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20-Jul-07, 14:28
So now that the CPS has deemed it not in the public interest to prosecute anyone regarding the cash for honours investigation, some say under pressure from the government, has this sleazy government managed to wriggle off yet another hook?

Watching Lord Levy's press conference I got the feeling he was thumbing his nose at the police and CPS.


20-Jul-07, 15:00
Came as no surprise really, did anyone actually think that charges would be brought ?

20-Jul-07, 15:12
£750,000 spent chasing shadows? Expensive exercise IMO....

20-Jul-07, 17:00
A gross waste of public money by the Labour debacle er Party - whatever went on has been swept under the carpet.


concerned resident
21-Jul-07, 09:48
Corrupt, is the only word i can think of, just like the phone in shows on BBC, found to be misleading the public, if i had done that, it would be fraud. This Government make the Mafia, look like a bunch of amateurs.

Camel Spider
21-Jul-07, 09:55
I remember Blair being critical of the Tories and their sleaze in the run up to him winning in 97, what an utter hypocrite. Politicians are all the same though arent they ??, you can tell when they are lying .. Their lips are moving.

Guy Fawkes had a point .. ;)

21-Jul-07, 11:28
The Blair/Brown conspiracy look after themselves and forget the public - they were never going to be taken to court a complete white wash - how much is Blair now earning in has new Job - Bush's lackey man in the middle east helping who - himself I expect.

21-Jul-07, 13:22
Have to chuckle at the brass neck of Blair - he now has Lord Levy's son working alongside him and has offered Ruth Turner a job at his new charitable foundation....

Camel Spider
21-Jul-07, 13:43
Have to chuckle at the brass neck of Blair - he now has Lord Levy's son working alongside him and has offered Ruth Turner a job at his new charitable foundation....

Isnt he also staying at Chequers because his new house is not quite ready yet ??