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View Full Version : A brief moment in Eternity.

28-Jul-07, 11:14
While walking the dog I chanced to be
Down beside the deep blue sea
And gazed across this precious land
As we lay contented on golden sand
A brief moment in Eternity.

02-Aug-07, 01:01
Tonight the dragons flamed the evening sky,
With scales of copper, burnished gold they fly.
Far off where Westerness the legend isles are said to be,
They wheel and fly forever free.

Now the sun is gone over a horizon far,
Lights the sky the evening star.
No more flaming,mystic creatures war,
No more smoke trails as they soar.

Now what I saw and what I see,
Is like a dream to me,
Echos of a distant past, thoughts fly free,
For things are not what they seem to be.

But I'd love to see what mystery and magic bring to me,
It takes but a little of the mind to see,
What distant ancestors thought was to be.
Where ancient mystic animals roamed free.