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27-Aug-07, 22:44
I have been using a plastic thermometer for the last 12 months (issued by Energy efficiency)to measure my living-room temperature. I have been trying to keep to the comfort zone which is marked as 19°-23°C, I find this ideal but my better half complains that that is sometimes too cold.

For the last 5 months the temperature hasn't dropped below 19°C so I haven't needed any heating in the house but I'm always trying to make a case that temperature is all relative and that we don't need it yet. I have noticed that when mrs came back from Raigmore that she was complaining that it was freezing so I relented a wee bit then but I know that Raigmore is absolutely stifling on the wards.

I am thinking that there may be a gender difference thing as well, I think women feel the cold more than men.

27-Aug-07, 22:49
tell her to put a jumper on lol

27-Aug-07, 22:50
I have the same problem Rheg, with Mrs G, I try to keep it temp in our house between 19c and 20c, but she keeps saying she is cold. How can that be? Its a weel kent medical fact that wifies have more fat on their bodies than men. Look at the diet threads on CCWS for a start. [lol]

27-Aug-07, 22:52
It's 22 here with no heating on since I can't remember. Have had the fan on for the last 2 weeks cos I'm too blooming hot.

27-Aug-07, 22:53
I am thinking that there may be a gender difference thing as well, I think women feel the cold more than men.

You might be right there.... I'm always coldest in our house.
Age concern were given a stack of thermometer cards & we were given a few by our local shop - put them around the house - (yeah, I know we're in our 40's) but it's surprising how it made me stop turning the heating up when I got cold like I used to do!
If the reading was within normal limits, I'd go pop a cardi on instead!
I must be growing up huh?

27-Aug-07, 22:53
Yup, I've just let the cat in and it's flippin cold out there tonight.
Yup, just recently spent a couple of days in the Raigmore and it is very warm, very stuffy.
Yup, its a gender thing. The girls at work are freezing, wearing extra wooly pullies while us blokes are dying from heatstroke.:lol:
Our kitchen has an aga so it's always hot - 24.1 at the moment. I'm only wearing shorts and T-shirt. That's probably why it's so cold outside when I went to get the cat in. I think autum has come - nearly time to put the heating back on full time.:cool:

27-Aug-07, 23:04
Another hot blooded male here while Mrs Bob (usually) shivers less than a few feet away and can sometimes be seen donning the jumper which I've had to discard. She felt it was cooling recently so we put the sitting room heater on bare minimum, but with our wonderful THTC heating it was sweltering the next morning [disgust].

Anne x
28-Aug-07, 00:06
I have the same problem Rheg, with Mrs G, I try to keep it temp in our house between 19c and 20c, but she keeps saying she is cold. How can that be? Its a weel kent medical fact that wifies have more fat on their bodies than men. Look at the diet threads on CCWS for a start. [lol]

now golach wifies are always cold I am always turning the heating up and him indoors in a tshirt we dont eat as much as men so no insulataion !!!

28-Aug-07, 00:35
Am I allowed to say that 19 - 23 is great for Dave, but I strongly am of the opinion, my own I must say, is that this is too cold. I would much rather about 25. lol. [lol]

28-Aug-07, 00:41
Don't worry guys, when your oh starts going through the change you will be able to turn the heat down, problem is they will probably want it that low that they freeze you out :lol:

28-Aug-07, 01:08
Sorry I am not very good at conversion, they use Fahrenheit over here, but if you kno what I am talking about, I usually keep mine set at 72F in the summer and 74F in the winter. Personally i woudl like it to be set at 70F all year round but my wife likes her warmth more than her cold.

Edit: Okay 70F is 21.1C, 72 is 22.2 and 74 is 23.3 believe it or not :P

28-Aug-07, 05:00
19-23 sounds good to me. I'm staying in an apartment without insulation just now, and last winter, it never reached 19 with the heater going for hours.

28-Aug-07, 05:23
Sorry I am not very good at conversion, they use Fahrenheit over here, but if you kno what I am talking about, I usually keep mine set at 72F in the summer and 74F in the winter. Personally i woudl like it to be set at 70F all year round but my wife likes her warmth more than her cold.

Edit: Okay 70F is 21.1C, 72 is 22.2 and 74 is 23.3 believe it or not :P

Thanks for posting the conversion, Jeemag! :D This gal has just voted for 19C to 23C as being ideal. If you want me to be more specific, then I'd say 21.1C to 22.2C is perfect for me. :)

28-Aug-07, 09:08
Don't worry guys, when your oh starts going through the change you will be able to turn the heat down, problem is they will probably want it that low that they freeze you out :lol:
Changi, been going through the "Change" since the day I got married [lol]

28-Aug-07, 10:32
golach, are you sure you're giving Mrs G enough cuddles to keep her warm? ;)

The storage heating system I have is so ancient it has no thermostat -I turn it on and up as and when I need it....but being storage heaters, they don't really work that way.....totally feeble output in the evenings and boiling hot at 4 a.m. :mad:

28-Aug-07, 10:41
golach, are you sure you're giving Mrs G enough cuddles to keep her warm? ;)

I go to sleep with my arms aound her throat, sorry her waist every night [lol]

28-Aug-07, 13:10
Mind you will needs to be nearer the 23 mark or I would freeze

28-Aug-07, 15:33
Its a gender issue,us females feel the cold more you see we're not as thick skined as you males;)

28-Aug-07, 17:11
I think my internal thermostat is knackered, so I don't feel the cold much. My bedroom window is open most nights too, even in the middle of winter.
If i do get cold, i stick a jersey on, or put on a pair o socks, usually find if my feet are warm, then I am warm enough.
ps, i'm female, and plenty insulation on me!!

28-Aug-07, 17:14
I've no heating on either, not sure what temp the house is but it's cool (it's usually 18 or 19 degrees), I have all the windows open and the back door is open most of the day too, I have ceiling fans which I use quite regularly. In other words I hate being warm, visitors always think my house is cold.

lady penelope
28-Aug-07, 18:52
I have a gas combi boiler. It is turned almost to off, and only comes on when we want it to. So is our hot water,but our external walls are over a metre thick so the sitting room is cold in summer and warm in winter. I feel the heat. My OH feels the cold!

28-Aug-07, 19:17
Its getting awful hot in here these past few days! :eek: Think someone could turn down the heating please! :D

30-Aug-07, 16:04
I have exactly the same problem. Mrs R complains and wants the central heating on - even when the temp is 23. Last night, at 21oC, she had two (yes, that's 2) quilt thingeys round her. I'm sitting in shorts and T. Have you ever read the book 'Women come from Venus, Men from Mars'? I think the title must be wrong because the temp on Venus is damn hot. I think women come from Pluto. ;)

30-Aug-07, 21:58
I've gotta say since getting my heat from caithness heat and power and its unmetered then it can never be too warm!! !! 25 or over!! :cool:

31-Aug-07, 00:23
Hell, Rheghead, I know the feeling. My experience has always been that the female of the species I have come across have always huddled over the fire with it turned full on whilst I have been melting at the back of the room.

It was the same at work. The lasses were always complaining that the air-conditioning was too cold even when the males were gasping for air due to the heat.
Eventually I decided to test a theory. When one of them complained about the cold I would leave it for a while and when they next came back from a break I would suddenly "notice" and comment on how good they looked and enquired if they had lost some weight.
Worked a treat. The answer was invariably the same, "Do you think so, I've been on a diet!"
Cause of problem solved.