View Full Version : Cart Tracks

Tom Bowler
27-Feb-21, 22:59
I had to go to Wick the other day, the first time in quite a while.

I was shocked to see the dangerous condition that the road surfaces have fallen in to. I see that the Council's latest solution is to put up signs reading " uneven road surface" and 30mph signs. I suppose they will try to hide behind these signs if you damage your vehicle or have an accident.

I would suggest that Caithness has the dubious honour of having the worst maintained road surfaces in Northern Scotland. I see that some road signs have been renewed such as the "NC500 route". I think that the Council should have also put on it "4X4 vehicles only". It won't be long before the procession of tourists bounce their way round Caithness thinking "and I thought our roads were bad". May be they are coming up to do a bit of pot holing.

The state of the roads is not only an absolute disgrace but in many places a health and safety hazard. Someone will eventually be killed as a result of a lack of maintenance.

The SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT, THE HIGHLAND COUNCIL AND GAIL ROSS should hang their heads in shame. None of them intend to do anything to resolve the situation for the residents of Caithness. The usual excuse quoted is a lack of funding but it is a poor excuse when you consider the consequences of dangerous roads.

The only way I can see to get the roads improved is for residents to continuously complain to the above persons and stand up for what you are entitled to by being a nuisance. In addition, with the forthcoming election, the roads are one of many topics that should be raised with all candidates.

The residents of Caithness deserve better than this, but we are letting it happen by not taking​ the authorities to account.

01-Mar-21, 09:59
Have a look at the article in the JOG Journal

Caithness Roads Recovery hopes to compile as much information as possible from across Caithness and north-west Sutherland, to find out how road problems are affecting people's daily lives, their wallets, their safety and their wellbeing.
A Facebook page has been created at https://www.facebook.com/caithness.roads and the team can be emailed at [email protected]

01-Mar-21, 17:19
I've noticed Highland Council always has plenty of money to spend on fancy schemes in Inverness, despite many of them being very unpopular, but it's a different matter when it comes to remoter areas. Then suddenly they plead poverty.

Tom Bowler
02-Mar-21, 14:21
Thanks for the info regarding Caithness Roads Recovery Group.

I would suggest that readers of this thread give their support to the group as it is clear that the authorities have no intention of resolving the shameful state of the roads voluntarily.

If anyone has a vehicle damaged they can try to put in a claim against the Council but will have to provide evidence and be prepared for a fight. I believe there is a link on the council website - somewhere !

Tom Bowler
06-Mar-21, 17:21
So the Uk Government has said it will be investing an additional £1.2 billion pounds in to Scotland but it will bypass the Scottish Government using the Community Renewal Fund system.

I wonder how much of that will find it's way up to Caithness and be put towards getting our cart tracks resurfaced, Hmmm............ I'm not holding my breath on this one.

What Caithness needs is strong, clear voices from our MSP and MP to get this critical issue resolved urgently, take note candidates when asking for our votes in the near future !