View Full Version : Nuke Station ‘Nuked’!

The Horseman
17-Feb-22, 03:26
I am surprised at the Negative Implications of The Mini Nuclear Reactor!
What does the Community think?

The Horseman
18-Feb-22, 15:28
I take it no one is interested/has Thots!
I see in the ‘Groat’ today, The MSP is accused of disregarding the ‘Will of the Far North’, to at least consider the Proposals.
Nuclear Energy Reactors have come a long way since Dounreay……
Many small units are being used around the World….from ships to a University near where I live.
The disasters were either from lack of understanding on how to shut them down properly, carelessness, or some being built in a compromising position/place making them vulnerable to ‘the elements’!
I guess we shall see. I see I got ‘some reads’ so that’s good. Ty

19-Feb-22, 17:30
I am surprised at the Negative Implications of The Mini Nuclear Reactor!
What does the Community think?
I wonder how many of the community in Caithness were actually asked what they thought of it or was it people from the Ord south who were consulted?

The Horseman
19-Feb-22, 20:36
Corky, Perhaps you could explain why The SNP’s Maree Todd is against the Mini Nuclear Facility.
Gawd, I was on a Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier with 5,500 personnel, and it was safe, and I survived!
Perhaps you could explain…tks…

Corky Smeek
20-Feb-22, 18:39
What makes you think I know Maree Todd's mind? I'm not in the SNP.

All nuclear facilities are safe until the moment something goes wrong. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Windscale were all safe until they weren't.

The Horseman
21-Feb-22, 01:41
What makes you think I know Maree Todd's mind? I'm not in the SNP.

All nuclear facilities are safe until the moment something goes wrong. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Windscale were all safe until they weren't.

‘Gosh’ I thot u were, SNP!

These were ‘too big to fail facilities’. If you read WHY these large Country ran Plants failed, you would see that bad planning, carelessness ana a myriad of other ‘faux pas’ created the probs. The smaller ones have been around for years. USS Nimitz was built in 1972.
The US has 10 Aircraft Carriers…..still going, as does many Countries.

Yes, but the 3 you mention were massive…anyway was just wondering and though u mite know! Ty.

AND……Dounreay was also ‘a mess’! I remember people I new being exposed to Radiation in the early 60’s. Yes they died…..that was 60 years ago.
It was ‘trial and error’ then, but we have come a long way.
We have to understand, that many of the World’s largest Ships are being powered by small reactors!
My Daughter works for a Company that runs a Reactor making Radiation Isotopes for medical use, and their oversight is enormous.
There are only two main ones is the World……..Canada and Russia.
Until ‘cold fusion’ becomes a reality, (if ever) we need ‘clean energy’!
The North of Scotland needs work, and it would be desirable to have The Newest, most advanced, and Safest Nuclear Energy!
I think the Public should not expect less.
Was checking the Groat and Struan Mackie seems to favour consultation etc.

AND…I see this Subject has had 800 reads… Methinks people are reluctant to state their opinions….’kinda sad’!
It is only ‘a robust’ Council of respected people that will make a difference……some of the Councillors get in by posting selfies to the papers and Breathing…..time for ‘A Change’ Corky….take the lead!
And I say this ‘tongue in cheek’…Caithness people get off your backsides, and fight for your rights! It’s called Democrary!

Tom Bowler
21-Feb-22, 16:53
My opinion is that the UK will eventually have to take a close look at nuclear energy, although I think it is too late and Hinckley Point B is not exactly a good advert on how it should be done. The transition to renewables is going slowly and the "Net Zero" and "just transition" catch phrases will not make renewables any more affordable.

Of course the SNP will not contemplate nuclear power especially as they have new "chums" on board, fair enough it was part of their manifesto that they were elected on.

In the meantime whilst the SG and Greens dance on Cambo's grave I will continue to use electricity which I believe is imported from France.

It would appear that Beijing Gas are interested in buying up Shell's assets in the North Sea due to Shell wanting to focus on renewables. Imagine that, relying on Russia and China for oil and gas, now there's a recipe for WW3 or some very dark and cold winters.

The Horseman
21-Feb-22, 17:39
I agree 100%…..
With China and Russia signing their agreements, the UK/US is on a decline. Other European Countries are looking at what is going, on and agreeing with those that give them the most!

China will be a ‘force’ to reckon with in the near future, if not already…Take the South China Sea issue!
And they are issuing huge loans to impoverished Countries, and when they are unable to pay they take over their assets and plant Bases in their Country.
Recently they tried to buy an Abandoned Gold Property in Northern Canada, which would give then a land mass near The North West Passage…they didn't want a mine..they wanted a Strategic Harbour! Canadian Gov’t declined…..a first for our Politicians. Mind u we do live close to the the United States/likely some words from them……our once great ally!
We have problems across the World.
What amazes me that some Councillors are re-elected over and over again, and do little ‘modern/proactive work towards a better future, especially for Caithness.
Look at the Photo Ops these people have…by line…Councillor standing at the front of the regularly Wrecked Toilets in Wick, photo Op. Nothing happened….same old, same old!
This is not meant as ‘disrespect’, but it’s time for change……when I come back, little has changed from 50/60 years ago….closed and abandoned storefronts all over The North, and Roads in disarray!
And the SNP fighting amongst themselves for Power!
How do the Caithness/Sutherland people fight for progress! afn.

Corky Smeek
21-Feb-22, 18:13
I will continue to use electricity which I believe is imported from France.

That's not the case. Scotland is virtually self sufficient in electricity generation - 98.4% in 2019. The UK does import electricity from France - mostly, I think, from the nuclear power plant at Flamanville in Normandy. This arrangement has been made primarily to satisfy demand in England which accounts for 81% of total UK electricity consumption.

Imagine that, relying on Russia and China for oil and gas, now there's a recipe for WW3 or some very dark and cold winters.

Well, the solution may be closer to hand than you realise. In 2019, 90.1% of equivalent electricity consumption in Scotland came from renewables. I think I heard recently that the figure was now just under 100%. In other words, Scotland is self sufficient in energy. Yet, still we have the highest energy tariffs in the UK. If only there was some way that the people of Scotland could wrest control of energy from Westminster. Oh, wait ......!

Neil Howie
21-Feb-22, 22:29
Imagine that, relying on Russia and China for oil and gas, now there's a recipe for WW3 or some very dark and cold winters.

Agreed, don't want to pay for over-priced oil to fund a war in the Ukraine.

Sounds like you're advocating some kind of self-determined energy policy

Tom Bowler
21-Feb-22, 23:06
Agreed, don't want to pay for over-priced oil to fund a war in the Ukraine.

Sounds like you're advocating some kind of self-determined energy policy

Sadly the world has suddenly become an even more dangerous place and it would be better for the people of the UK if we were able to be as self sufficient as possible in oil, gas and electricity. That way we may be less vulnerable to being held to ransom.

Neil Howie
21-Feb-22, 23:30
Look at the mess Germany has got itself into with the nord 2 pipeline, now it doesn't want to say boo to Russia!

Neil Howie
21-Feb-22, 23:32
Uh oh here we go

Putin orders troops into eastern Ukraine

Putin orders troops into eastern Ukraine

The Horseman
22-Feb-22, 00:32
UK and US will act ‘Swiftly and Decisively’…..doing what!
Taiwan next perhaps.
Unfortunately there is a ‘New World Order’!

The Horseman
24-Mar-22, 14:54
Nuke Reactor…
Am glad someone is coming up with thoughts other than Banning A New Nuclear Facility. Work, work, work for the people!
Methinks if any place in The UK., The North should be on the priority LIST!
My thots anyway!

And Corky….I doubt very much that Scotland is Self Sufficient in the energy field.
Methinks the Public is being sold a ‘bill of devious goods’.

Here is what occurs……Turbines are being built by Companies that receive huge concessions from the Gov’t. All sorts of money thrown in.
Then they work for a while and eventually have to be ‘bailed out’ again…..and again..Looks good, but people have poor memories.
The local Communities are ‘teased’ with gifts to their communities, for Thousands of Pounds. But where does that money come from.
Profits from the Companies…..thus the general public pay exorbitant prices for Energy and they are actually getting a very small, portion of their hard earned money back! The main profits go to the Land Owners and the Corporations.
Get It?
I read somewhere that the The Pentland Firth Generators won an Int’l Award………and then the system went off line…broke down…..had to be taken out and re-furbished!

Corky Smeek
24-Mar-22, 23:09
And Corky….I doubt very much that Scotland is Self Sufficient in the energy field.
Methinks the Public is being sold a ‘bill of devious goods’.

First of all I should have said "self-sufficient in domestic energy generation", ie our homes. Sorry about that; obviously I need to proof-read my posts more throughly.

Now, whilst it might not be the world's best source of irrefutable evidence Wikipedia still has some useful material on it. Here is an article entitled "Renewable Energy in Scotland". (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_Scotland) It is worth a read.

24-Mar-22, 23:28
This is also work a read about misleading information.


The Horseman
25-Mar-22, 01:25
I should say that you are not alone.
Ontario Hydro, a Province of Canada, population 15million, erected a windmill at it’s HQ….but it never worked well, in fact it became useless! And The Province of Quebec is our neighbouring Canadian Province, and when Ontario needs extra power we have to buy it from Quebec but thru America! HUH? They take their CUT! How come!

It’s generally hit and miss with Bits and Pieces thrown in!

The Horseman
13-Apr-22, 20:47
Just read that The Scottish Gov’t is ‘holding back’ permission to build a Nuclear Plant.
Over the years I have dealt with, and watched the production of power from Nuclear Plants, and found them to be safe.
Either Nature or Human Error is responsible for ‘Accidents’.
If we take out the Human side of it, the chances of a problem is Negligible!

The continual Dounreay problems can be rectified if there are several overseeing bodies.
In North America there are 4 (four) separate oversite bodies watching, thus the chances of failure is remote.
I would argue that Nuclear Power is safe!………

The Horseman
21-Apr-22, 15:25
ANOTHER spill at Dounreay……
Confined it says……to what.

In this day and age, this should not occur…There is an Adjective I could use! But……these operations should be ‘Bullet Proof!
Well done SEPA…….
Experimental Tidal Energy where is should never happen…according to the experts, and continual ‘Leaks at Dounreay’.
This should not be tolerated in a responsible Country. But ‘The Sheep’ continue to allow it to occur.

The Horseman
01-May-22, 19:55
If anyone wants to read about the New Nuke Plants ‘Google’…….

‘A first for Canada…New type of Nuclear Plant opens in 2028’. Small, portable and will service 300,000 homes.
They are called…..Small Modular Reactor,…SMR).

03-May-22, 17:00
rolls royce was wanting to test modular reactors so why not do it up here

The Horseman
28-May-23, 18:39
Quietly hidden away, is the change in direction of Patrick Moore, one of the Founders of Greenpeace and a Director of said Foundation, who has changed his mind on Nuclear!
He stated that there are over 100 Nuclear Plants in America and Canada, none of which have every caused an Injury or Death.
The exception is Chernobyl which was a badly designed Russian Plant.
Accidents are the exception, not the Rule he stated.

Balancing Social, Environmental, and Economics…….leads to a balance on Social Environmentalism!

Well said!

The Horseman
06-Jul-23, 15:09
News…in The Province of Ontario, Canada, the largest Nuclear Generating Station in the World has been operating for approx 30 years.
Now they are expanding it to nearly double it’s present size….
Even the Co Founder of Greenpeace has changed his mind, and stated that Nuclear Power Generation is the safest!.

***** Canada has been very careful with Nuclear Energy. This has been a long time in Investigation!

22-Sep-23, 10:41
Just read that The Scottish Gov’t is ‘holding back’ permission to build a Nuclear Plant.
Over the years I have dealt with, and watched the production of power from Nuclear Plants, and found them to be safe.
Either Nature or Human Error is responsible for ‘Accidents’.
If we take out the Human side of it, the chances of a problem is Negligible!

The continual Dounreay problems can be rectified if there are several overseeing bodies.
In North America there are 4 (four) separate oversite bodies watching, thus the chances of failure is remote.
I would argue that Nuclear Power is safe!………

Nuclear power stations should not be anywhere in the north of Scotland, We have all seen the devastation it carries and the risks [mad] who ever thought Nuclear was the way to go needs to go re-educate themselves wind/water turbines for power not nuclear

The Horseman
25-Sep-23, 01:37
I disagree, and even the Co Founder of Greenpeace now disagrees.
Yes, Dounreay was a Mess. It was allowed to be, and it still seems to be.
There are Thousands of Nuke Reactors in the World, from powering Ships to making electric power.
Just look at the amount of power we will need when we go ‘all electric’!
Educate ‘ursell’. They can’t even keep the Tidal one running!
If it wasn’t the massive subsidies given by Govt’s, we would be nowhere! And that is your Tax Money!

I now read that Data Centres are installing Small Modular Reactors, as the power to run these Centres with Computers are insufficient.
A few meltdowns around the World have scared people. Accidents and carelessness do occur, and again 50 years ago they experimental! Not now.
Read up on it…..Thank You.