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View Full Version : Petition about the SQA regarding recent results

06-Aug-20, 19:34
Some people are disappointed with their school results this year (the exams were cancelled) and results were calculated using a grading system based on an number of factors , for example:




Someone has set up a petition titled "Make the SQA re-evaluate results which isn’t based on a classist marking scheme.":


06-Aug-20, 21:15
Maybe if they wanted better grades, they should have been out bed before 2pm for the last 4 and a half months and logging on to the online work their teachers had set them?

08-Aug-20, 15:42
Awww, bless. The little snowflakes finally make the connection between lying in bed and playing video games for 4 and a half months with their exam grades. When teachers set them the online work, that they choose not to do, and the same teachers are then tasked with grading them, should they really be surprised with the results?


Coronavirus in Scotland: School pupils protest over SQA exam results

14-Aug-20, 13:12
This petition had 44,384 supporters. It may have helped get the u-turn on results, mentioned below:

"Scottish school pupils have results upgraded":


The result of the cancelled school exams are also causing controversy in other parts of the United Kingdom.

In England:
"A-levels: Anger over 'unfair' results this year":

in Wales:
"A-levels: Unfair results claim after grades lowered":

and in Northern Ireland

"A-levels: Over a third of NI results lower than estimated grades":

I hope that next year the exams go ahead as in previous years.

15-Aug-20, 16:05
Aye, the Class of 2020 have certainly sealed their reputation as the unemployable now. First, 28 out 30 never even bothered with doing schoolwork that was set for them online. Then, when their chickens came home to roost, they throw a tantrum till they get their way.

Any employers left that need staff will avoid them like the plague (as opposed to the conoravirus....)

16-Aug-20, 18:35
Aye, the Class of 2020 have certainly sealed their reputation as the unemployable now. First, 28 out 30 never even bothered with doing schoolwork that was set for them online. Then, when their chickens came home to roost, they throw a tantrum till they get their way.

Any employers left that need staff will avoid them like the plague (as opposed to the conoravirus....)

Most of the people who were getting their Higher and Advanced Higher results would have been doing their school work at least up until the lockdown started (about the 23rd March 2020), which was just a few weeks before the exams would normally taken place which would have been soon after the Easter holiday. When I did my Highers many years ago, by the 23rd March of that year, we would have completed the learning and would have been revising mainly by doing past papers. So, I think that it is safe to assume that most of the Higher and Advanced Higher pupils this year, would have a lot of knowledge in their chosen subjects and done practical work etc. Unfortuneately for them, they just didn't get the opportunity to sit their exams. I read somewhere that in Germany the pupils got to sit their exams.

16-Aug-20, 21:13
I wonder how many of the class of 2020 have been doing past papers since March?

The Horseman
17-Aug-20, 23:06
Discontent is occurring across the World.
Our School boards want something, so the Gov’t changes to pacify them, then the Teachers Bitch about that, and the Unions are up in arms over something else!
The Premier of Ontario...population 15 million, came out today and basically told them to stop complaining and get the job done!
Its A NUTSO World!