View Full Version : Old photo

19-Jun-07, 23:10
I have an old studio type photo probably taken in the 1860s from clothing etc., pretty sure in Caithness and pretty sure its one of my gggrandmothers.

Does anyone know if there might be a way to find out if it was taken in Thurso or Wick? There are no identifying marks on the photo, but she's sitting on a 'studio' chair and there are now very faded drapes behind her which might ring a bell with someone who knows about these things.


19-Jun-07, 23:23
try and post it on here - knowing this knowledgeable bunch I'm sure the mystery will be solved in no time!

19-Jun-07, 23:31
I have an old studio type photo probably taken in the 1860s from clothing etc., pretty sure in Caithness and pretty sure its one of my gggrandmothers.

Does anyone know if there might be a way to find out if it was taken in Thurso or Wick? There are no identifying marks on the photo, but she's sitting on a 'studio' chair and there are now very faded drapes behind her which might ring a bell with someone who knows about these things.


It would probably be the Johnston studio in Wick, they started in 1863.

19-Jun-07, 23:49
Thanks Victoria - a good idea. The obvious often escapes me![lol]

Fred - thanks too.:) Do you know if the studio still going by any chance?

20-Jun-07, 01:33
Thanks Victoria - a good idea. The obvious often escapes me![lol]

Fred - thanks too.:) Do you know if the studio still going by any chance?

Contact the Wick Heritage Society, they have the whole collection of Johnston plates. They may even have the original plate of your photo. I found my grandfathers photo in there from the 1920's.


20-Jun-07, 09:25
Fred - thanks too.:) Do you know if the studio still going by any chance?

Closed in the 1970s.

20-Jun-07, 09:29
Hello Helen,

May we see the photo, as the same props were used for years, and appear in many of the pictures !
I'm sure that will help to identify it


20-Jun-07, 09:40
Thanks Fred and Jeemag - will try the wickheritage site.

Trinkie - yes I'll post it. Have to confess I don't know how to post photos but MrW and I are both working at home today, so if I choose my moment carefully I'm sure he'll help! Don't hold your breath tho!![lol]

20-Jun-07, 18:27
Here's the photo taken in 1860s or thereabouts I think. If anyone recognises the studio props that would be very useful!

When I first saw this photo as a teenager I was horrified! She looked really severe and forbidding [evil]. Poor thing, I think she was just trying to look dignified! Hard life too.:(

Thanks for looking.

20-Jun-07, 19:27
Here's the photo taken in 1860s or thereabouts I think. If anyone recognises the studio props that would be very useful!

When I first saw this photo as a teenager I was horrified! She looked really severe and forbidding [evil]. Poor thing, I think she was just trying to look dignified! Hard life too.:(

Thanks for looking.

I see what you mean, they got all dressed up and stood or sat like manequins and never smiled in a photo.
NIce to have some family history though.

20-Jun-07, 20:02
Oh dear - I cant get this photo.

Is there anything I should be doing ?


20-Jun-07, 20:43
Have you tried clicking on it to enlarge he photo trinkie? Can't think why you might not be getting it, sorry:~(

Bill Fernie
20-Jun-07, 20:56
Re the severe looks in old photos I used to think that about the poor school kids in very old school photos. There were no smiles or expressions. Only when someone pointed out that way back then fok were told not to move a muscle while the shutter was open and that could be a long time. Remebr they often had back rests and head rests to make sure you did not move and so blur the photo. So smiles were probably banned by the photographer or disppeared in the wait while the shutter was held open. folk wereprobably a lot happier than many of these old portrait photos convey.

20-Jun-07, 21:24
Re the severe looks in old photos I used to think that about the poor school kids in very old school photos. There were no smiles or expressions. Only when someone pointed out that way back then fok were told not to move a muscle while the shutter was open and that could be a long time. Remebr they often had back rests and head rests to make sure you did not move and so blur the photo. So smiles were probably banned by the photographer or disppeared in the wait while the shutter was held open. folk wereprobably a lot happier than many of these old portrait photos convey.

I have a photo of my gt grandparents with baby -my granny's wee brother, their 13th child! Taken in Wick, in the 1880s...

They look very dignified, perhaps a little stern, maybe just exhausted! :roll:

I believe the clothes people wore were often on loan from the photgraphers, and may not have been all that comfortable. The whole thing must've been quite daunting I would imagine.

I wonder as well if the lack of smiles was because most folk didn't usually have all that many teeth by middle age....which could account for the rather pursed up expressions sometimes? :eek:

20-Jun-07, 21:27
Thanks for the info Bill. I knew it wasn't the convention to smile, but didn't know about the head and back rests. It sounds quite an ordeal for an elderly lady. I hope she enjoyed the experience of being photographed, still a novelty then.

20-Jun-07, 22:26
Thanks for the info Bill. I knew it wasn't the convention to smile, but didn't know about the head and back rests. It sounds quite an ordeal for an elderly lady. I hope she enjoyed the experience of being photographed, still a novelty then.

An expensive novelty, something like a years wages for a domestic servant.

21-Jun-07, 00:43
What a pretty girl she must have been in her youth. Beautiful, even as an elderly woman. Her shawl must have been her pride and joy, as it is displayed most prominently in the photo. I wonder if she made it or was it a gift. Makes you wish that photos could talk.

thanks for sharing the photo.

21-Jun-07, 12:40
Hello Malcolmdog

Thanks for your lovely comments. Interesting you call her 'beautiful'. The actual photo is only 3" by 4" and yesterday was the first time I had been able to see it more clearly on the scan, and indeed she does look less dour and grim than when I first saw the photo many moons ago.

What a pity we can't see the colours. I seem to remember reading somewhere that women wore a lot of blue (reliable dye colour) so I shall picture her in blue!!

Colin Manson
21-Jun-07, 18:30
Not in colour but maybe what it used to look like.

21-Jun-07, 20:55
Thankyou so much Colin - how clever of you to get rid of all the blemishes!Some of the details seem clearer in black and white too, like the pattern on the drapes. Thanks again!:D

21-Jun-07, 22:02
Trinkie - glad you got the photo in the end!

Probably not the Wick studio then:(. Was there another one in Thurso does anybody know?

Interesting you think she might be Free Church. Her son/daughter (depending who she is) married another Caithnessian in the Free Church at Aberdeen 1854. The witnesses were not relatives and I wonder why they married in Aberdeen and not Caithness. I'm tempted to think they ran away!

I'm interested to know how old people think she might have been in the photo - might help decide which one she probably is.


21-Jun-07, 22:50
What a transformation! How kind of you to do that for a fellow orger.

23-Jun-07, 01:46
Hi There
What about J G Humphrey? Was he later? I have a photo of my G-father and his brother (James and Alexander Bain, parents Wm and MaryAnn ms Mowatt) taken early in the 20th century. Certainly before 1915 as James was in Australia and my Dad was boen in 1915.

Also this one Imagine having to stand for a while in this pose. Its probably Betty Taylor whose mother Cathie McKay was the boys cousin
regards robyn

23-Jun-07, 10:52
[[email protected];234866]
What about J G Humphrey? Was he later?

Betty must have had to be very patient indeed! A prolonged smile is very hard to manitain - she did well!

As for J G Humphrey, I think he was operating from from 1889-1938, which is too late for my ancestor:confused. But thanks for your tip!

23-Jun-07, 14:04
I've looked through nearly all of my old photos and cannot find anything like yours.... I mean the chair and backcloth. Perhaps it's not Wick. It's certainly an early photo.
I've also looked through the Vintage Picture Show book photos, and all my other books but can't see anything like your props. I didn't spot a chair like that in any of them.

Just a thought - there used to be 'wandering photographers' who would come round once a year and bring his own props.
Come to think of it, he could use your own chair and carpet !!
I know that happened in the west of Scotland.

There was ( John ? ) Humphries photograher in Wick - was that before Johnstone?

Happy hunting,

24-Jun-07, 15:46
Wow - what an interesting read! I enjoyed viewing your photo and would like to share a picture of my Dad (on the left), his Grandmother (Margaret Bain Oman) and his brother James (Mikey).

I'm grateful this picture was passed down to me (I'm Joe's daughter) and was so surprised to note the pattern in the drapes! Yes, it's in the drapes...LOL. The carpeting looks the same to me as well. My Dad was born in 1907, in Wick..I'm told he's wearing a school "tie" in this photo but I have no idea of his age or his brother's.

Thank you so much for sharing...I really enjoyed it


24-Jun-07, 15:58
Sorry, I'm inept at posting pictures...help!

24-Jun-07, 16:07
Hello Aliceblue

I can't get picture either. Am I reading you correctly - do you have the same drapes in your picture????:Razz If you can't get it posted here, would you mind sending it to me by email. I'll PM you if you can't.

Good Luck


24-Jun-07, 16:17
I've looked through nearly all of my old photos and cannot find anything like yours.... I mean the chair and backcloth. Perhaps it's not Wick. It's certainly an early photo.
I've also looked through the Vintage Picture Show book photos, and all my other books but can't see anything like your props. I didn't spot a chair like that in any of them.

There was ( John ? ) Humphries photograher in Wick - was that before Johnstone?

Thankyou so much trinkie for looking through all your photos and books - you are so helpful and a great source of interesting information!:)

JG Humphrey didn't start working till 1889, i think, so would have been too late.

Haven't given up yet tho'!!

25-Jun-07, 03:55
Helen, I finally got the link to work...possibly the picture would be clearer here.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...g?t=1182694859 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/nanablue/MyDad.jpg?t=1182694859)