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View Full Version : Whoo Hoo! I've won!How many other orgers won too?

29-Aug-07, 12:38
I have just recieved a letter in the post from DMC International Courier Service telling me that I may have won a 2008 Mercedes built swiss designed smart car or one of many other prizes and all I have to do is send back the form with my payment of £30:roll: for the dispatch of said item I am supposed to have won.How many other orgers got the same letter I wonder?I hate these scams,my poor Mum fell for one a few years ago that was done by phone message telling her to ring a hotline number because she had won a prize,forget how much the call cost but it was a lot of money for nothing!Couldn't believe she would fall for that sort of thing but she just said "well I thought I'd had a streak of luck" to which I pointed out that if you haven't actually entered a comp how on earth do you expect to have won anything?This one may be kosher but I sincerly doubt it [evil] Mind you maybe there will be a thread on the org soon saying did you hear about Thumper winning a car and not collecting it lol x

29-Aug-07, 12:49
I had a letter a few years ago now, it was that i had won an mp3 player all i had to do was send £2.99 and a self addressed envelope i did it and in about 4 weeks time i had my mp3 player so not all are cons.:D

29-Aug-07, 12:52
Wow thumper, when you get your new car will you bring it around to my house and let me see it? If you do, i'll give you 10.000 pounds of the 300 000 pounds i've won on the lottery i never entered. te he [lol]:lol:

29-Aug-07, 13:00
Nanoo it's a deal I will personally drive over and collect you!i will be the idiot sitting in the middle of the road saying "vroom,vroom":D. I know that it's not all scams but the majority are and there is no way I am posting £30 over to Canada to be sent nothing OR the genuine hand assembled timepiece that you seemingly have a 1:1 chance of winning.I would rather buy my own watch for a tenner out of argos :D x

29-Aug-07, 13:26
I had a letter a few years ago now, it was that i had won an mp3 player all i had to do was send £2.99 and a self addressed envelope i did it and in about 4 weeks time i had my mp3 player so not all are cons.:D

Floyed... even that is a scam, I'm afraid.
These companies buy the items, in this case your mp3 player for pennies - literally. A guy round the market can get a box of 10,000 mp3's for £1700 +VAT - now, that works out to 17p an item!
He's lucky in that he runs 6 market stalls & 2 shops..... mp3 players are £5 a go at his place! :eek:
If 10,000 people send off £2.99 & they also pay for postage, that leaves them with a very nice profit of nearly £25,000 thank you!
Initial profit = £28,200 - £3400 for the initial letter posting)
Take a few grand off for envelope fillers & paper supplies and so on, & you still have a tidy sum.

See, we never get nothing for nothing....

29-Aug-07, 13:58
Mr.P. got a letter saying he won a lottery they wanted X amount of money to claim itwrote back asking them to take it of the winnings and to post him the cheque. It never came.

29-Aug-07, 13:59
i'll buy it from you when the nigerian princess who i gave my bank details to sends me the money her poor murdered uncle left her.;)

29-Aug-07, 15:03
Floyed... even that is a scam, I'm afraid.
These companies buy the items, in this case your mp3 player for pennies - literally. A guy round the market can get a box of 10,000 mp3's for £1700 +VAT - now, that works out to 17p an item!
He's lucky in that he runs 6 market stalls & 2 shops..... mp3 players are £5 a go at his place! :eek:
If 10,000 people send off £2.99 & they also pay for postage, that leaves them with a very nice profit of nearly £25,000 thank you!
Initial profit = £28,200 - £3400 for the initial letter posting)
Take a few grand off for envelope fillers & paper supplies and so on, & you still have a tidy sum.

See, we never get nothing for nothing....

mmm so not so good after all:(

29-Aug-07, 15:05
Aww thanks Dunderheed that would be great! if only all the people in the world were as nice as you.As soon as the posty drops my new car through my letterbox I will pm you and you can come to collect my lovely prize :roll: Give my regards to that poor princess who must be in bits after the loss of her uncle, its so nice of you to help her out as well as me :D x

29-Aug-07, 16:39
thumper, this has turned into the best day of your life, with 10.000 pounds from me and the cash you will get from dunderheed when you sell your car to him ( and i know it will be a good deal, because us Killie folk are honest) you can go on a world cruise while your new house is being built for you. lol. [lol]

29-Aug-07, 16:55
You know what nanoo I was just thinking the same thing myself :D Infact the thought occurred to me whilst standing in the lottery ticket Q buying tonights winning ticket!So if you don't see me posting for a while it will be because I am either busy with dunderheed going over the sale of my car ,or spending the 10 grand you will give me for popping in to see you,or I am off on a cruise with my lottery winnings, and to think I was dreading getting up today :) x

29-Aug-07, 17:00
see thumper, you never know what life is about to throw at you. If you had stayed in bed you would have missed all the fun, as it turned out you got up, had all this fun and made two very important new friends, and may i point out, the day aint over yet. lol. [lol];)

29-Aug-07, 17:02
All I need now is the man of my dreams to sweep me off my feet and the day will be a real winner :) xx

Billy Boy
29-Aug-07, 20:21
mrs BB got a letter on Monday telling her she had won £150,000 all she had to do was send back a payment of £35 for administration costs...... we get these letters every couple of month, sadly there are some folk who actually reply:confused

29-Aug-07, 20:31
All I need now is the man of my dreams to sweep me off my feet and the day will be a real winner :) xx

What do you reckon the chances of winning a competition to get that are? Probably about the same odds as winning this mercedes. Lol.

29-Aug-07, 21:04
Well Mr me you just never know...it worked for Jodie Marsh didn't it :D Anyway with my new car,money from nanoo,money from dunderheed and the big win on the lottery tonight the prince charmings will be queueing up for me lol x