View Full Version : Hollandmey Windfarm Part Two

Tom Bowler
09-Feb-21, 16:20
Having read some of the reams of waffle supplied by SPR regarding the Hollandmey windfarm it is clear that in their usual way, they are dismissing the concerns of local residents. What a shock.

Concerns such as flash flooding due to the massive concrete foundations increasing surface water run off from the site are to be scoped out of the report.

Apparently the impact on tourism will be virtually nothing, SPR refer to an old report issued in 2008 which states this will be the case. Scoped out of the report as well.

Studies show the area does not suffer from many "windstorms" that would be too strong for the turbines, that's news to me. When I have notified SSEPD about power cuts they always blame the wind strength.

There will be damage done to a huge amount of carbon rich land which according to many organisations must be preserved in order to help combat climate change. Like many other windfarm developments this windfarm would just be another example of authorised environmental vandalism. There will be financial gains for SPR and the landowner but the local residents, businesses, and wildlife will all lose out. Due to the manufacture of the turbines and the damage done to the environment by their foundations there will be very little gain made in the battle against climate change.

When you start to sift through the waffle one thing is clear, the information is provided by persons that do not live in the locality and certainly have very little experience of what Caithness is all about. To them profits are the only thing that they are concerned about along with building up the Spanish owned group that they belong to.

The online consultation ends on 10/02/2021 for what it's worth.

Below is a link that may be old news, fake news or plain bad news, judge for yourselves.

11-Feb-21, 18:08
Amazing how quickly principles fly out of the window where money is concerned. That may be an old link from SAS but nothing has changed except that Gibson is no longer our SNP. Doesn't stop him plugging windfarms in Energy North every month. Let's face it developers and some landowners don't care about the environment or people, they just want money and sadly the government supports them. Missed the consultation which is annoying as meant to respond, not that they'll take any notice - they never do.