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18-Aug-07, 23:35
Can anyone remember a Nutty Bar.

I would do anything for a box of Nutty Bars.

People who know me personally but not caithness org name will probably know who I am now, but I do not care, I sooooo want a Rowntrees Nutty Bar :roll:

18-Aug-07, 23:39
sorry catnip, can't help, but if you could find me a Fry's five centre bar OR where they've put the gooseberry soft centre from the Roses box of choccies............. :roll:

18-Aug-07, 23:44
theres an old fashioned sweetie shop in the market in inverness, worth a try

19-Aug-07, 00:06
Have a look here http://www.aquarterof.co.uk (http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/mtype2/whatever/archives/nutty_bars/)

19-Aug-07, 00:32
I don't know if this link will work, but the guy is very serious about the chocolate/wafer balance of his bar. :lol:

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/204/nutty1ka6.gif&imgrefurl=http://rbehs.blogspot.com/2006_11_01_archive.html&h=180&w=214&sz=26&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=YRNE3FxgyZazOM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=106&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnutty%2Bbar%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26saf e%3Doff%26sa%3DG

Are these the bars that you are looking for?:cool:

19-Aug-07, 09:07
oh yes i remember a Nutty bar i used to work in a newsagents in my teens, i have often mentioned various sweets that have disappeared over the years to be met with blank expressions such as a Texan and my favourite back then a Cabana MMmmmmm:D

19-Aug-07, 10:36
I miss those Nutty bars too....

Do you remember the Trophy bars that were rebranded as Banjo's.

Loved them too.:D

19-Aug-07, 10:38
Anyone remember Milk Maid Bars - they were a kind of tablet/fudge type bar

19-Aug-07, 10:55
http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/mtype2/whatever/archives/nutty_bars/ (http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/mtype2/whatever/archives/nutty_bars/)

There are a lot of people wanting a nutty bar!

19-Aug-07, 11:32
I read in a paper the other day that cadburys are relaunching the Wispa bar soon as lots and lots of peoplehad been sending them emails to bring it back!!!

19-Aug-07, 12:53
I read that as well, Young, don't know why they took it off the market in the first place, where i worked it was always a great seller, i was even quite fond of them myself.If anneoctober ever tracks down the Fry's Five Centre chocolate bar, I'm up for that too. [lol]:lol:

19-Aug-07, 16:05
Frys five centre bars were fab!Also soooooo miss golden cups! x

19-Aug-07, 16:44
yes Thumper, I'd completely forgotten about them. Do you know what you've started? te he ---[lol]

19-Aug-07, 17:08
Thumper! I just remembered another one, what about Cadbury's Chocs in a bar? You got eight different choc fillings (just like a box of dairy milk) in each bar. I could never fathom why they were removed because they sold very quickly.[lol]:lol:

Anne x
19-Aug-07, 17:14
Do Rowntrees still exsist or were they bought over by another company Nestle Shweppes or someone else :lol:

19-Aug-07, 19:06
just had a look on a few sites this one i think sells texan bars www.treasureislandsweets.co.uk (http://www.treasureislandsweets.co.uk) and there is also www.keepitsweet.co.uk (http://www.keepitsweet.co.uk) they have lots of different stuff and www.mrsbrowns.co.uk (http://www.mrsbrowns.co.uk)

19-Aug-07, 22:04
Yes Nanoo I remember the dairy milk bar but only just...must have been a very rare teat in my hoose :).Also loved puff cany and did get very similar stuff at Falls of Shin just called cinder toffee,good but just not quite the same :) x