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Dynamic Sounds
17-Aug-07, 09:13
Does anyone on here know where I can take plastic coke bottle to be recycled?

There is not any bins at the supermarkets in Thurso for them, as far as I can see, and I do not see a skip for them when I was at the recycleing place in Janetstown.

Seens a shame to send then to landfill when they are so easily recycled.:(



17-Aug-07, 09:59
There is NO plastic recycling in Scotland - spoke to the Recycling dept in Dingwall about this months ago. Its apparently too expensive. A ridiculous situation I feel. You can recycle just about everything else though which is good as long as you own a car.

17-Aug-07, 13:01
The Highland Council and Caithness Councillors were given the option to recycle all plastics 5 years ago and turned it down flat.
There is a huge market for plastic, but its the only way that the Council can force through the mindless push for incinerators as the calorific value of the non-recyclable waste would be to low to burn ..
The Public are being Hoodwinked and Lied to yet again ..

17-Aug-07, 13:36
its the same with a lot of paper, they want newspapers and old catologues etc, but envelopes, cardboard no. My rubbish is often cardboard from the boxes, wrapping etc. Envelopes is paper so why not them ?:roll:

17-Aug-07, 13:52
Western Isles collect their plastic to recycle - do not know if unit for recycling is running yet, if not should not be long now - but a long way to go with a few bottles.

17-Aug-07, 13:58
There is a huge market for plastic.......
The Public are being Hoodwinked and Lied to yet again ..

By whom? The councils, or the eco-loonies? If there's a huge market, it's amazing no one's stepped in, got a grant from CASE and started a lovely lucrative business. Maybe there's a thought for you, dozy.

17-Aug-07, 14:47
Hi j4bberwOck.

Tried CASE and was told "If the Council wont support it why should they ".
They have a mind set that , if your born and breed locally your to stupid to know these things .
There is a place south of Glasgow that recycles waste farm plastic into posts , planks and ballards ..
I spoke to them and even visited the place ,just to make sure i was on the right track .
Aberdeen Council had supported a plastic recycling scheme .I went and visited that one aswell but the whole system they were using was wrong from the start.The owner was more interested in the grants than the end product so it collapsed and the machinery was sold off ...
I have given up on CASE the last time i took an idea to them, they asked to see my personal bank account details even when it was as an Company MD I made the approach..
The attitude of CASE means i would now rather burn many ideas than go through the TORTURE they put you through only to have them say that they support the idea in PRINICABLE .
Its funny that after they have crushed your business idea, you then find out that within a 5-10 months someone else has been given assistance for the exact same thing ...

17-Aug-07, 16:16
There is NO plastic recycling in Scotland - spoke to the Recycling dept in Dingwall about this months ago. Its apparently too expensive. A ridiculous situation I feel. You can recycle just about everything else though which is good as long as you own a car.

Golspie do a kerb side recycling of plastic, think Brora also do this.

Also in Wick cardboard is recycled but you have to take it to the centre at the airport. That is ok if you have transport but I understand a lot of folk do not.

21-Aug-07, 23:40
Golspie do a kerb side recycling of plastic, think Brora also do this.

Also in Wick cardboard is recycled but you have to take it to the centre at the airport. That is ok if you have transport but I understand a lot of folk do not.

If what Dingwall say is true then where does the plastic go...? Nearest centre is in England somewhere. Its so maddening throwing out plastic stuff.