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View Full Version : Its a sad sad world

06-Jul-20, 18:20
Sad world we live in

07-Jul-20, 07:44
It is a sad world we live in but can you judge what is happening on one clip - the older man could have been assaulting someone, taken £20,000 from someone and the people surrounding were trying to retrieve items, they could be his family/grandchildren giving him birthday bumps.

Do not judge on one scene, you have to know what has happened to lead up to the picture.

That one clip shows nothing but what your own interpretation and imagination is capable of making of it.

07-Jul-20, 08:27
Without context , photo is useless.

07-Jul-20, 11:31
looks like a decent punch.
The old fella has pissed himself too

07-Jul-20, 17:09
It is a sad world we live in but can you judge what is happening on one clip - the older man could have been assaulting someone, taken £20,000 from someone and the people surrounding were trying to retrieve items, they could be his family/grandchildren giving him birthday bumps.

Do not judge on one scene, you have to know what has happened to lead up to the picture.

That one clip shows nothing but what your own interpretation and imagination is capable of making of it.

Watch the news lad for the one hour a week of tv viewing you have left after your one hour of Antiques Roadshow.

Neil Howie
10-Jul-20, 22:42
More info here


Neil Howie
10-Jul-20, 23:36
I don't know why I couldn't find it on Snopes first. Possibly the different headline. The real deal.


Here is the truth about the knife, yes I had a knife in my pocket at the rally, I did not brandish it until I was leaving after I was hit and flex my biceps as a show of strength and resolve against the Radical Muslim Group that organized the counter protest against the catholic prayerful. It has nothing to do with black people, I love black people. I applaud the guy for hitting me; because he was told that I was a KKK member by Regional Muslim Action Network and Tishaura Jones (our treasurer for St Louis).

Furthermore: where are the pictures of the guys carrying AK-47 and AR-15 rifles at 11 am during prayers Saturday morning or when they can back after dark to tear the statue down, but the trucks with chains didn’t show up?

I couldn't find the article in the St Louis Today website that is here (https://twitter.com/JerryDunleavy/status/1277287406669041671?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1277287406669041671%7Ctwgr% 5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.snopes.com%2Fnews%2F2020 %2F07%2F02%2Fblm-activists-attack-catholics%2F)due to being in Europe.