View Full Version : Food for thought

19-Mar-20, 11:56
In an alternate turn of events, in 2014 Scotland may have voted to leave the UK.
Where do you think we would be today as a nation.
1) Would we have been happily back in the EU by now ticking along nicely using the euro etc. Coronavirus under control and being managed satisfactorily.

2) Would we be out on our own, not yet in EU, no currency of our own, ravaged by Coronavirus, oil on its knees, financial institutions already moved out of Edinburgh.
NHS collapsed, nowhere to turn for additional funding.

In my opinion it would be a lot like option 2, the EU is being of no benefit to the nations under its umberella, its every nation for itself right now.
An independent Scotland would be royally screwed right now, thank goodness we made the right choice in 2014.

Corky Smeek
19-Mar-20, 13:00
In an alternate turn of events, in 2014 Scotland may have voted to leave the UK.
Where do you think we would be today as a nation.
1) Would we have been happily back in the EU by now ticking along nicely using the euro etc. Coronavirus under control and being managed satisfactorily.

2) Would we be out on our own, not yet in EU, no currency of our own, ravaged by Coronavirus, oil on its knees, financial institutions already moved out of Edinburgh.
NHS collapsed, nowhere to turn for additional funding.

In my opinion it would be a lot like option 2, the EU is being of no benefit to the nations under its umberella, its every nation for itself right now.
An independent Scotland would be royally screwed right now, thank goodness we made the right choice in 2014.

April 1st is still a couple of weeks away, isn't it?

19-Mar-20, 13:07
Not that it has any relevance to the thread, but no its not.

19-Mar-20, 13:47
In an alternate turn of events, in 2014 Scotland may have voted to leave the UK.
Where do you think we would be today as a nation.

We would be doing fantastically - Alex Salmond would be King of Scotland, and we would be rich beyond our wildest dreams on oil at $110 a barrel, which given the expected exchange rate, in the currency that Scotland would have been forced to adopt, would be 43,250 pebbles. Whats that? Oil isn't $110 a barrel? Less than $30 you say? Oh bullocks........

19-Mar-20, 14:25
We would be doing fantastically - Alex Salmond would be King of Scotland, and we would be rich beyond our wildest dreams on oil at $110 a barrel, which given the expected exchange rate, in the currency that Scotland would have been forced to adopt, would be 43,250 pebbles. Whats that? Oil isn't $110 a barrel? Less than $30 you say? Oh bullocks........

Alas Herr Salmond is in the dock for groping dock.
I seriously cannot see how Scotland could have hoped to fund us through this current crisis, especially at only being on its own for half a decade.
Hopefully some of the 45% can see this also and drop their pipe dream,

21-Mar-20, 08:52
The Scottish "government" are merely passing on the share that they get handed down from Westminster. The current situation is wholly imported. And Scotland wanted our borders to be even more invisible, and to attract even more people. Apparantly, we needed to do so to boost our economy. How's our economy doing at the moment?