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View Full Version : GMB tells Scottish Government: COSLA can do more for the lowest paid local government

30-Aug-22, 23:41
The Caithness Business Index (http://www.caithness-business.co.uk) has posted the following article:

GMB tells Scottish Government: COSLA can do more for the lowest paid local government workers

Following talks between the Deputy First Minister and unions this afternoon (Tuesday 30 August) over the pay offer for Scottish local government, GMB Scotland Senior Organiser for Public Service Keir Greenaway said: "The message delivered on behalf of our members was clear: Do more for the lowest paid workers by delivering a flat rate offer for their consultation. "The Deputy First Minister also reiterated his position that there is no more money to offer, but we were also clear the existing offer is not in the words of COSLA bosses, “as good as it gets". [Read Full Article (https://caithness-business.co.uk/article/17621)]