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05-Aug-07, 19:18
We have 2 tiny and sorry patches of pampas grass. One 2y.o. one 7! they haven't done anything yet what do they need to do what pampas grass should?
Thanks - Dave

05-Aug-07, 19:40
Think I would maybe start again with some new young plants, if you don't know anyone with an established plant to get "babies" from i've often seen them in the charity shops.

05-Aug-07, 22:03
We have 2 tiny and sorry patches of pampas grass. One 2y.o. one 7! they haven't done anything yet what do they need to do what pampas grass should?
Thanks - Dave
I'm not sure how old my pampas grass is ,Dave but not as much as 7 years. I think this has been a bad year for them in certain areas. There's only half a dozen fronds on my one, it's usually double that and more. The heavy rain we've had has n't helped either. I usually pull out the dead canes etc.
Having said all that , my daughter has a fantastic specimen in her back garden, which she IGNORES every year and it's doing fine ! :eek:

08-Aug-07, 19:18

08-Aug-07, 20:33
i used to have one down south which was pathetic for about a year or so until i ignored it and it grew tall and wild [lol]

Mother Bear
16-Aug-07, 07:29
I fed mine with either Miracle Grow or Phostrogen . and that certainly seemed to help. It developed some lovely thick healthy fronds...until the winds came last October and battered them all down! It also helps to clear out the middle of all the dead stuff, wearing gloves of course to protect from the tiny barbs that can cut your arms to shreds! Been there done that!!!. I have also read to take a chain saw to the whole thing, possibly early spring, cut down to about 12-18".....and see what happens! Also heard of burning the whole thing down to start again but haven't tried that yet!..sounds a bit drastic!
I have some new plants, of the Pink variety doing very nicely in the cold frame at present. I'm always reluctant to plant things out tho' and subject them to the elements of Caithness! Good luck with yours what ever you decide to do.

16-Aug-07, 13:58
Scunner, nice photo but I was asking for advice not further reason to be sad about our peedy plants. Did any smugness come in there?
Thanks to everyone who has provided advice and encouragement. I'll try these forms of tlc and maybe have a similar pic. to show in 2008.

16-Aug-07, 17:41
Scunner, nice photo but I was asking for advice not further reason to be sad about our peedy plants. Did any smugness come in there?
Thanks to everyone who has provided advice and encouragement. I'll try these forms of tlc and maybe have a similar pic. to show in 2008.

certainly no smugness implied. That bunch is over 25 years old. The sparrows love it. It never is fed, but I do burn out the centre every few years, and cut back the outer leaves, to give it a tidy.

16-Aug-07, 18:38
Hi Scunner I didn't mean to sound sulky if I did - I just thought it was funny that you post the pic but not a clue how to get to where you had. Thanks again for the advice. Its espeially reassuring to know that it can be that long term a project.
Cheers Dave

17-Aug-07, 17:24
Strange, really. If you drive to Groats from Freswick, have a look at the very top of Warth Hill on your left. Theres some Pampas grass happily thriving in the most God-forsaken position and in about half an inch of acidic soil!