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The Horseman
21-May-21, 00:47
At last, an official investigation into the BBC and Martin Bashir regarding Lady Diana, reveals what many of us already know.
They can be Deceitful and Unethical

I dealt with them in Canada for approx 20 years, and altho’ they were important to get News out, they had their own secrets.

In their closed circles there is a saying....’If it bleeds, it leads’....meaning ‘DIRT’ is the lead story!

In addition...In Canada, if a person is named as ‘an accused’, then they must print the fact that the ‘suspect/charged’ person is Guilty or Not Guilty’.

21-May-21, 14:32
Agree with you Horseman - many who are in media circles are sewer rats, totally unscrupulous and unethical, out to dish any dirt they can find about anyone other than their friends or the people they regard as their aiders or abetters, no regard for anyone but their profit and getting a name for dishing the dirtiest of dirt but if anyone was to dish the dirt on them and their behaviours, they regard that as a different matter and would seek to get it hushed up and covered up through their connections in media bosses or friends in high places.

I really do regard mainstream media as scum of the earth, sewer rats, a total waste of oxygen - as you can gather my opinion is extremely low.

The Horseman
19-Jun-21, 01:37
Here we go again.......
The BBC took a CNN......negative piece of questionably investigated Garbage, and Stuck/Thrust it at the unsuspecting Public.
Gawd.....If its compliments of CNN, take care in reading said info, as they are notoriously suspect in their reporting!

19-Jun-21, 22:55
Horseman - if you think that is bad you should see the reviews the new tv GB news, it seems to be absolutely appalling- I believe started by Andrew Neil.

Sorry only going on reviews I have read in the days since they started as do not often watch television and definitely not live extremely biased stuff.

20-Jun-21, 01:11
Horseman - if you think that is bad you should see the reviews the new tv GB news, it seems to be absolutely appalling- I believe started by Andrew Neil.

Sorry only going on reviews I have read in the days since they started as do not often watch television and definitely not live extremely biased stuff.

He'll love it... A Brittish Fox News!

The Horseman
21-Jun-21, 14:21
M.Alrock.......Objectivity is all that is required! Simples......