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12-Jul-07, 17:10
I am a deep thinker and i came up with this one the other nite whilst watching my hubby shave...

Now many men suffer from baldness, so why is it that their hair gets thinner on the top but they can still grow a fine thick beard....Some men have lazer treatment to get rid of the facial hair,and hair transplants to have a full head of hair. So How is it that the hair carries on growing on the chin but they loose it on top.....Someone must have the answer to my little riddle....
Also some orgers must have a wierd quiery, one of those that you would love to have an answer too, maybe we can all help eachother with these.....

12-Jul-07, 17:25
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one enjoys it? :eek:

12-Jul-07, 17:27
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one enjoys it? :eek:

i did not think anyone would enjoy it.....:eek:

Alice in Blunderland
12-Jul-07, 18:31
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one enjoys it? :eek:

Gosh Connie how your mind must work :lol:

Maybe the remaining 1 is suffering from constipation !!!!!

12-Jul-07, 18:35
Gosh Connie how your mind must work :lol:

Maybe the remaining 1 is suffering from constipation !!!!!haha, made me remember this joke.

A man went to the doctor and complained that he had the most terrible constipation.

The doctor examined him and then gave him a prescription for some tablets to be taken last thing at night.

2 weeks later the patient returned for a check-up and the doctor asked him how his constipation was.

The doctor was rather surprised when the man gloomily answered that the pills worked fine and that he went every morning at 7.30.

"So why the long face?" asked the doctor.

"Because I don't get up until 8 o'clock ! ! !" replied the patient.


Alice in Blunderland
12-Jul-07, 18:46
Now this thread has got me thinking

How come the more I shave my legs the faster it seems to grow back

Now that my husband is getting balder he goes to the hairdresser more often

And why oh why every time I buy a bigger size of clothes I need a larger size in no time at all..........................

12-Jul-07, 19:10
Is the hair on your legs connected through your body to your eyelashes, If not why do I blink and my eyes water when I get them waxed? :confused:

Alice in Blunderland
12-Jul-07, 19:39
Is the hair on your legs connected through your body to your eyelashes, If not why do I blink and my eyes water when I get them waxed?

Not connected at all Connie the answer to that is ..... no pain no gain :lol:

Try having five kids.... leg waxing ,walk in the park.... no tears at all .......:lol:

12-Jul-07, 21:20
i did not think anyone would enjoy it.....:eek:

I don't know, I bet "WE" are all happy when we make it, so that would be enjoyable, wouldn't it?????:Razz

12-Jul-07, 21:39
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one enjoys it? :eek:
HEH HEH, Connie you,ve got a mean streak there.??

12-Jul-07, 22:52
The reply is easy as to why men suffer hair loss, it's a geophysical phenomena, the higher the rocks the more quickly they erode. This means that the hair being on the head i.e the highest point it would erode the quickest and like all eroded material it settles in the nearest place that it can find a hold i.e the chin crack.
So ladies the next time you hear the rattle of gravel don't look to see who's coming up the garden path, just check where the hair is falling to!

12-Jul-07, 22:56
maybe they should come up with a way to put chin hair on the head...I have been trying to imagine what that would look like....Einstein came to mind....:eek:

Why is it when you pull one GREY hair you get more the next time.....I have always dyed my hair but now i have it short and natural, CRIKEY i lost count after 200 grey hairs..Help im getting older....

12-Jul-07, 23:41
I want to know when you get older why do you start sprouting long hairs in your ears and nose, still haven't figured that one out??

Camel Spider
13-Jul-07, 02:28
What does Dr Pepper taste like ??

13-Jul-07, 07:09
What I want to know is when they talk about getting professional medical help, does that mean there are amatures out there practicing ???? Scary !

Also practicing medicine, does that mean when you get treated by a practice, you really are a guinea pig ????? That one day they will get your treatment right !!!
Suppose thats why the phone number for the hospital is 5050 - yer chances !!!

13-Jul-07, 09:00
why does the phone ring when you are in the bath and if you get out to answer it it goes dead just as you pick it up and if you dont get out the bath it keeps ringing?

13-Jul-07, 09:24
What does "Certified Practicing Accountants" mean?
Are they certified as crazy, and what are they practicing? Highway Robbery most of the time!

13-Jul-07, 09:25
I am a deep thinker and i came up with this one the other nite whilst watching my hubby shave...

Now many men suffer from baldness, so why is it that their hair gets thinner on the top but they can still grow a fine thick beard....Some men have lazer treatment to get rid of the facial hair,and hair transplants to have a full head of hair. So How is it that the hair carries on growing on the chin but they loose it on top.....Someone must have the answer to my little riddle....
Also some orgers must have a wierd quiery, one of those that you would love to have an answer too, maybe we can all help eachother with these.....

Its testosterone Justine apparently - higher testosterone levels leads to lots of beard and body hair but paradoxically it also causes male pattern balding so keep hold your beardy baldy he is likely to be very manly :D.

13-Jul-07, 10:09
with 8 kids and number 9 on the way I think that is proof enough :eek:

13-Jul-07, 16:21
Its testosterone Justine apparently - higher testosterone levels leads to lots of beard and body hair but paradoxically it also causes male pattern balding so keep hold your beardy baldy he is likely to be very manly :D.

Cheers for the help..Although my hubby has a good crop of hair, and keeps himself mainly shaved, i will definately keeping hold of him....

Corgiman, you hit the nail on the head with that one....Made me chuckle.....And i do find my hubby irresitable...

13-Jul-07, 17:39
Why is it that when painting or wallpapering you always need that last brush full of paint when the tin is empty or just one more length of paper ??? so you have to buy another tin / roll ,does anyone know cos i sure don't !!! jan x:confused

13-Jul-07, 18:06
maybe they should come up with a way to put chin hair on the head...I have been trying to imagine what that would look like....Einstein came to mind....:eek:

Why is it when you pull one GREY hair you get more the next time.....I have always dyed my hair but now i have it short and natural, CRIKEY i lost count after 200 grey hairs..Help im getting older....

Now.. I got an interesting one for you, Justine. My hair used to be darkish brown. It has been going grey for a few years now, but recently several Black hairs have grown. :confused

13-Jul-07, 18:12
Now.. I got an interesting one for you, Justine. My hair used to be darkish brown. It has been going grey for a few years now, but recently several Black hairs have grown. :confused

Maybe the black hairs are making a come back.might be that you wont go grey..Lucky you,,,mine are just going grey and quick...

George Brims
13-Jul-07, 18:33
What does Dr Pepper taste like ??

Cough mixture

George Brims
13-Jul-07, 18:38
Its testosterone Justine apparently - higher testosterone levels leads to lots of beard and body hair but paradoxically it also causes male pattern balding so keep hold your beardy baldy he is likely to be very manly :D.

Apparently it's not the person's level of testosterone but the sensitivity of the cells to the hormone. This is inherited so you tend to have baldness/beardiness like your dad or grandad. In rare cases people are genetically male but have *no* sensitivity to testosterone, leading to the weird condition where the person looks female but has X and Y chromosomes.

13-Jul-07, 18:42
How is it that the right hand side of our bodies is normally slightly smaller than the left...I have one thumb bigger than the other, and there are other parts on male and females(i will not mention for fear of being told off) that are larger,Would love the answer to this one...

13-Jul-07, 19:52
Justine that has a wicked slant to it, well slightly anyway, he says before someone jumps in an says "explain your self":D

13-Jul-07, 20:03
Justine that has a wicked slant to it, well slightly anyway, he says before someone jumps in an says "explain your self":D
Please do..Explain yourself..And as for the wicked slant, so do most of our bodies....:eek:

14-Jul-07, 07:54
why does the phone ring when you are in the bath and if you get out to answer it it goes dead just as you pick it up and if you dont get out the bath it keeps ringing?

:lol: How true :lol:

14-Jul-07, 18:41
The answer to that is to get an answering machine, or leave it...

Something else always baffles me, we all know that hot dogs come in tins of 8, but the buns come in sixes,well why the hell to supermarkets insist on putting bananas in bags of 7...I always have to buy to packs so the kids can have one each...maybe its just me i dont know.....:eek:

15-Jul-07, 01:19
How come the more I shave my legs the faster it seems to grow back

I read somewhere that human hair grows about 0.2mm/day. So, after one day, your leg hair is 0.2mm long, the second day, they are 0.4mm long, a 100% increase on the previous day.

However, on day ten, your leg hair is 2mm long and on day 11 they are 2.2mm hairy, only a 10% increase on the previous day.

It doesn't grow faster after a shave, it just seems that way.

Gosh, the things we post about....:eek::Razz

15-Jul-07, 01:49
Now.. I got an interesting one for you, Justine. My hair used to be darkish brown. It has been going grey for a few years now, but recently several Black hairs have grown. :confused

It is the strontium 90 in the snow we ate as children. It is coming back to haunt us.

15-Jul-07, 09:28
What does Dr Pepper taste like ??

quite close to Cherry Coke