View Full Version : Homelessness Applications Fall But Households In Temporary Accommodation On The Rise

30-Jun-21, 07:21
The Caithness Business Index (http://www.caithness-business.co.uk) has posted the following article:

Homelessness Applications Fall But Households In Temporary Accommodation On The Rise

Housing secretary Shona Robison said today that ensuring people in temporary accommodation are supported into permanent settled accommodation as soon as possible is the Scottish Government's "utmost objective" after new figures revealed a 12% increase in households in temporary accommodation over the last year. Speaking on the release of the Homelessness Statistics 2020/21, Ms Robison said efforts to move hundreds of people from the streets and night shelters into a place of safety had contributed to the increase and that £37.5 million is being invested to support councils to prioritise settled accommodation for those impacted. [Read Full Article (https://caithness-business.co.uk/article/14171)]