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View Full Version : Scottish Parliament petition to Dual the A9 and improve road safety - closes soon

26-Dec-22, 12:38
I don't know if any of you would be interested in signing the petition on the Scottish Parliament petitions web site:

"PE1992: Dual the A9 and improve road safety
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to deliver on the commitment it made in 2011, and address safety concerns on the A9 by:

publishing a revised timetable and detailed plan for dualling each section;

completing the dualling work by 2025; and

creating a memorial to those who have lost their lives in road traffic incidents on the A9. ... ".


It already has over 3600 signatures (which is quite alot for a petition on the Scottish Parliament petitions web site).

The petition is collecting signatures until 28th December 2022.

The Horseman
27-Dec-22, 22:35
Where is the Money coming from?

30-Dec-22, 15:24
Where is the Money coming from?

A lot of money is raised by the UK government from Vehicle Excise Duty and the various taxes on petrol and diesel. I read somewhere (but can't find a link at the moment) that far less money was spent on roads than is raised via these taxes.

Improvements in infrastructure often lead to economic growth and more jobs etc. Also if the road was improved hopefully there would be less accidents.

The petition is now closed but 3,814 signatures were collected, which is quite good number for a petition on the Scottish Parliament petitions web site.

The Horseman
31-Dec-22, 16:11
I see what you mean, but in times when people are unable to heat their homes, and getting a ‘sma’ handout if coal from A Grocer, (I realize it’s a Promo’), should this be the time that one widens roads and build a tribute to lost people.
You can make as many lanes as you want, but some people will always crash!
The Gov’ts make many promises, some they cannot keep.
I have been reading about the Ferry mess, and spending £20 Million on a Conference… perhaps the people should ‘rise up’ and challenge the ineptitude of the Scottish Gov’t!
Have u forgotten the Charges the Fake Charges against Wee Eck?
Just my read of This Fiasko!

01-Jan-23, 16:41
... The Gov’ts make many promises, some they cannot keep. ...

It is not unreasonable to try to hold politicians to their pledges, particularly if these pledges resulted in the political party gaining extra votes at an election. Many people find that in life if you don't ask you don't get, the people who signed the petition have asked, it will be interesting to see what the outcome will be.

01-Jan-23, 17:31
You just love to have a go at the Scottish government, democratically elected by the people of Scotland, don’t you Horseman…..
I have been reading about the Ferry mess, and spending £20 Million on a Conference… perhaps the people should ‘rise up’ and challenge the ineptitude of the Scottish Gov’t!
The ferry mess and the conference costs are NOTHING compared to the waste created by Westminster!
The implied loss to the Scottish Taxpayer regarding the ferries, approx. £500m, is nothing compared to the £2.5bn overspend on aircraft carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales, (Nov 2021). Let’s not forget the Ajax Fighting Vehicle debacle where current costs run to £5.5bn and five years behind schedule. There is talks now of Ajax being scrapped. Then of course there is the damning report by the Public Accounts Committee that concluded that NHS test and trace did not achieve its main objective to help break chains of Covid-19 transmission and enable people to return towards a more normal way of life, despite receiving about 20% of the NHS’s entire annual budget, that is £37bn, over two years. Of course, we have to mention the infamous London Crossrail which opened three and a half years late and more than £4bn over budget; total cost £18.8bn, and it still isn’t finished!
You come across as a bitter expat unionist sniping from the side-lines with little love for Scotland or its people. You might want to spend some time here.

The Horseman
01-Jan-23, 19:06

Your comment is exactly what is wrong. Get your ‘own house’ in order first and then complain about others.
I am not Bitter…….I am attempting to get The Scots all fighting on the one side, not the fragmentation that seems to permeate your ‘Political Circus’!
On these few posts there are 3 ‘parties’!
They vary from SNP, Alba and one belonging to Nothing!
Fragmentation defeats the object of the exercise.

I have worked (seconded) to 3 levels of Gov’t……..from my main position.
Municipal(Local), Provincial and Federal, and if there is one thing that can survive it is ‘continuity’…….

Do with the money you are given, and show a Shining Example!

AND…I remember reading that in the 1800’s there there was a Community issue that was disagreed with, so The People started walking from Dunbeath gathering Momentum, and hundreds arrived in Wick and confronted The Council. Things changed quickly!
But nowadays from the Statistical analysis I read, they cannot even be bothered to go to Council Meetings, even with all their Free Mobility Vehicles. Some of your Councillors get voted in year after year.
They are there for THEMSELVES!
’Put that in your Pipe and smoke it’!

And it’s New Year…Do something constructive. If you have to, ‘Shout fromThe Rooftops’!
I said to Corkey, do something other that writing on here!

02-Jan-23, 10:27
Horseman, you have no idea what anyone does in their personal lives to help in the community or local or national politics or charitable causes or whatever and they do not have to justify themselves to you or to anyone else for that matter. Caithness contains very many wonderful people doing all sorts of extraordinary things on a daily basis to help others and make a difference- and, I happen to believe that is the case pretty much throughout the world too. They are not 'shouting from the rooftops' (why should they?) but spending their energies getting on with it- whereas you are so very fond of telling us about all your long career in politics but all of it has been outside of both Caithness and Scotland. I have always had a good response from local councillors when I have raised concerns- including as recently as a couple of months ago- and I would not vote for someone whom I was not able to respect. The whole point about democracy is that people will have different and passionately held views but I think that most living in Scotland love this country and want to work for the good. I will hold onto that as it is a positive view for 2023. Happy New Year!

The Horseman
03-Jan-23, 15:42
You are a very good writer…….much better that I!

I stand by my comments. You seem to think that much can be accomplished sitting with your feet up, and relying on the goodness of others.
Yes that can occur to a point, but ‘the squeeky wheel’ gets the oil, most of the time.
I don’t brag about being in Politics…….I was never a Politician, but was ‘seconded’ (maybe that’s a beeg wordie) to Gov’t to give ‘The Common Man’s’ input in what The UK calls The Home Office.
I read all the time, that ‘common people’ have No Input in decisions that Create/make Laws, thus I was part of that sector.

I am from Caithness and visit often……And I did see the Same Faces in the Political scene all the time. Actually I admit recently they are changing.
And I see pictures in the Groat etc., of a Politician standing outside a vandalized premises, usually The Toilets, smiling dutifully and the caption……Photo supplied by The Politician! Self promotion…..Perhaps ask what they have done about it.

Democracy is as you said, except it seems in Scotland that there is no cohesion to The difficult task of taking Scotland private!

A Question…….How has ‘sitting on your **** worked in getting the roads repaired, stopping this Malicious damage, getting proper Health Care.
I did read some time ago that animals had better treatment that Humans!

Yes it takes all kinds to make a World and The North of Scotland inhabitants are likely the best anywhere, but one must fight for what you want. I know, I did! Regards…….as I gallop away!

03-Jan-23, 18:12
''You seem to think that much can be accomplished sitting with your feet up, and relying on the goodness of others''.
What? That is the opposite of what I wrote!
You either did not read what I have written or you did not understand it or you choose not to understand it. As I don't know which one it is, there is no point in continuing.

The Horseman
04-Jan-23, 01:47
''You seem to think that much can be accomplished sitting with your feet up, and relying on the goodness of others''.
What? That is the opposite of what I wrote!
You either did not read what I have written or you did not understand it or you choose not to understand it. As I don't know which one it is, there is no point in continuing.

YUP……By the Local Media, and comments by ‘Locals’, U Gots Problems. Ty.

Corky Smeek
04-Jan-23, 16:04
I'm just enjoying the novelty of sitting on the sidelines and not getting involved (yet).

The Horseman
05-Jan-23, 21:31
I'm just enjoying the novelty of sitting on the sidelines and not getting involved (yet).

I am looking forward to your Wise thots!