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View Full Version : Goin anywhere nice on holiday???

20-Jun-05, 17:33
Just wonderd where everyone was goin this summer hols? :o)

The Pepsi Challenge
20-Jun-05, 17:47
People such as myself in the underclass can't afford the time nor the money to go on holiday. What's the definition of holiday in any case?

20-Jun-05, 17:59

A day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event.
A religious feast day; a holy day.
Chiefly British. A vacation. Often used in the phrase on holiday.


20-Jun-05, 18:03
No need to have such a cheeky reply Gosh!!! Holiday to me is a break away from caithess time with family...Sorry if i made u feel "UNDERCLASS"

20-Jun-05, 19:45
Well m off to london for a week with the girlfriend..staying in Kensington. Booked the Blood Brothers musical in the west end.Going to Planet hollywood,posh restraunt, pubs and more pubs and relax....should be good :D

20-Jun-05, 20:06
that sounds pretty good teddybear bet it will be a great break! Im away to corfu mid Aug! Looking forward til at! London is a really nice place , went there last summer for a week. Its huge. Lovely restaurants Great shops too...As i love shopping hehe :D

20-Jun-05, 21:37
People such as myself in the underclass can't afford the time nor the money to go on holiday. What's the definition of holiday in any case?

holy day. The seventh day was the day of rest - a holy day. Over the years it became any a period of recreation.

The Pepsi Challenge
21-Jun-05, 02:41
No need to have such a cheeky reply Gosh!!! Holiday to me is a break away from caithess time with family...Sorry if i made u feel "UNDERCLASS"

Sorry if my reply came across as sarcastic, Angel Eyes. No offence intended; just said how I feel/felt.

21-Jun-05, 11:11
Oh i feel bad now for saying that pepsi . :D

21-Jun-05, 13:38
Don't know if you'd call it somewhere nice, but I'm going to Thurso for 10 days as my summer holidays this year.
Might even manage a look up Ben Loyal while I'm there....and of course a pint or 2 in the Comm.

22-Jun-05, 02:21
:D Just had 2 weeks in Mallorca, lovely, the weather was perfect, not too hot. didnt want to come home.
soon Im off to sussex and Wales and really looking forward to seeing family, plus a very close friend i lost touch with 26 years ago, who i found on Friends Reunited. Cant wait.!
hope you all have a nice summer holiday. :D

22-Jun-05, 06:48
aww..i bet mallorca was lovely. 2 weeks ther aswell. lucky!! Hope u had a good time. :D

22-Jun-05, 20:56
We're off to Malaysia and Thailand for four weeks at the end of September.

George Brims
22-Jun-05, 21:51
Inverness, with a side trip to Belfast for a wedding, and a day or two up to Caithness. May not sound very exciting, but we are coming all the way from California, so we will get to see the family.