View Full Version : Thurso Bridgend Dentist

20-Jun-07, 13:17
I have just received a letter asking if I would like to sign up my children to be part of the pay monthly dental plan or pay for treatment from their "standard fee scale", this is unbelievable, we already pay the practice £30 each month and pay a fortune for any work done. I know this is a prickly subject, I am seriously considering leaving this practce but what are the options ? Travel to Inverness with a child in pain with toothache ? Are local dentists duty bound to see children/adults if referred by Dr/hospital/Dental unit for NHS treatment, any ideas please.

20-Jun-07, 13:21
Warning to parents out there who are paying their monthly Isoplan to Bridgend Dental Practice in Thurso with the benefit of having their children treated under the NHS.

Just received a letter stating that no NHS treatment will be available to "non-adults" as of 1st September and inviting you to register them as private Isoplan patients.

20-Jun-07, 13:25
I had the pleasure of phoning the practice up today and cancelling my registration with them. Likewise, we were paying £30 per month and the kids were being treated too on this plan. I simply refuse to give them any more money as it's becoming a total rip off and disgusts me that they are now targetting youngsters in this way.
Phone the NHS Dental Helpline and ask them to register you for an NHS dentist. They are very helpful and have been inundated with phone calls today (I wonder why?!!!!)
Good Luck!

20-Jun-07, 13:35
Not received our post yet today, but will be cancelling our membership too, this is disgusting.

20-Jun-07, 13:38
I have just received a letter asking if I would like to sign up my children to be part of the pay monthly dental plan or pay for treatment from their "standard fee scale", this is unbelievable, we already pay the practice £30 each month and pay a fortune for any work done. I know this is a prickly subject, I am seriously considering leaving this practce but what are the options ? Travel to Inverness with a child in pain with toothache ? Are local dentists duty bound to see children/adults if referred by Dr/hospital/Dental unit for NHS treatment, any ideas please.

I know it is difficult to get a dentist and have great sympathy with people in the preent situation. I left that lot about three otr so years ago as I could see the greed in this practice getting worse and worse. I still receive private treatment elsewhere. A price list is provided and there is no monthly fee unless you wish to take out the Highland Treatment Plan. The cost of treatment recently was still cheaper than similar treatment I got at Bridgend four year ago!
I think that people with children and people in less well paid jobs are being really let down by the dental service.

20-Jun-07, 13:47
That is terrible - it is the only reason I pay the subscription. I will take great pleasure in telling them to stick their Isoplan where the sun doesn't shine!

20-Jun-07, 13:53
Just been in touch with NHS Dental Helpline, there are 6000 people in Caithness on the waiting list ! Make that 6001 now. Even Helmsdale has over 700 waiting, this is shocking, wonder where our MPs get there teeth done ?

20-Jun-07, 13:56
If you phone NHS will they add your name to the list? Im not on any list nor is my partner or son.. I really think i should be!

20-Jun-07, 14:14
UPDATE:- thats us on the NHS waiting list as well. When hubby phoned home he told me to canx immediately with Bridgend.

20-Jun-07, 14:16
If you phone NHS will they add your name to the list? Im not on any list nor is my partner or son.. I really think i should be!

They can add you to the list just call 0845 6442271, if you have transport, tell them you want to go on the list at Helmsdale as well, you can then still stay on the Caithness list till there is room.

20-Jun-07, 14:26
thanks loads thats the 3 of us done!

The Pepsi Challenge
20-Jun-07, 14:34
Just been in touch with NHS Dental Helpline, there are 6000 people in Caithness on the waiting list ! Make that 6001 now. Even Helmsdale has over 700 waiting, this is shocking, wonder where our MPs get there teeth done ?

A classy joint in London. In fact, why not write to him and complain about the situation. Geography, eh? Always has the last laugh. And good on y'all for stickin' it to the Man.

20-Jun-07, 15:41
The more I think about this the angrier I get. Obviously they don't feel they are making enough money out of us - they will take some out of our children who don't actually earn any money - lets just cut to the chase and hand our family allowance over to them.

20-Jun-07, 15:43
I have been advised that Dr Murray is committed to improving the level of dentistry provided in Thurso - What complete and utter twaddle!! This man is purely an unscrupulous money maker who I feel has been a little short sighted in his decision making. The majority of people I know who register with Bridgend do so for the peace of mind knowing that their children will be catered for in any eventuality under the NHS on their own doorstep. Does he think for one minute that these families will remain with his practice for an added £13.50 per month per child plus treatment costs - it without doubt will be cheaper to travel south.

20-Jun-07, 15:46
Thats mine cancelled, I never used them at all I got my work done abroad and stayed with paying them just in case of emergency with my daughter but they can stuff it.

20-Jun-07, 16:44
That will be me leaving too.

Thing is What happens now?

Unless some action is taken by the public, it will only get worse. A letter to you MP and MSP is a start but it will take more than that to make things better. The maternity campaign is a great example of how you have to fight health issues, but it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get results. Its one thing us adults not getting treatment unless we pay a premium, but surely all our children should be entitled to free dental treatment.

Could be worth asking if anyone would be interested in getting a public meeting to see how things could be done to improve the local dentisit situation.

It makes you mad when you pay National Insurance for free healthcare.

20-Jun-07, 16:57
I have a cap thats badly damaged and im willing to pay, where should I go?

Thank you for replies.

20-Jun-07, 16:59
Would think you would have no probs getting into bridgend with all the folks that are leaving:lol:

20-Jun-07, 17:00
But you will have to sign up to the monthly plan for a minimuim of one year. Not sure how much it is for new patients.

20-Jun-07, 17:16
He can stick his charges, where should I go?!!

20-Jun-07, 17:35
If you call the NHS dental helpline and put your kids on it they get priority service with the dentist at lochshell.

20-Jun-07, 18:31
I've cancelled my plan after receiving two letters today.

If enough of his customers vote with their feet (or even gums) the penny might drop with Mr Murray that its the customers who pay each month - with treatment fees on top - that keeps the doors of his practice open. The small perk of my children getting NHS treatment (which they get paid for) was enough to encourage me to join the plan but this is a step too far.

20-Jun-07, 18:37
:~( This is emotional blackmail!! We signed with Bridgend at the beginning only because the children were covered with NHS treatment. If we knew what was in store, we would have changed dentist long ago. Another family going to cancel.

20-Jun-07, 18:41
i was fortunate to go to dr andews practice before it closed a good few years ago, when it did close i beleive he put everyone on the NHS waiting list, i am now fortunate to be on it and get my treatment in the new practice in wick (i refused to go to bridgend, if i had a problem i called the emergency line) it may be worth checking if you went to the practice dr andrews used to have to check with the NHS that you are not on the list already and as it was done a good few years ago probably pretty high up the list.

20-Jun-07, 18:47
when my son was 4 he was not registered with a dentist and he was in ALOT of pain with an absess in his mouth. phoned NHS dental helpline and they sent us to bridgend when there the dentist wanted to take a tooth out of my sons mouth without anesthetic as it wouldnt have worked with him having the absess, well there was no way i was letting him do that to a 4 year old, so went home phone dental line again and he was then seen by Keith Finn the dentist at dunbar hospital and he was in total shock when i told himwhat bridgend wanted to do... He gave my son a course of antibiotics and then removed the tooth a week later when absess was clear..
Since then my son has been signed up with Keith Finn and he has just signed my 3 year old daughter up to and he is fantastic with kids and puts them right at ease
I would never go back to bridgend again and the monthly plan is an absolute ripoff

20-Jun-07, 18:48
Mr Erridge in Wick comes highly recommended. His private fees are much less than bridgend.

I recently accompanied an elderly gentleman to Bridgend for two tiny gumline fillings......Quoted at £45 each. He pays the isoplan each month by direct debit, so this is a discounted price. Because of various heart medication he is on he reacts very badly to dental anaesthetic, and asked that the fillings be done without pain relief. When the bill was presented it was for the full amount, which he would have paid, I asked for a discount as they had saved the money the anaesthetic would have cost. After much consultation with the dentist this was granted and the total cost was £70. For an old man of nearly ninety who still has teeth to fill, he should be congratulated and get his treatment for free.

I have an NHS dentist in Edinburgh and it is cheaper to travel twice a year and combine my treatment with hubbies check-up and vice versa than it would be to have Bridgend extort money from us which, being on disability benefits we would not be able to afford anyway.

We joined the waiting list for NHS three years ago for Caithness area, but have had no luck so far.

When/if we do get an NHS dentist here our places in Edinburgh will be taken by private patients as that practice is trying to be all private and tried to push LiP plan on all their clients a couple of years ago.

Something needs to be done as a matter of great urgency

Valerie Campbell
20-Jun-07, 18:57
This is terrible. I caused a rumpus about dentistry when we moved up to Caithness and absolutely nothing has changed in the past 5 years. All of you who are leaving the practice are doing the right thing. You will be covered for emergency treatment by the NHS. Just call their helpline. In the end we re-registered with our dentist 250 miles away! This issue needs to be raised again with both our local MSP and MP and it needs to be resolved. Write to them and see if Caithness can make a stand against rogue dentists who charge such inflated prices just to be a member of their practice, never mind carrying out work.

20-Jun-07, 18:57
I am sorry I keep piping up on this one but that is disgusting. I have been a patient of Bridgend for about 16 years. I used to go regularly but am now registered mainly for my children. I am more scared of the dentist now than I ever have been - I certainly see no improvement in their treatment over that time - quite the contrary. This is just a nastly blow to the people of Caithness. You guys are right we should stand together and let them know we will not accept this. So much for customer care! I wonder what other cunning plan they can think of to get more money from us!

20-Jun-07, 19:10
Letters to Jamie Stone MSP and John Thurso MP will be winging their way southbound tomorrow. We could always bombard the aforementioned gents with emails about our plight too. Surely if enough folk make a fuss something will have to be done about it?

20-Jun-07, 22:12
This is just a rip off. An extra £27 a month for my kids for a couple of checkups a year. I don't mind paying for adult care and Bridgend make plenty of money to do my kids under the NHS as part of their SERVICE!

What else is available in Thurso/Wick? Any recommendations cost comparisons?

20-Jun-07, 22:36
I chipped a piece off of my back tooth last week and was in a lot of pain. Called the NHS line they got me an appointment with Bridge End. Had to have the old filling removed and nerve then they put in a temp dressing, yeah it was definately a temp one as was crumbling and coming out at breakfast the next day.

The best bit was that while i was sitting in the waiting room somebody phoned for an emergency appointment and were told they would get a temporary dressing cost £80 while i got one on NHS at wick surgery 6 months ago for £4.75.

Is it to late to train as a dentist

20-Jun-07, 22:38
Well thats me cancelled my direct debit. Outraged at the 3 yes 3 letters i received today. Who can afford 4 private plans a month???? Disgraceful....... Ive spoken to the Wick dental practice and have appointments in the near future.

20-Jun-07, 22:50
Well thats me cancelled my direct debit. Outraged at the 3 yes 3 letters i received today. Who can afford 4 private plans a month???? Disgraceful....... Ive spoken to the Wick dental practice and have appointments in the near future.

May, was it as simple as phoning for an appointment ? Sounds too good to be true or is it a pay as you go scheme ?

20-Jun-07, 23:24
What an idiot I feel , - I thought ALL kids under 16 were treated on NHS, regardless of the Private/NHS situation. It's one thing an adult in pain, but a child? [disgust]

20-Jun-07, 23:29
Well my wife got a temporary crown last week - cost $1300 USD no such thing as the NHS here. I have not been to a dentist in years....
You have my support - go on vote with your feet.... is nobody planning on setting up a picket line or demonstration????

21-Jun-07, 08:11
May, was it as simple as phoning for an appointment ? Sounds too good to be true or is it a pay as you go scheme ?

I'm with the Wick Bridges practice and I don't think the prices are too drastic and they charge a whopping great £20 a year to be on their books, so straight away you are saving £340 which is more than I've ever paid for treatment within a year. :D

21-Jun-07, 09:29
I like most other people on this formum, have registered with Bridgend, purely to make sure my kids can receive dental treatment if required. I only pay for myself, as my husband was adamant he didn't want to pay another £15 a month. Anyway, my eldest has been on a waiting list for over 2 years to see about getting a brace fitted. He only had the appointment about a month or so ago, and I was glad, at last, something was being done! Granted, the work we opted for couldn't be done totally in Thurso, and we would have to travel to Inverness, but at least it was getting under way, although I still haven't had confirmation. Anyway, I also refuse to pay this extra cost, as it is a complete and utter disgrace, but I am worried what will happen to my son now, as I suspect they will just cancel his planned treatment if I cancel my subscription, which would mean I am back to square one! This makes me so MAD, and at 14, he is not going to be happy if he has to wait even longer to start the treatment. What are we supposed to do about this disgraceful situation? It's quite obvious that a lot of people in Caithness must feel the same way, perhaps we all need to stand up and be heard for once. Maybe Bridgend issuing these letters was a good thing, it's certainly provoking alot of anger.

Penelope Pitstop
21-Jun-07, 10:20
[quote=lorr_mun14;234357] Anyway, my eldest has been on a waiting list for over 2 years to see about getting a brace fitted. He only had the appointment about a month or so ago, and I was glad, at last, something was being done! Granted, the work we opted for couldn't be done totally in Thurso, and we would have to travel to Inverness, but at least it was getting under way, although I still haven't had confirmation. Anyway, I also refuse to pay this extra cost, as it is a complete and utter disgrace, but I am worried what will happen to my son now, as I suspect they will just cancel his planned treatment if I cancel my subscription, which would mean I am back to square one! This makes me so MAD, and at 14, he is not going to be happy if he has to wait even longer to start the treatment. quote]

In a way you can count yourself as lucky. My child is 17 and only just got an appointment for August to get impressions taken for a brace......we have had one (3 minute!!) appointment each year with the orthadontist for the last 3 years, only now has something started to happen.[evil] I just wonder what will happen when she goes off to college, no doubt will have to come back North for the appointments??

21-Jun-07, 11:09
I think this outfit should be renamed Brigand Dentists:evil.

21-Jun-07, 11:13
you know what to do, contact the daily mail and watchdog!

they would hate any publicity like that, i love watching watchdog when they have a go at them lol.
if you all wrtie/phone to saywhat is happening, they should take notice

21-Jun-07, 11:41
What about campaigning to get NHS salaried dentists up here in Caithness. Enough for all folks that want to be registered?

Seems to be something that the Scottish Government (http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2006/09/28104448) thought was a good thing last year anyway...

21-Jun-07, 14:25
I know it is difficult to get a dentist and have great sympathy with people in the preent situation. I left that lot about three otr so years ago as I could see the greed in this practice getting worse and worse. I still receive private treatment elsewhere. A price list is provided and there is no monthly fee unless you wish to take out the Highland Treatment Plan. The cost of treatment recently was still cheaper than similar treatment I got at Bridgend four year ago!
I think that people with children and people in less well paid jobs are being really let down by the dental service.

Who are you with Cattach?

I'm reading this and getting concerned. The NHS helpline got me an emergency appointment with the wisdom tooth problems I've had - and I was sent to Bridgend. The lady was actually really nice and I've been referred by them to have some dental surgery done at the hospital.. in the mean time I suspect I should probably start having regular check ups again but does that mean I have to stick with Bridgend now? Or am I entitled to look elsewhere?

21-Jun-07, 15:50
I'm delighted that I'm with Northern Holistic, kids are still free there but feel sorry for those with Bridgend [evil]

Pure greed!

21-Jun-07, 17:30
I'm delighted that I'm with Northern Holistic, kids are still free there but feel sorry for those with Bridgend [evil]

Pure greed!

I don't see them in the phone book. Are they in Caithness?

Any other recommendations Orgers?

21-Jun-07, 17:52
Was with Northern Holistic and payed £95 for one filling, haven't been back, am on the waiting list for NHS

21-Jun-07, 17:59
I have been told by a friend that apparently any dental x-rays that you have done as a private patient actually belong to you, so for all those leaving Bridgend it may be worth asking so that you have something to give the next Dentist, hopefully an NHS one.

footie chick
21-Jun-07, 18:24
Just found this online


21-Jun-07, 19:35
[email protected]

Like Poppet I've sent my thoughts to Mr Stone.

No point moaning amongst ourselves - if you do feel stongly about the lack of NHS dental care here in the North - Do something about it.

Maybe someone with the technical know how could set up an online petition similar to the recent one on Asda

21-Jun-07, 19:38
I have been told by a friend that apparently any dental x-rays that you have done as a private patient actually belong to you, so for all those leaving Bridgend it may be worth asking so that you have something to give the next Dentist, hopefully an NHS one.

I think that they probably belong to whoever paid for them at the time they were taken.
So unless patients want to pay for their x-rays they will probably stay at Bridgend. However, once you have registered at your new practice, they should take a new x-ray for you (although you will have to pay for these - even on NHS!!)

21-Jun-07, 23:38
I also agree that this is outrageous and i have cancelled my membership and managed to get a place in Back Bridges Practice in Wick, that is also private but with the differance that you only pay £20 per YEAR for membership and £10 per year for the kids. which is much more reasonable than £180 per year per adult or child at bridgend!!

21-Jun-07, 23:51
I don't wish this to sound in any way disrespectful of dentists from other European countries, but why are all the dentists at Bridgend (actively drilling or scrubbing teeth) from overseas? Is that because no UK dentist wishes to work there or because Polish polishers (again no disrespect) are cheaper?
If that's the case, what's happening to all the cash I'm pumping into Bridgend every month?
Why was the last UK-born hygienist, deadly with a probe, harsh of language and hard of scrub, always trying to sell me toothpaste at £5 a tube?
Why didn't I know that John Barry had sold up?
Who the h*ll are Drs J & J Murray?
Long appointment waits, outrageous treatment prices (over the membership fees) and now the Tublets will have to be paid for too????
Why the h*ll are we paying for this nonsense? [evil]

22-Jun-07, 08:44
The list of gripes with this practice can go one forever!

They can call you the morning of you appointment to say the dentist can't come in - you have no option but to make another appoinment. However if you phone in on the morning of an appointment to say you can't make it you are charged £40 quid.

You make an appointment - they change it (an apparently send you out another appointment that fits in with their schedule) - you still have a note of the previous appointment - you fail to show up for the new appointment - you are charged for non-attendance.

Your plan pays for 2 check ups and 3 scale and polishes a year - they only do 9 monthly check ups and they have no dental hygenist.

You miss a hygenist appointment (already paid for in your plan) - you are charged - apparently because they have no hygenist the dentist has to do the work therefore you have missed a dentist appointment.

You have a check up - you need a filling. Under Dr Andrews you were always seen within a fortnight - under Bridgend they are lucky if they can fit you in within 3 months.

23-Jun-07, 08:59
[disgust]I think we should remember at Election time issues like these are the things we want our MP's and MSP's to address as priorities.
I'm sure they all do advocate on our behalf over such matters, but just where do matters like this come on their list of priorities?

If they can take the time to initiate a Private Member's Bill through Westminster to exempt themselves from the Freedon of Information Act, why can't they initiate legislation and proposals urgently that relate to ensuring public services are provided where they are needed in rural areas such as the Highlands?

Maybe we don't shout loud enough.
Maybe we should organise some form of local Caithness Demo/march asking for NHS Dental provision.
We do pay NI contributions after all.

23-Jun-07, 09:52
At least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask.
Robbing Greedy sods.

Thats all our family cancelled and off to wick.

23-Jun-07, 09:59
Myself and my husband both used to go to Bridgend before we moved away a few years ago. My husband is terrified of needles, and one of the dentists in Bridgend is the only person I have ever seen talk my hubby into having a needle without him crying. On our return, we had to pay. Now, we both work, but the pennies are tight. With two young children, I can think of better things to spend £30 per month on, so I have stayed away from them on moral grounds. My eldest daughter goes to the school dentist, and I have never had any problems with them. Now they have pulled this latest stunt, I really do hope that people vote with their feet, to prove that they can't hold us to ransom. As a sidenote, I know a few people who are registered with Bridges, and I haven't heard a bad word. Same cannot be said for Bridgend lately....

The Pepsi Challenge
23-Jun-07, 12:34
I don't wish this to sound in any way disrespectful of dentists from other European countries, but why are all the dentists at Bridgend (actively drilling or scrubbing teeth) from overseas? Is that because no UK dentist wishes to work there or because Polish polishers (again no disrespect) are cheaper?
If that's the case, what's happening to all the cash I'm pumping into Bridgend every month?
Why was the last UK-born hygienist, deadly with a probe, harsh of language and hard of scrub, always trying to sell me toothpaste at £5 a tube?
Why didn't I know that John Barry had sold up?
Who the h*ll are Drs J & J Murray?
Long appointment waits, outrageous treatment prices (over the membership fees) and now the Tublets will have to be paid for too????
Why the h*ll are we paying for this nonsense? [evil]

I wrote a feature on six different NHS and Private dentists in the Edinburgh area a few years ago. I asked all dentists about the lack of dentists in the Caithness area. Their thoughts? Simply, no-one wants to move there, was the general feeling. Thus it allows the dentists who are in Caithness charge whatever they feel like.

23-Jun-07, 13:06
One of the dental hygienists in my Edinburgh NHS dental practice came to Thurso to work, at Bridgend.....As far as I know she now works between Grantown on Spey and Nairn., so somebody wants to come here. Having said that my dentist (Irish with a dutch surname.....work that out if you can) did not even know where Caithness was, let alone Thurso or Wick!!

23-Jun-07, 13:41
I'm delighted that I'm with Northern Holistic, kids are still free there but feel sorry for those with Bridgend [evil]

Pure greed!

I left Bridgend years ago after a young dentist destroyed one of my teeth with his incompetence. (and their scam monthly fee plan - daylight robbery).

Then went to Nortern Holistic. Faultless service/shocking prices!! (they removed the damaged tooth for £55!! - other option was £550 for root canal/crown!!).

I'm now happily with The Bridges practice in Wick. Great service and prices tolerable (Only a £20 a year fee). Highly recommended.

23-Jun-07, 13:50
Paying an annual fee to a dentist is just daylight robbery im lucky im on the nhs in aberdeen a polish lady sorts my teeth i had root canal treatment on one tooth cost £40 plus another £10 for xrays still cheap.I had root canal treatment for the first time and boy its sore when she was killing the nerve i had been knumbed up but felt the whole thing when she was killing the nerve.I do have sensitive teeth and i use the sensidine toothpaste its good toothpaste does exactly what it says on the packet.

23-Jun-07, 15:27
I,too,was a member of the dreaded Bridgend Practice,but now am with the Bridges in Wick.I cant praise them highly enough. The Staff,the hygienist and the Dentist are so professional and friendly.(and you feel no pain)! I,too , would recommend them.

24-Jun-07, 17:58

Having seen your rant on a thread about broadband I think you should just remember that in the UK there is still a small organisation known as the NHS. This wonderful entity provides us with a dental service (amongst other things).

Why should people not feel aggrieved at paying for dental services through there tax and national insurance contributions, and then being forced to either pay a private practice to be registered with them or having to travel a ridiculous distance for NHS services.

24-Jun-07, 18:52
The only reason I know my sons NHS treatment will stop in September is the press and here, I have not had a letter about it yet? Anyone else still waiting for their letter?

Alice in Blunderland
24-Jun-07, 19:11
I also have not received my letter from them although I had already decided not to use them any more for myself but kept paying the fifteen pounds for the sake of the kids.

29-Jun-07, 01:38
I hate to be controversial with my first posting, but I really put my kids health (and that includes teeth) before everything else. Yes its a big thing to pay monthly, but if it secures me the services that no-one else in the area has; and I actually went to the trouble to find out what I was buying in to! it is a small price to pay.

Guess a kid with rotten teeth might belong to a parent that feeds them junk, so probably they think a better spend is Sky TV and Coca Cola.

I promise to follow the party line better next time.


29-Jun-07, 01:41
Wecome Marj! I too have tried to find out what these fantastic new services and equipment are they are providing from September 1st. Maybe you could enlighten me as I have been right to the top and have been given nothing but waffle......................and I can assure you my children's health is my utmost priority.

29-Jun-07, 01:53
Hi Moby

Listen, I don't want to sound like an ad for Private Dentistry, but, I did some digging. Found out what they had and then priced some of the stuff (bit naughty I know, but we're not well off and I just want to know if I'm sensible).

They have a Seric (Spelling?) machine that gives the only kind of properly strong porcelain fillings - no mercury or other metals, without imperssions that made our kids sick before - very embarassing. The machine is £70,000! They have a microscope for route treatments - can't find another practice in the North with those £30,000! A laser- no-one else seems to have one, don't know the price and lots of other things I didn't understand (sorry) They have just started a specialist surgeon, the waiting list (if you're prepared to travel to Inverness) is 2 years. Plus another specialist visits every month and a third (they say) is starting soon.

I know a private practice doesn't get funds from outside, so if I'm guessing that for this year, that might be say £150,000. To me that sounds like a lot of £15 per month. So it looks like they are investing big time. Apparently they are getting the message that they need to communicate better, so I think they're going to do an open day or something - We'll see.


29-Jun-07, 02:04
Thanks Marj - You have certainly done your home work. Certainly a great deal more information than the well paid "practice manager" was able to come up with - I think her comment was "a telescopy thing"

Her original tack was to tell me about all this wonderful equipment for crowns he was bringing in (not for the majority of children I thinK!!!).

The majority of children only require check ups twice a year - yet bridgend cannot provide this unless you as the parent put the pressure on.

I am glad you have found the ideal dentist of you choice marj - from what I hear on the grapevine with the numbers leaving the practice you should have little problem in getting an appointment - each to their own.

29-Jun-07, 07:53
Thanks Moby,

We'll just have to see how it goes.

Take Care, Marj

29-Jun-07, 09:40
I hate to be controversial with my first posting, but I really put my kids health (and that includes teeth) before everything else. Yes its a big thing to pay monthly, but if it secures me the services that no-one else in the area has; and I actually went to the trouble to find out what I was buying in to! it is a small price to pay.

Guess a kid with rotten teeth might belong to a parent that feeds them junk, so probably they think a better spend is Sky TV and Coca Cola.

I promise to follow the party line better next time.


Well Marjory

I also put my kids best interests first. All the time everytime!

But there is still no way that I can afford to pay any bunch of thieves £15 per month to have them registered for dental services they don't need.

Also you may just be missing the point. In the UK we are supposed to have NHS dental services, whereby everyone can register with a dentist - free of charge - and then pay according to their means for any treatment required.

I am afraid that if it were not for people like you who believe they need to go one better than the next person and enjoy the privilege of private dental care above all others then the greedy dentists of the UK, who let us remember received their training free, may still be willing to provide the services they originally agreed to.

Greed, nothing more is what is going on with dentists!

Oh and just so the record is nice and straight. I have three children, all with perfect teeth. None of them have ever drunk a fizzy drink in their life as they do not like them, and we don't have sky. Also about 95% of the food they get is home cooked from the best ingredients I can buy, and they get fruit not sweets for snacks.

29-Jun-07, 10:43
Hi Moby

Listen, I don't want to sound like an ad for Private Dentistry, but, I did some digging. Found out what they had and then priced some of the stuff (bit naughty I know, but we're not well off and I just want to know if I'm sensible).

They have a Seric (Spelling?) machine that gives the only kind of properly strong porcelain fillings - no mercury or other metals, without imperssions that made our kids sick before - very embarassing. The machine is £70,000! They have a microscope for route treatments - can't find another practice in the North with those £30,000! A laser- no-one else seems to have one, don't know the price and lots of other things I didn't understand (sorry) They have just started a specialist surgeon, the waiting list (if you're prepared to travel to Inverness) is 2 years. Plus another specialist visits every month and a third (they say) is starting soon.

I know a private practice doesn't get funds from outside, so if I'm guessing that for this year, that might be say £150,000. To me that sounds like a lot of £15 per month. So it looks like they are investing big time. Apparently they are getting the message that they need to communicate better, so I think they're going to do an open day or something - We'll see.


Wonder how much it'll cost per month to go to their open day! he he. At least they'll be able to trade their super dooper equipment in if the majority of their patients leave - it'll be kept in pristine condition:)