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31-Jul-07, 15:20
Has anyone got any recipes for tablet, every time i make it, it never seems to set properly. thanks

31-Jul-07, 15:27
Has anyone got any recipes for tablet, every time i make it, it never seems to set properly. thanks

Are you beating it long enough? If you need a taster can I apply for the job...:lol:

31-Jul-07, 21:17

Your teeth will fall out!

If you get the job...

.....Be sure and use someone else's !;):lol:


01-Aug-07, 21:00
1 lb sugar
2 oz butter
1 teacup milk
1 tablespoon syrup
Vanilla Essence
put sugar, butter, milk and syrup in a pan
bring SLOWLY to boiling point (to fast and its gritty)
boil to 240 F stirring all the time
remove from heat and add the vanilla
beat untill it begins to grain (ie beat like hell for 10 mins)
pour into a greased tin and cut when cold
(watch you dont burn yoursef trying to lick the pot)

this usually works for me
hope it helps!

03-Aug-07, 23:52
I'm 46.... a good cook, even tho I say so myself, not afraid to experiment & love to cook all sorts of wonderful concoctions, especially now we can get almost anything for any dish around the world.......

Ummm.... at the risk of all you lovely ladies crawling all over me.....
What on earth is tablet????????

Is it a Scottish thing???
Am I being incredibly blond, or incredibly English???
Probably both! :lol:

04-Aug-07, 00:37
It's a form of fudge; the best way I can describe it!

04-Aug-07, 00:39
Tablet is a "toffee" with a melt in the mouth consistency similar to fudge. Sometimes known as Swiss Milk Toffee. It is extremely moreish & extremely bad for you. My recipe is similar to Dadie's, misses out the syrup but contains a tin of condensed milk.

I seem to have mislaid this recipe which is good - but I've been thinking about it since I read Scoobs' post :D

04-Aug-07, 00:42
It's a form of fudge; the best way I can describe it!

Great minds.....!!??

04-Aug-07, 00:45
Great minds.....!!??

What else.......:lol: