out with his head in his dinner on more than one occasion.

02-Sep-07, 20:37
this is what happens when i leave the kids alone to eat their tea while i go on the org! *G* but thanks to bedtime and my eco-hoover also called bubbles. we had the mess cleaned up in no time!

02-Sep-07, 20:51
Oh brandy!

That is downright tidy to me!:roll:


Mister Squiggle
02-Sep-07, 21:06
Dear Brandy!
Your living room looks beautifully tidy in comparison to ours. I am usually pretty satisfied if I can just see small bits of the carpet and can find the poor cat under all the books, squashed bananas, cut-up bits of paper, lego blocks, spiderman stickers etc etc ...
I read in a parenting book once (and only once, as I tend to avoid such books like the plague) that the best cure for endless carting of toys upstairs was a huge tub in each room to just pile the toys into quicky at the end of the day. I tried this, but the system went to pot when dirty socks and half-eaten cheese straws started being deposited in it by the little darlings.
Now, I just switch the light off so I can't see it. I figure if it can't be seen, I can't be bothered. :)

02-Sep-07, 21:34
i fell alseep sitting up once, against a wall. slept well, had a flippin sore neck though! the next day was a practice hike for my duke of edinburgh award too!

02-Sep-07, 21:47
i have started making them pick up all their toys. and when they do it without complaining.. (best when i make a game out of it) they get a sticker for their charts!
when that dosent work.. i go get a bin bag.. and say right thats it.. if you dont want to take care of your toys.. then we will just pack them up and give them to a little boy or girl who will appreciate and take care of them!
this sets my 4 year old to a whirl whind of tidying as he has seen me on several occasions packing up old clothes and toys that are no longer played with and carted off to the charity shops. He thought they were being thrown away and i told him.. Nope.. that sadly not all little boys and girls had things like he did. and they would just love to be able to play with some of his things that he really dosnent need anymore. asked him if he minded sharing his old toys and he said no.. he didnt mind.. as long as he didnt have to share with ben!
the logic of a 4 year old!
you would not belive though what i find under the couches!
laminate is cleaner than carpet.. IF you hoover and mop every 5 min.
but the amount of food the vcr is fed.. is pushed under the couches.. is stashed for a later date!!!
omg.. the sippy cups with week old milk!!!
you know when you can smell it but cant find it!
its funny how a mum knows exactly how many cups you have.. what each one looks like and its last known location.. *Laughs* i kid you not ive gone on bottle and cup serches many a time.. when ive gone to do the washing up.. and noticed said cup is missing!

02-Sep-07, 21:55
Haha... Brandy... just a warning... they don't get any better as they get older!!

My youngest 2 are 24 & 17 & they sort of share the granny flat on our top floor... I had a guy round yesterday to buy the house, & thought I'd best check the flat as the 2 darlings were out.... hmmm...
I had 4 bags of rubbish, emptied the hoover out 3 times, and washed up 9 glasses, 6 cups & 3 plates in their kitchen that looked a lot older than a week!!

I wished I'd just stuck to dogs!

02-Sep-07, 22:16
My eldest is 6, should I just accept that her room will remain a pigsty for the duration of her stay...?

I expect her to try and tidy up but Granny thinks I should do it all for her. I'm worried that if I don't try and find some middle ground then she may continue to be a mucky pup as an adult.

02-Sep-07, 22:21
stick to it!
my mum made us make the bed as soon as we got up.
and on weekends had to be outta bed by 9 as she washed the sheets on sat!
and this was as teens.
compared to my mothers house mine is a sty.
sam can do laundry, hoover and help me in all the chores.
he helps take care of the animals, he has to tidy up after himself i am not his maid *grins*
however the other day we were in his room.. and he said .. mommy the room is messy.. i said yes it is.. why dont you clean it up?
he said.. No.. mommy clean it up!
the cheek..
i told him i think not.. that he could clean it up or it wouldnt get cleaned!
that night before bed.. all three of us was up cleaning.. so we compromised.. it was pretty bad.. the toyboxes exploded somehow all by themselves!
and clothes were everywhere!

03-Sep-07, 13:09
http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/6537/1000326uw4.jpg http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/6876/1000444zl2.jpg mines just like his father!!

03-Sep-07, 13:32
aaauw what cute pics!!!!:D

03-Sep-07, 13:33
What great pics! Have to say I am with you on the tidying thing...the best thing that ever happened in my house recently is my oldest has a girlfriend who comes to visit and when she is coming round he actually tidys his room nevr before has this happened so in my opinion the "chick" is the best thing to have happened :D.The other 2 just leave everything lying around until I crack and threaten to throw it all out then the mad tidy up begins.Had to laugh at middle child today though he said that in the Oct hols they were planning a major clean out of their room to which I was delighted he finished the sentence off with...yeah have to make space for all the christmas toys :rolleyes:x

03-Sep-07, 13:36
my little one is only 3 and a half but since being in nursery she gets excited about tidying up her toys, even sings a little song! as she know she gets a sticker on her chart

03-Sep-07, 13:52
ohhh the sticker chart is a wonderful thing!
they love theirs!

03-Sep-07, 14:00
i know it is, anything that ellie-grace starts not doing, like not picking up her toys or not listening or does something which is bad or cheeky(for a 3year old she is very!) i put it up on the chart

03-Sep-07, 22:27
Haha... Brandy... just a warning... they don't get any better as they get older!!

My youngest 2 are 24 & 17 & they sort of share the granny flat on our top floor... I had a guy round yesterday to buy the house, & thought I'd best check the flat as the 2 darlings were out.... hmmm...
I had 4 bags of rubbish, emptied the hoover out 3 times, and washed up 9 glasses, 6 cups & 3 plates in their kitchen that looked a lot older than a week!!

I wished I'd just stuck to dogs!

I agree with you there julie, add e odd beer tin or an empty JD bottle, make up, clothes that miss e linen basket etc and thats ma daughter 21 -soon- she went into the terrible twos aged one and has yet to come out of them so far [lol]