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View Full Version : The debate goes on....Will it ever be resolved.

27-Jun-07, 14:15
Well it is something that will never be right in the eyes of others and fine for others, me personaly dont think they should allow it, but it is every womans choise.......What should they be doing instead of spending all their time debating it.....


27-Jun-07, 14:22
Well it is something that will never be right in the eyes of others and fine for others, me personaly dont think they should allow it, but it is every womans choise.......What should they be doing instead of spending all their time debating it.....


Making sure they use contraception for starters!

27-Jun-07, 18:17
By removing the current requirement for two doctors' signatures before the procedure can take place, it will mean that the termination can be carried out as early as possible - surely a good thing I would imagine, not only for the women but also for the doctors who do the op. :confused

27-Jun-07, 19:35
I don't think so. It is already far too quick and easy with women not receiving the counselling and advice that they should and the current law is flouted on a regular basis. There was a debate between two doctors on the radio this morning, one for the change and one against. The doctor opposing it said we don't hear about the after effects, both physical and mental, which can be terrible. The Abortion law was a good idea when it was introduced and very necessary but it has gone way beyond what was originally planned and now it's just another method of contraception.

27-Jun-07, 19:43
Much to emotive for me, I just get carried away, so I will shut up now.:(

27-Jun-07, 20:36
My gut feeling is to make it easier, alongside good access to contraceptive and counselling services, but to require people to do it sooner. Late terminations seem very different from the first 3 months.

28-Jun-07, 10:11
i personally think it would be stupid to change it. the way it is at the moment gives the woman the chance to get over the shock of finding out shes pregnant & gives them time to think about what they really want.