View Full Version : Un-jammable Quantum Tech Takes Flight To Boost Uks Resilience Against Hostile Actors

13-May-24, 12:20
The Caithness Business Index (http://www.caithness-business.co.uk) has posted the following article:

Un-jammable Quantum Tech Takes Flight To Boost Uks Resilience Against Hostile Actors

A first-of-its-kind achievement as quantum navigation tech developed in the UK has been successfully tested in flight. In a commercial world-first, quantum navigation tech developed in the UK was successfully tested in flight while GPS jamming is relatively rare and does not directly impact an aircraft's flight path, quantum systems will provide another layer of security the government has supported the company running the tests, Infleqtion, and their partners from across the country with nearly £8 million as part of its vision to make the UK a leading quantum-enabled economy In a first-of-its-kind achievement, the UK has successfully completed commercial flight trials of advanced quantum-based navigation systems that cannot be jammed or spoofed by hostile actors. [Read Full Article (https://caithness-business.co.uk/article/23574)]