View Full Version : Is Brexit Beginning To Bite - Pt. 2

Corky Smeek
18-Oct-22, 20:04
The best analysis yet of the impact of Brexit on the UK's economy.

Please don't be put off by the fact that it is nearly half an hour long - it really is a fascinating insight and well worth watching.


Bill Fernie
18-Oct-22, 20:43
Agreed - Excellent film.
I have added it to the business index.

The Horseman
19-Oct-22, 16:05
Corky….There is a lot more to Brexit than what this Video portrays!
At the present time there is ‘Malcontent’ across The World. No one is happy!
And for Scotland, which I thought I understood, the issue between ‘The Two Fish’ is confusing people.

The Horseman
20-Oct-22, 22:04
I was reading about some EU Countries being really fed up with Brussels dictating to them, and also The Passage of People!
Seems no one is happy……….The Video is only complaints about a certain sector, which doesn't affect most people….
And Ireland being so rich……methinks they would oppose that!