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01-Aug-07, 11:57
What did you think of the 'Wick Baby Show'??

01-Aug-07, 16:42
Not a lot, the Judge could not make it so it was judged by someone local which seems a bit unfair.

It can be disappointing as I am sure every mother thinks their baby is the cutest.

01-Aug-07, 16:53
i entered my wee one a while back it was in thurso and the judges were local and one wee girl that won overall was grandaughter to one of the judges, it should be a non local who does it

01-Aug-07, 19:04
Not a lot, the Judge could not make it so it was judged by someone local which seems a bit unfair.

It can be disappointing as I am sure every mother thinks their baby is the cutest.

Yes well that someone local organised the Show and works in the local hospital and some of the winners were hospital related. It was very unfair, I don't think it would have taken much to find somone i.e. from Thurso or a holiday maker!!

01-Aug-07, 22:37
I think it should be a holiday maker that's the only fair way. Shouldn't be to hard to arrange
I'm sure last years judge was from the hospital too.

01-Aug-07, 22:50
i think no matter who the judges are someone will complain its not fair
it would be hard to get someone from outside the county who would be impartial and anyway every baby is beautiful to the mothers anyway besides they may be having an "off day" or even not showing their true personality ie the show coinciding with nap time ...tired or hungary babes do not show their best sides ... mums are to hopeful...

02-Aug-07, 09:32
If you are going to any type of show be it baby, dog, rabbit or even flower the first thing you have to remember is to prepare yourself to lose because if you go in expecting to win you certainly wont enjoy the experience and are most likely setting yourself up for disappointment. The best way to do it is go for the experience and just enjoy it that way even if you do win it is a nice surprise.:D no 2 judges ever agree on anything and I honestly don't know what criteria a judge at a baby show could possibly judge to anyway is it most expensive clothes, cleanest, happiest, most settled, I wouldn't fancy the job at all :lol:

02-Aug-07, 09:42
Beauty is in the eye of the babyholder.

When we were visiting from England my daughter won the Scrabster Baby contest in 1984. Some of the locals weren't happy an "outsider" won. We still have the little rosette and bits of the prize of a beach toys set.

02-Aug-07, 12:52
Beauty is in the eye of the babyholder

Never a truer word said!

02-Aug-07, 12:57
:mad:frankly i think baby shows are degrading and ridiculous. we all think that our baby is beautiful and they are, so why on earth do people enter their children into these ridiculous events, personally i think they should be banned. why do people do it tell me please?

02-Aug-07, 19:08
A harmless bit of a laugh and fun, not to be taken seriously in the slightest. methinks.

mums angels
02-Aug-07, 22:34
i have never put any of my kids in a baby show ..i think other kids deserve a chance at winning ..:lol:

Honestly though i am yet to see a bonnie baby competion where it really is the bonniest baby that wins its always a fix if you ask me ,either the parents, grandparents etc are well know and have standing in the community or they know one of the judges. :~(

i do not need a badge and photo in the paper to tell me that i have a gorgeous baby .

02-Aug-07, 23:37
I came 2nd in a Kodak baby competition when i was a baby :D

03-Aug-07, 08:07
I came 2nd in a Kodak baby competition when i was a baby :D

C'mon then; show us the photie! ;)

03-Aug-07, 08:49
I dont have it! Honestly!

I grab it of my mum thext time I see her and scan it in.

It deffinately wasn't this one!...


03-Aug-07, 08:51
aaauw what a lovely pic

03-Aug-07, 08:53
whats commonly known as 'being hyperactive before bedtime'!!

03-Aug-07, 19:37
I entered my baby in one of the local shows & thought the judging unfair too!
not because I thought my child should of won( but obviously they should of!!:lol:) but because I thought another child should of won as he really was a beautiful baby!

03-Aug-07, 19:43
oh how petty. No matter who would have won the baby show there's always people who will think it was unfair, or a fix.