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23-Jul-07, 10:37
Should wee fat Eck resign?
I think so, as far as I am concerned, he is being greedy, and costing us a fortune.How can he do both jobs effectively?

Henry McLeish did the right thing and resigned see below


23-Jul-07, 11:19
Wow...that aint fair...

Salmond receives £60,675 as an MP. As an MSP as well, he automatically receives one third of his basic Holyrood pay, under rules in the Scotland Act.

Backbench MSPs are paid £53,091, so Salmond earns £17,697.

On top of all that, he is paid £76,907 for being First Minister - a salary he intends to keep.

Money being wasted!!!

peter macdonald
23-Jul-07, 13:49
Here we go the smears from the New Labour machine again Oh yes from the Daily Record a fine newspaper with a good reputation for unbiased reporting Aye right Before you get too excited Gollach please remember John Prescotts alledged "hospitality from Mr. Anschutz, who wass bidding to open a supercasino at the Millennium Dome" Also hasnt Tony Blair done well with his new job in the EU ?? Now why did Peter Mandelson resign something about a loan was it???
Cash for honours whitewash etc etc etc
Funny I notice you havent suggested that Des Browne should not be doing his job as Scottish Secy whilst being Defence Minister

Anyway I wasnt going to rise to your comment about the Herald and the BBC but I think any Nu Labour supporter should think long and hard about commenting on anything to do with Unions after all I havent seen any repeal of ANY of the repressive anti union legislation passed by Thatcher so much so that unions such as the CWU were threatening to end funding to the party
As for your newspaper reading I take it you stick to the party line and only read Murdochs rags

23-Jul-07, 14:17
Henry McLeish did the honourable thing see below


I'm afraid honourable isn't the word I'd use for Henry McLeish, golach.

I'm not one for posting links, but as I recall, he sub-let his offices while claiming full allowances for them.

He then accepted the £30K he had been entitled to, but had initially turned down for giving up his Westminster post -so that he could repay the money he had overclaimed in expenses.

Not a shining example of honour or honesty, imo. :(

23-Jul-07, 14:38
Aye right Before you get too excited Gollach

Please get my name right, it is Golach with one L, there is another .Orger with the name of Gollach, I would not like his reputation besmirched for my actions.
My choice to the Daily Record link was used as I liked the "Two Cheque Eck" headline.
You suggest that I am a NU Labour supporter, sorry you are wrong, but I was and am a Trade Unionist, being a member of a Union does not automatically make me a Labour supporter, I chose to cancel my political levy, as every Trade Unionist has the right to.
I will always support Trade Unionists who feel the need to resort to take industrial action against their employers. Strike action is always the last resort and is not taken lightly.

23-Jul-07, 14:50
I'm afraid honourable isn't the word I'd use for Henry McLeish, golach.
Angela point taken, I have edited my original post, I agree, what politician can be honourable, isn't there only honour amongst Thieves

22-Aug-07, 08:20
Stefan Tymkeycz now ex Scot Nat MSP, has shown the way to Wee Fat Eck, by resigning as an MSP to concentrate on his more important job as a Councilor for the City of Edinburgh, ....... maybe WFE should take note.
100 days of Nat rule passed yesterday....What have they done so far? When are they going to vote on a pay rise and more perks? Soon I think:confused

22-Aug-07, 08:54
Salmond receives £60,675 as an MP. As an MSP as well, he automatically receives one third of his basic Holyrood pay, under rules in the Scotland Act. Backbench MSPs are paid £53,091, so Salmond earns £17,697. On top of all that, he is paid £76,907 for being First Minister - a salary he intends to keep.

Peanuts, compared with Neil Kinnock Baron Kinnock of Bedwellty, a shining example of Socialism in action.

9 years working for the EU as Commissioner (on £160,000 a year, plus the same again in allowances) earned him payoffs on retirement of £277,000 over three years, tax free, and he then receives £63,900 a year pension, index linked for life from the EU (which is to say, we're paying). On top of that he was receiving an MP's salary and retains his Parliamentary pension.

Perhaps it not quite the same point as that about Wee Eck, but it all goes to show that there's money in them thar politics.

edit - Sorry, did I mention that da good Baron is a non-executive Director of the company which makes the vote-counting machines so beloved of Douglas Alexander? And gets about another £30k a year for less than a day a week? And being all Socialist cronies together, could it possibly be for his influence on Government? Of course not <ahem>

peter macdonald
22-Aug-07, 09:37
They have some neck anyone from the Labour party daring to mention anything about taking two saleries nepotism corruption etc etc etc However they are safe to answer JWoks point about Socialism as it is, like democracy is dead within Nu Labour in Scotland Wendy Alexander s elevation to leader proves that ...no Socialist challenge ..no election
One thing the SNP has done is to change Nu Labours policy on devolution from being puppets of the Westminster government to asking "How can we expand Edinburghs powers ???" Its also a strange feeling to have people in the Govt in Edinburgh not telling us daily what a basket case Scotland is as Wendy Alexander and her brother did during the recent elections
As for cronyism please see the news item at the start on the Jack McConnell thread
ps I should also add the Jack McConnell did quite a lot for the country and I hope he gets a warm thank you from the greatful citizens of Malawi when he arrives to take up his second job

02-Sep-07, 10:11
Another little cost from Wee Fat Eck, do we really need to spend £100,000 for a name change?
http://www.sundayherald.com/news/heraldnews/display.var.1658654.0.call_us_the_government_says_ salmond.php

Anne x
02-Sep-07, 21:06
lot of nonsense this name change as the law says we are still the Scottish Executive whatever they call it or the Scottish Parliament Building says above it

Wee fat boy wishful thinking for Scottish government aye !! Maybe for X number of days I widna crow too much ,thank goodness he doesnt have enough majority to go for a refererendum

what would become of our beautiful country

02-Sep-07, 21:21
But then, reading your link, golach, no less a person than Henry McLeish appears to give this change his approval, to the extent of saying that had he been in power he would have done just the same! Unless I've totally misread that? :confused

Government departments quite often change their names....must say I often find it hard to remember what the current name for a department is.

I always feel annoyed about the costs though - even changing just a logo is a very expensive business! :roll:

02-Sep-07, 21:45
Another little cost from Wee Fat Eck, do we really need to spend £100,000 for a name change?
http://www.sundayherald.com/news/heraldnews/display.var.1658654.0.call_us_the_government_says_ salmond.php

LOL golach, hubby said to expect something from you after he read it this morning

03-Sep-07, 10:12
LOL golach, hubby said to expect something from you after he read it this morning
And why not Changi lol, Wee Eck, has now taken it upon himself to do away with the Royal Coat of Arms of Scotland, and is going to replace it with the Saltire, What right has he to do that? He is only the First Minister, with a shaky majority of one vote, an elected official not an outright ruler. What next eh? He will wear our National Treasures ( the Scottish Crown Jewels) and move into Holyrood Palace, well it is just over the road, and look at the money that will save in expenses. [lol]