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View Full Version : 53 Best Cities in the World 2022

Corky Smeek
12-Jul-22, 20:17
TimeOut (https://www.timeout.com/things-to-do/best-cities-in-the-world) have produced the results of a survey to determine the best cities in the world to visit right now.

And guess what?

Edinburgh came in 1st place.

Glasgow came in 4th place.

I think that's a pretty good result, don't you?

The only thing is I can't find any mention of it on the BBC Scotland website. Maybe it is there and I just haven't been able to find it. By all means correct me if I am wrong but here we have something to feel proud about: something we might even want to boast a bit about and our national broadcaster ignores it. Well, I say that. It may have been on RepScot but I've long given up watching that. Surely this is a news story that deserves a bit of coverage. We can all preen ourselves and feel proud of our country. So why isn't the BBC covering this and puffing it up to make us feel a wee bit good about Scotland? Oh, wait! How silly of me! The last thing BBC Scotland wants, with IndyRef2 so much in the news, is an outbreak of national pride in Scotland.

13-Jul-22, 08:24
It is really great obviously. As far as I can judge from looking at how it is done, it is the citizens that score their own city on various aspects rather than a visitor survey as such?