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View Full Version : and still they come ....

30-Jun-07, 16:51
In case you haven't noticed, Burn of Whilk windfarm has been advertised yet again (will the developers ever get their documents sorted - something else apparently missing) and Stroupster, which was turned down last year but has somehow managed to re-appear. If this carries on we won't need cars etc. to get round Caithness - we'll be able to swing from turbine blade to turbine blade with no gaps in between.

No wonder housebuilding firms are despairing of getting planning decisions. The planners are too busy with windfarm applications.

30-Jun-07, 19:31
Don't understand whats going on with Stroupster? I thought that got thrown out last year - what grounds have they got to reapply? Its getting ridiculous. The Hill of Lieurary proposal is a good example of developers never giving up - original proposal three turbines, goes all the way through the appeals process and gets turned down - developers come back with a plan for two turbines. I suppose if that gets turned down, they'll try one!