View Full Version : Seperatist Arithmetic

06-Oct-19, 11:11
Do the seperatists employ Diane Abbott to do their counting for them?


07-Oct-19, 12:24
Has the true figure of Saturdays protest march been released yet? I know the prediction was 250,000 but I think if Nicola Sturgeon couldn't be bothered to go then i bet it was a lot less

11-Oct-19, 20:05
The AUOB march was a great success. If you know Edinburgh you will know that when the leading walkers arrived in the Meadows while people were still leaving Holyrood Park you’ll realise how big it was. It was a great fun day out, apart from the rain at the end. Nicola Sturgeon did not attend because she was busy elsewhere and this was not an SNP event.

18-Nov-19, 23:04
I thought this vanity project nightmare was over? But here it is starting up again.....


I guess it will be like the Holyrood building. Budget = 40 million, actual cost = 440 million.

Or Trams to date. Budget = 498 million. Actual cost = 1.1 billion.

19-Nov-19, 11:13
I thought this vanity project nightmare was over? But here it is starting up again.....

www.scotsman.com/news/politics/edinburgh-tram-extension-november-start-date-for-construction-of-207m-project-1-5021629/amp (http://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/edinburgh-tram-extension-november-start-date-for-construction-of-207m-project-1-5021629/amp)

I guess it will be like the Holyrood building. Budget = 40 million, actual cost = 440 million.

Or Trams to date. Budget = 498 million. Actual cost = 1.1 billion.

For once I have to agree with you orkneycadian. After the last debacle I would have thought the 'planners' would have learned their lesson. Like the last time they cannot know for sure what lies under the streets over which they plan to lay the tracks. The cost of excavations, adaptations and modifications will send costs through the roof.

19-Nov-19, 14:26
And despite all that expenditure, only about 1 in 20 public transport vehicles that go up Princes Street are trams. The rest are buses.

21-Nov-19, 09:20
And despite all that expenditure, only about 1 in 20 public transport vehicles that go up Princes Street are trams. The rest are buses.

Have you been to Edinburgh recently between 1600 hrs and 1800 hrs on a weekday? It's one long line of busses moving at less than a walking pace. I've sauntered the length of Princess street faster than these buses.

19-Dec-19, 08:59
Do the seperatists employ Diane Abbott to do their counting for them?

Concluding they do. Krankie on a daily drum beating session this week referring to last weeks "overwhelming" result. All 45% of it.

19-Dec-19, 09:39
Mike Russel was banging the same drum on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning. Insists that to be denied an indyref 2 is undemocratic.

19-Dec-19, 10:21
If indy2 happens....I hope the schools/colleges have economic lessons explaining to 16 and 17 year olds that they will be the ones paying far higher taxes to pay for independance. we all know oil gas cash will dry up in the next couple of years, that only leaves the working population to fund all these promises. Thank God I've retired with a decent pension.

20-Dec-19, 00:00
Concluding they do. Krankie on a daily drum beating session this week referring to last weeks "overwhelming" result. All 45% of it.

Boris Johnson claims a mandate to govern the UK with 43.6% of the UK vote so it's not unreasonable for Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP to claim a mandate for a second referendum with 45% of the Scottish vote. It's called democracy.

20-Dec-19, 00:10
If indy2 happens....I hope the schools/colleges have economic lessons explaining to 16 and 17 year olds that they will be the ones paying far higher taxes to pay for independance. we all know oil gas cash will dry up in the next couple of years, that only leaves the working population to fund all these promises. Thank God I've retired with a decent pension.

If, as you argue, oil and gas are going to run out in the next few years why is it that ten oil companies are planning to invest £6.8 billion in six major new projects in the North Sea.
I know, we’ve discussed this before, that this could have a detrimental effect on climate pollution, however the technology and accompanying safeguards are improving all the time. Apparently large oil multinationals from the UK, the US, Canada, Norway and the Far East want to start exploiting new oil and gas fields off Scotland.

20-Dec-19, 10:20
If, as you argue, oil and gas are going to run out in the next few years why is it that ten oil companies are planning to invest £6.8 billion in six major new projects in the North Sea.
I know, we’ve discussed this before, that this could have a detrimental effect on climate pollution, however the technology and accompanying safeguards are improving all the time. Apparently large oil multinationals from the UK, the US, Canada, Norway and the Far East want to start exploiting new oil and gas fields off Scotland.

I never said oil and gas would run out.

I said the cash (tax) will run out. All these companies will be spending huge sums on R & D into carbon capture technology. That's where any profit will be spent, therefore no tax to pay.

20-Dec-19, 11:31
Current oil tax raised.....

Remember the SNP predicted about £7 billion a year in tax....frighteningly inaccurate.


21-Dec-19, 12:26
Boris Johnson claims a mandate to govern the UK with 43.6% of the UK vote so it's not unreasonable for Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP to claim a mandate for a second referendum with 45% of the Scottish vote. It's called democracy.

There's a small matter that the election was to elect MPs to represent their constituents at Westminster. Theres a convention that if there is a majority of MPs from one party, then that party is invited to form a government. Unless of course you are the SNP when at Holyrood, even if you do not get enough MSPs to form a majority, you still try and claim the right to form a government. Anyway, back to Westminster. Enough MPs were elected to afford Boris that invitation.

Back here in Scotland, the SNP won enough seats to allow them to send 47 or 48 MPs to Westminster. Alas, 47 or 48 is significantly short of the 326 they would have needed to have the majority of MPs. So they have not been invited to form a government, and they need to be content with the 47 or 48 MPs that they have. And content they should be, getting 80% of the seats with just 45% of the vote. But, when she specialises in grievance politics, I guess contentment is not in Krankie's repertoire.

21-Dec-19, 12:31
If, as you argue, oil and gas are going to run out in the next few years why is it that ten oil companies are planning to invest £6.8 billion in six major new projects in the North Sea.
I know, we’ve discussed this before, that this could have a detrimental effect on climate pollution, however the technology and accompanying safeguards are improving all the time. Apparently large oil multinationals from the UK, the US, Canada, Norway and the Far East want to start exploiting new oil and gas fields off Scotland.

Alas, that is not compatible with the SNP aspiration to be carbon neutral;


Scotland to become a net-zero society

Something extremely interesting in that link though......

"Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end definitively within a generation under the Climate Change Bill to be voted on by the Scottish Parliament later.
The landmark legislation commits Scotland to becoming a net-zero society by 2045 – five years before the rest of the UK and in line with the advice from the government’s independent expert advisors, the UK Committee on Climate Change."

So here we have, on the 25th of September, the SNP, at last defining a generation. 25 (and a bit) years. Hallelujah! That puts indyref2 out to (2014 + 25 and a bit =) 2039 or thereabouts.

Excellent then that that's all cleared up.

21-Dec-19, 12:34
I never said oil and gas would run out.

I said the cash (tax) will run out. All these companies will be spending huge sums on R & D into carbon capture technology. That's where any profit will be spent, therefore no tax to pay.


Shell reveals it paid no UK corporate income tax in 2018

03-Feb-20, 22:59
Somehow, this is growing the economy....


SNP ministers accused of secrecy as Scots economy shrinks and deficit grows

Corky Smeek
04-Feb-20, 00:17
The image below (source GERS data - 2018/19) shows the proportion of the UK's net fiscal balance which has been ascribed to Scotland by Westminster. The chart shows the figures bumbling along between 10% and 30% until 2015. Then all of a sudden the figures rocket skywards to the point that Scotland's share of the UK net fiscal balance for 2018/19 is between 54% and 60% depending upon whether you include or exclude North Sea Oil.

At this point it is worth remembering that Scotland's population is roughly 8.2% of the total population of the UK. What these figures are telling us is that with just 8.2% of the UK population, Scotland created between 54% and 60% of the UK's deficit in 2018/19.

Now, these figures are so ridiculous that it makes you wonder what happened in Scotland, towards the end of 2014, that could possibly have meant the UKG would like to try to create the impression that Scotland has a deficit problem that might make re-entry to the EU difficult.

One final irony is that this thread is entitled "Seperatist (sic) Arithmetic" when the reality is that it is the UKG's arithmetic that is highly questionable.


04-Feb-20, 11:46
Odd that the Scottish govt don't jump up and down complaining about this. Maybe it suits them to keep quiet.

Richard Murphy (the piece you are quoting almost word for word) is funded by the European Union. Just thought I would mention that

Corky Smeek
04-Feb-20, 12:45
Odd that the Scottish govt don't jump up and down complaining about this. Maybe it suits them to keep quiet.

Richard Murphy (the piece you are quoting almost word for word) is funded by the European Union. Just thought I would mention that

Firstly, how would you know if the SG had been jumping up and down about this? Who was going to report it - not the BBC, or other MSM and certainly not the Daily Telegraph.
Secondly, I did not quote anything "almost word for word". I summarised a much longer article. What is wrong with that?
Thirdly, why is it always the messenger that is attacked? The message is clear; the SG is not allowed to run a deficit so any deficit that is ascribed is that which Westminster says is our share of the deficit the UK is running. That is what the debate should be about, surely.
Fourthly, what does it matter that someone is funded by the EU? What sort of impropriety are you suggesting?

04-Feb-20, 13:54
I rely on you to let me know what the Scottish government are thinking. If you say they are not jumping up and down, then things must be ok.

14-Mar-20, 15:22

I wonder if the arithmetical errors will now be reversed, and instead of 5,000 people being counted as 100,000, they will now be counted as 499? Will Diane Abbot still be in charge of numeracy?

18-Mar-20, 12:56
I see Wee Krankie saying that coronavirus will be "the biggest peacetime mission in our lifetimes". So using serperatist terminology, 6 years then?

19-Mar-20, 09:40
I know it won't do any good, orkneycadian, but could you please stop calling the first minister by this derogatory title which helps nobody at this awful time. Have to say that for me, having never been much of a fan of the FM, she now commands my utmost respect for what she is doing and how she is presenting herself day by day- and I am listening now to what she says.
Take heart, Corky!

19-Mar-20, 11:30
I know it won't do any good, orkneycadian, but could you please stop calling the first minister by this derogatory title which helps nobody at this awful time. Have to say that for me, having never been much of a fan of the FM, she now commands my utmost respect for what she is doing and how she is presenting herself day by day- and I am listening now to what she says.
Take heart, Corky!

Having watched Boris Johnston speak to the press and in the house of commons I despair. He is totally unable to express himself properly without stuttering, mumbling and gesticulating; his mouth is running faster than his meagre brain. The man is a PR disaster. Nicola Sturgeon on the other hand makes her point succinctly, speaks coherently with gravitas as appropriate. Our FM might not be popular with orkneycadian and his/her BritNat pals but she commands a lot of respect not just in Scotland but across England too. In these worrying times I know I would rather take advice and guidance from someone who can express themselves properly than someone who testiculates.

Corky Smeek
19-Mar-20, 12:55
I know it won't do any good, orkneycadian, but could you please stop calling the first minister by this derogatory title which helps nobody at this awful time. Have to say that for me, having never been much of a fan of the FM, she now commands my utmost respect for what she is doing and how she is presenting herself day by day- and I am listening now to what she says.
Take heart, Corky!

Thank you for writing that. As you know I have tried numerous times to get him to stop and I know others have too. He won't pay any attention to me but hopefully your efforts will work.

19-Mar-20, 13:55
I know it won't do any good, orkneycadian, but could you please stop calling the first minister by this derogatory title which helps nobody at this awful time.

Since you have asked nicely Fulmar, then yes, OK, I will. Previous posters, now on the Ignore List, suggested that this piece of fun was misogynistic, which was utter nonsense, hence the Ignore List. Maybe that poster can now go and address the comments on other forums (not this one), where the UK PM is called Doris.