View Full Version : What is the alternative to Scottish Independence?

Corky Smeek
18-Oct-22, 16:24
Answer:- Government like this.


22-Oct-22, 00:13
Governments come and go, some are good, some are bad.
The thing is that they are temporary, in the event of the Fuhrer getting her wish, make no mistake that will be permanent, we wont get another shot at rejoining UK, unlike the endless stream of referendum requests.

25-Oct-22, 10:24
Governments come and go, however the Tories have been in power since May 2010, yet the People of Scotland have not voted Tory since 1955. The only way the People of Scotland will get the government they want will be through independence. Scotland is big enough, smart enough and rich enough to join all the other great wee independent countries around the world.

25-Oct-22, 18:37
The only way the People of Scotland will get the government they want will be through independence. Scotland is big enough, smart enough and rich enough to join all the other great wee independent countries around the world

The above may be true, but as we found out in 2014, we voted to remain as part of the UK

26-Oct-22, 12:21
The above may be true, but as we found out in 2014, we voted to remain as part of the UK

Perhaps you have been away but much has changed since September 2014. We were told that if we wanted to remain in the EU we would have to stay in the Union with England. We were told that if we left the Union our senior citizens would lose their pensions which turned out to be a blatant lie. Time after time the Scottish government has had to introduce policies to mitigate against the worse of tory policies, not least the 2021 Scottish Child Payment to counter the dreadful draconian cuts the Tories have made to Universal Credit. The fact is that the independence movement has grown since then and the People of Scotland are increasingly sick of the obfuscation and lies emanating from Westminster.
Finally, the cross-party Smith Commission agreed that: ‘nothing in this report prevents Scotland becoming an independent country in the future should the people of Scotland so choose’. Thus, the result of the referendum in 2014 did not cancel the democratic rights of the People of Scotland.

26-Oct-22, 12:47
We were told that if we wanted to remain in the EU we would have to stay in the Union with England

That's BS for a kick off, we were told that we would need to apply to join the EU, which I think is the case isn't it?