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02-Sep-07, 15:18
Well, I've been rather hasty ad taken the plunge to sign up for a sponsored cycle ride for the Princes Trust. It starts at Buckingham Palace and finishes at Windsor Castle. Should be great fun. I have been in training for 3 weeks now - my latest is 33 miles in 2hours 20minutes.

I have checked with Niall before putting up this thread. Do have a look at the web site here (http://www.princes-trust.org.uk/Main%20Site%20v2/headline%20news/palace%20to%20palace.asp)and if you wish to sponsor me (just to see me in pain ;)) you can sponsor me here (http://www.justgiving.com/HandleBar).

Please do think of me on Sunday morning - 16th - and wish me luck.

03-Sep-07, 10:27
I certainly will be thinking of you Ricco -full of admiration for you. :D

But then I've never even managed to learn how to ride a bike! [lol]

03-Sep-07, 10:52
Way to go Ricco!
Don't fret about the terrain - it's practically all flat as a pancake!

Me & Kerri did the Manchester to Blackpool bike ride in July - got our certificates with lots of pride & had a fantastic day!

At 62 miles, we did it in about 8 hours [lol] Although actual riding time was 4hr 21mins - not bad for a 46 yr old overweight lady & a 24 yr old who hadn't been on a bike in about 9 years! So funny, but she had a few blisters, mind! ;)

Will sponsor you with pleasure.

03-Sep-07, 14:11
I would like to thank jsherris and (I presume) Angela for their very kind donations and best wishes. I am full of admiration for jsherris having done the Blackpool/Manchester ride - a mean feat! I hope to complete miine in about 2-3 hours, no stops.

03-Sep-07, 14:14
Oops, knew I'd forgotten something.....:eek: .....now, where's my wallet?

Don't worry, Ricco, I'm just a wee bit slow off the mark....;)

03-Sep-07, 14:17
Oops, knew I'd forgotten something.....:eek: .....now, where's my wallet?

Don't worry, Ricco, I'm just a wee bit slow off the mark....

Sorry, Angela. It wasn't a dig. I had a donation from someone but didn't want to give out their real name. I assumed it was you... Mrs Ricco always says I assume too much. :confused

03-Sep-07, 14:30
Sorry, Angela. It wasn't a dig. I had a donation from someone but didn't want to give out their real name. I assumed it was you... Mrs Ricco always says I assume too much.

Ricco, no need to apologise at all, I'm sure it wasn't a dig, although in fact I needed one...well, at least a "reminder"! ;)

I'd originally replied just to bump your post up so it wouldn't disappear....but had completely forgotten the "put hand in pocket" follow up I'd intended.

As I've mentioned on another thread, my memory's just dreadful these days! :roll:

03-Sep-07, 15:30
Well done Ricco,you brave,brave person.:eek:

My legs just ache from trecking up a hill today,never mind a cycle ride.lol

03-Sep-07, 21:26
Well done Ricco,you brave,brave person.

My legs just ache from trecking up a hill today,never mind a cycle ride.lol

Its the saddle that's giving me crossed eyes. :eek: Even with a gel saddle and padding. Still... no pain, no gain.:confused

03-Sep-07, 22:40
Its the saddle that's giving me crossed eyes. Even with a gel saddle and padding. Still... no pain, no gain.
NO Ricco....... when it comes to cycling for guys... no pain... means numb! Numb means Mrs Ricco gets a week off! ;)

Julie - a cyclers missus, fully conversant in the art of having a week off here & there! [lol]

04-Sep-07, 20:36
NO Ricco....... when it comes to cycling for guys... no pain... means numb! Numb means Mrs Ricco gets a week off!

Very good, Julie. That brought a chuckle to my cheeks (facial ones, that is) :lol:

Alice in Blunderland
04-Sep-07, 20:41
Just had a looky to check out your legs........ ;)
Will log on again to donate once I find my purse with card ...............:)
Good luck AB

04-Sep-07, 21:37
Very good, Julie. That brought a chuckle to my cheeks (facial ones, that is) :lol:
See... a true cyclist, you hear what I'm saying. ;)

06-Sep-07, 20:01
I'd like to thank everyone for their support in my efforts with this. I should be able to complete the distance in about 3 hours if I rush or I could be leisurely about it. I entered as a 'novice' but have become quite competitive with myself. This evening I averaged about 17mph. Hmmm... decisions.:confused

06-Sep-07, 20:18
Ricco, the terrain on your route is fairly tame & quite flat - saying that though, you can never guarantee the weather, or what if you should wake up in the morning full of a cold - you know what I mean - even with training and with the best of intentions, it's best to err on the side of caution.

Stay as a novice for this one - you can promote yourself afterwards & try some harder rides later - especially next year!
Have you had a look at the Evans cycle website? They have some fantastic rides throughout the year, for competitors and leisure riders alike... well worth having a browse.

The worse thing for me & Kerri when we did our manchester to blackpool ride was when we were about 35 miles into it, we started seeing the pros cycling back to manchester! [lol] Totally soul destroying!
Even more soul destroying is when himself pops his cycle gear on, climbs on his custom built ribble bike & says... 'just popping out for a quick 60'...Grrrrr!

07-Sep-07, 21:17
Ricco, the terrain on your route is fairly tame & quite flat - saying that though, you can never guarantee the weather, or what if you should wake up in the morning full of a cold - you know what I mean - even with training and with the best of intentions, it's best to err on the side of caution.

Stay as a novice for this one - you can promote yourself afterwards & try some harder rides later - especially next year!
Have you had a look at the Evans cycle website? They have some fantastic rides throughout the year, for competitors and leisure riders alike... well worth having a browse.

The worse thing for me & Kerri when we did our manchester to blackpool ride was when we were about 35 miles into it, we started seeing the pros cycling back to manchester! [lol] Totally soul destroying!
Even more soul destroying is when himself pops his cycle gear on, climbs on his custom built ribble bike & says... 'just popping out for a quick 60'...Grrrrr!

Gosh, I know that feeling! Slim young ladies go sailing past with a cheery "Morning!" and then wave again on their way back. (wail!!) :(

07-Sep-07, 21:22
Gosh, I know that feeling! Slim young ladies go sailing past with a cheery "Morning!" and then wave again on their way back. (wail!!) :(
Makes you want to stick your leg out & kick 'em off their bikes, huh?
Oh! Did I just type that out loud?? [lol]

14-Sep-07, 12:19
Have a great ride Ricco!

May all those gear thingies work smoothly, your feet fly and the handlebars never make the slightest contact with your chin.

14-Sep-07, 16:34
hope you have an ice pack for your sore bits at the end and remember to use the back brakes before your front ones is you dont you end up eating the road!

14-Sep-07, 19:51
hope you have an ice pack for your sore bits at the end and remember to use the back brakes before your front ones is you dont you end up eating the road!

Ooooo, Dadie. You saw that happen! Gosh, I came so close once.:eek:

Only two days to go - looking forward to it. Am having to get up at 5.00am to make sure I catch the train from Reading to Paddington.

14-Sep-07, 19:56
Ooooo, Dadie. You saw that happen! Gosh, I came so close once.:eek:

Only two days to go - looking forward to it. Am having to get up at 5.00am to make sure I catch the train from Reading to Paddington.

PM your phone number and I'll ring you to make sure that you are on your feet.

14-Sep-07, 20:02
PM your phone number and I'll ring you to make sure that you are on your feet.

Och - I'll be up. I normally rise at 5.30 anyway. I would like to thank all of those who have very kindly and generously sponsored me in this adventure - I shall not let you down. :cool:

Margaret M.
14-Sep-07, 23:54
Good luck on the ride, Ricco! I hope the weather cooperates.

15-Sep-07, 13:36
Good luck for tomorrow Ricco.

Hope the weather is nice!:D

15-Sep-07, 15:00
Good luck on the ride, Ricco! I hope the weather cooperates.

Good luck for tomorrow Ricco.

Hope the weather is nice!:D

Thank you very much, ladies. I am sure it will be fine (I notice that Scotland is getting a hoolie at the moment). I've checked everything out and put all my stuff in a pile for the morning - don't want to miss the train to London. Really looking forward to it - it is so much outside anything I have done before.:D

15-Sep-07, 19:04
Hope the weather's kind to you, ricco.

I'm in Perth at the moment -much colder and now raining!

Safe cycling....and all the best!

16-Sep-07, 15:35
Thank you for your kind wishes, Angela. It was a great morning out - lots of people out on all kinds of bikes. The weather couldn't have been better... and the scenery was wonderful. Parakeets squawking in the trees - yes, parakeets... I kid you not. I was targetting 2 1/2 hours for the distance and managed it in a very respectable 2 3/4 hours. Not bad for someone who started training 4 weeks ago, I thought. There was one h.... of a hill near Thorpe Park (JSHerris didn't mention that one) that had me right down to the bottom gear out of 21 gears. I shall definitely do it again next year - wonderful fun.

You can still sponsor me until Friday, I think, should you wish to. Again, my thanks to those that have offerred me support in all sorts of ways. :cool:

16-Sep-07, 15:38
Well Done Ricco!

Time for a nice hot Raddox bath and a glass of something celebratory methinks!:D


16-Sep-07, 15:53
Well done Ricco:)!

You've had a lovely day for it too!

My oldest daughter (not the messy one) has been doing the Hydro Active Women's Challenge starting from Hyde Park today too.

Rest well:cool:!

16-Sep-07, 15:56
Congratulations Ricco - you must be well chuffed with yourself. :D

16-Sep-07, 18:24
Well done Ricco!

You've had a lovely day for it too!

My oldest daughter (not the messy one) has been doing the Hydro Active Women's Challenge starting from Hyde Park today too.

Rest well:cool:!

Well done to your daughter. They were laying out the barriers and bunting when I went through this morning.

Aren't we all getting fit!?:D

16-Sep-07, 18:41
Hi Ricco,

I don't know about fit, there was some sort of sponsored cycle that went through linlithgow today the cyclists were well bedraggled as it was pouring down and most worryingly, they were all over the road, at times three abreast in the cycle lane.:eek:

We'd had three bad skids within a twenty minute car journey, such were the conditions, my heart was in my mouth watching these guys.

Well regulated rides, such as your own, are a very different thing but these folks should have been off the road in such adverse conditions...IMHO!


17-Sep-07, 21:02
Hi Ricco,

I don't know about fit, there was some sort of sponsored cycle that went through linlithgow today the cyclists were well bedraggled as it was pouring down and most worryingly, they were all over the road, at times three abreast in the cycle lane.:eek:

We'd had three bad skids within a twenty minute car journey, such were the conditions, my heart was in my mouth watching these guys.

Well regulated rides, such as your own, are a very different thing but these folks should have been off the road in such adverse conditions...IMHO!


I must say, Karia, that a considerable number of cyclists were being road hogs - cycling in large gaggles sometimes 4 abreast. Showed no consideration to the vehicles queuing up behind them. It is so easy to stay in single file if there are vehicles, check over your shoulder occasionally, keep regular gaps so that a car can 'hop' forward a few cyclists at a time, etc. And wave thanks to the drivers for being patient - I think I was the only rider doing so.

17-Sep-07, 21:15
I must say, Karia, that a considerable number of cyclists were being road hogs - cycling in large gaggles sometimes 4 abreast. Showed no consideration to the vehicles queuing up behind them. It is so easy to stay in single file if there are vehicles, check over your shoulder occasionally, keep regular gaps so that a car can 'hop' forward a few cyclists at a time, etc. And wave thanks to the drivers for being patient - I think I was the only rider doing so.

Thanks ricco,

Didn't want to be a spoilsport and had your good self in mind as we 'negotiated' the cyclists.

I don't know what criteria they had to fulfill, but I saw some atrocious behaviour from the cyclists and no one overseeing the project and calling a halt when the road conditions became intolerable.

That you displayed such gentlemanly behaviour is entirely in keeping with what I know of you,... and I commend you for it.


18-Sep-07, 18:36
Thanks ricco,

Didn't want to be a spoilsport and had your good self in mind as we 'negotiated' the cyclists.

I don't know what criteria they had to fulfill, but I saw some atrocious behaviour from the cyclists and no one overseeing the project and calling a halt when the road conditions became intolerable.

That you displayed such gentlemanly behaviour is entirely in keeping with what I know of you,... and I commend you for it.


Why, thank you ma'am (Ricco doffs hat) for your kind words (and mentally notes to buy a drink for Karia ere he travels North).

18-Sep-07, 21:32
Why, thank you ma'am (Ricco doffs hat) for your kind words (and mentally notes to buy a drink for Karia ere he travels North).

Karia notes your doffing and suggests you keep the price of a large gin under your helmet..for emergency socialising!;)


20-Sep-07, 18:07
Karia notes your doffing and suggests you keep the price of a large gin under your helmet..for emergency socialising!


Karia - big hug and big 'moua' heading your way. ;)