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View Full Version : recycling plastic

alistair harper
21-Aug-07, 22:43
hi does any one know of anywhere in thurso that recycles plastic, cans bottles even paper and clothes, shoes can be recycled but nothing for plastic

21-Aug-07, 22:46

this previous post might answer some of your questions

lynne duncan
22-Aug-07, 09:47
my pal in alness is sure she heard that dingwall and inverness are going to be having plastic collections at their recycling depots, if that comes off then surely there will be no reason for caithness to have this as well, will wait and see what happens

22-Aug-07, 12:37
Just got back from a week in Caithness at a self-catering cottage. We saved all our glass, paper and plastic to take into town on Friday before we left and were very surprised to find no bins for plastic recycling. There were bins for rubbish though and our plastic ended up in them.

22-Aug-07, 12:43
i dutifuly recyle everything i can. if i somehow put a plasitc bag in e bin, it comes bak til haunt me!
i only wish they wid put a bottle recyclin bin at ma bak door cos currently ma kitchen is bein takin oer wi wine bottles until ma next trip til tesco!! :roll: