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View Full Version : Good Grief, Russia's threat to aim weapons at Europe

04-Jun-07, 19:13

"If the American nuclear potential grows in European territory, we will have to have new targets in Europe," Mr Putin said.

Poor Europe get's it in the neck because America has decided it needs more Missile Defence's, Imo, why are they needed? They said it's because of Iran and North Korea...hmm...

04-Jun-07, 19:25
I think that upsetting Americas allies in Europe was the whole point of the statement, as was the recent bragging that 'we have a developed a new missile that can penetrate ANY defense system, now or in the future' or words to that effect.

A lot of posturing going on. It's quite possible that Russia have indeed developed such a system, but until it is backed up by a statement to say 'we have now developed a defense system that guarantees 100% success at shooting down incoming ICBMs' we have little more to worry about than we did a year ago. The old concept of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) still applies.

All the same, Russia certainly don't seem to be playing 'nice' any more and that's not a good thing. Something has definitely upset them to bring that about - the American proposed Europe-located defense system it would seem.

04-Jun-07, 19:39
All the same, Russia certainly don't seem to be playing 'nice' any more and that's not a good thing.

You think the Americans are playing nice and playing by the rules? self appointed powers that be with their " we will protect you all against terrorism " stance.

They raise other countries hackles, russia possible being the first to stand up and say " enough , wind your necks in "

04-Jun-07, 22:13
I wouldn't pay any attention to it, its just Cold War part 2. There was a story on the BBC a couple of weeks ago that a Russian surveillance plain had to be escortd out of british Airspace when it was spying on war games that were taking place in the Atlantic off the west of the western isles in Scotland. Russia is no different to America, if they feel dangerous things are getting too close to their country then they will say well we can point things at it so there. If Russia or China set up some missile bases in say Cuba or Panama or somewhere like Venezuela, where do you think America would be pointing theirs then?? Russia has probably been pointing missiles at Europe for decades, nothing new there really. Its just a run down super power trying to look cool amongst the big boys and thats about it. If Bush is worried about missile threats emanating from Iran or North Korea, why doesn't he put his anti-missile defenses in Kuwait, Saudia Arabia and South Korea instead of Poland and Czech and probably Italy, Bulgaria and Albania which is likely why he picked those countries to visit.

04-Jun-07, 22:23
Poor Europe get's it in the neck because America has decided it needs more Missile Defence's, Imo, why are they needed? They said it's because of Iran and North Korea...hmm...

Well, as a political correspondent said not long ago about increased standardisation across EU armed forces: "Getting closer to the Belgian Navy is nice, but I'd rather have the US watching our backs."

Sabre-rattling is all that's going on. The Russians haven't spied so much on European countries since the height of the Cold War, according to a defense analyst on Radio 4 the other day. Gets headlines, gets people upset, gives him (Putin) something to give away again in a year or so's time.

The missile defences aren't to protect America because N Korea and Iran don't have a delivery system to reach there. But they do have bases in Europe. I'd relax, if I were you, and worry about something bigger and better!

05-Jun-07, 07:57
I'd relax, if I were you, and worry about something bigger and better!

It may be nothing, but I lived through part of the cold war and I don't want to do so again.

06-Jun-07, 02:16
When it gets to the stage where the probability of total nuclear war is within 24 hours I will start worrying.
When it gets to less than six hours I will hope that nobody gets stuck in a lift.

Other than that situation I shall continue to treat it with the same amount of concern I have gave the Cold War since before there were certain problems in Hungary.
In other words, "How interesting, I think I'll put the kettle on and make a cuppa!"

All it amounts to is politicians playing to the gallery which is nothing more than what politicians do.

06-Jun-07, 02:39
Perhaps we could offer the leaders of these countries a membership in caithness.org. They could be invited to the forum to work out their grievances and issues.

They could run polls to their hearts content.

We have moderators who could point them in a more civil direction when the going got rough.

And, of course, we could offer them our wonderful opinions. ...

Well, it was just a thought!

Yoda the flump
06-Jun-07, 19:51
[QUOTE=Jeemag_USA;230270] Russia is no different to America, if they feel dangerous things are getting too close to their country then they will say well we can point things at it so there. If Russia or China set up some missile bases in say Cuba or Panama or somewhere like Venezuela, where do you think America would be pointing theirs then?? [QUOTE]

D?ja vue?

06-Jun-07, 20:48
jaws a bit more navel gazing from you and we can all sleep soundly in our beds.;)
canuck- magic offer,bet our lot could sort them out!:D

07-Jun-07, 19:09

"If the American nuclear potential grows in European territory, we will have to have new targets in Europe," Mr Putin said.

Poor Europe get's it in the neck because America has decided it needs more Missile Defence's, Imo, why are they needed? They said it's because of Iran and North Korea...hmm...

How does poor Europe get it in the neck ? Both Poland and Czech Rep. agreed to have them.

07-Jun-07, 19:59
[quote=Jeemag_USA;230270] Russia is no different to America, if they feel dangerous things are getting too close to their country then they will say well we can point things at it so there. If Russia or China set up some missile bases in say Cuba or Panama or somewhere like Venezuela, where do you think America would be pointing theirs then?? [quote]

D?ja vue?

Exactly, its just the same old guff from both countries doing the rounds, nowt to lose sleep over ;)

I dare say there was a time when the USA had plenty missiles pointing at Eastern Europe too.

08-Jun-07, 23:44
Well at the end of the day its not worth worrying about because there going to do what there going to do

11-Jun-07, 00:26
I've now seen a complete transcript (http://mathaba.net/news/?x=555105) of the interview with President Putin if anyone is interested in what he actually said.

11-Jun-07, 01:27
Why, is the whole thing worth the slightest concern? Even at it's worst it doesn't even amount to a minor ripple in a tea cup.
Of more important concern is did Cherie Blair's shoes match her new handbag?

11-Jun-07, 10:44
Why, is the whole thing worth the slightest concern? Even at it's worst it doesn't even amount to a minor ripple in a tea cup.
Of more important concern is did Cherie Blair's shoes match her new handbag?

There were many things in the hour and a half long interview which I thought were of concern. I thought maybe there might be one or two people left out there who might prefer to base their picture of the world on reality not the western media's lies and omissions. The British press haven't given us the opportunity to do that by publishing the actual interview, preferring to take a few words, mostly said by a reporter not Putin and splashing them across the headlines to make it look like he said something he didn't say. Meanwhile some very important issues he dealt with go ignored.

Russia isn't threatening us we are threatening Russia but the media turned it around. Russia has no need to threaten us quite the opposite, they are exporting more oil than Saudi Arabia and their economy is booming. They are doing very nicely out of staying on good terms with the West while America is fighting to stave off a dollar collapse and getting deeper into debt at a terrifying rate.

Here is a quote from the interview, a quote which should concern all of us, the quote which should have made the headlines:

Amnesty International has concluded that the United States is now the principal violator of human rights and freedoms worldwide. I have the quote here, I can show you. And there is argumentation behind it.

13-Jun-07, 14:01
I'm left slightly puzzled by one thing. If the Western media are corrupt, and have misled their audiences, why are the media reporting Putin such models of honesty and fair, unbiased reporting? They never were in the past......

Just an observation, before we all get down on bended knee to Comrade Putin, a man busily engaged in moving his country back to fascism.....

13-Jun-07, 15:20
I'm left slightly puzzled by one thing. If the Western media are corrupt, and have misled their audiences, why are the media reporting Putin such models of honesty and fair, unbiased reporting? They never were in the past......

Just an observation, before we all get down on bended knee to Comrade Putin, a man busily engaged in moving his country back to fascism.....

Of course the media are corrupt even Tony Bliar (http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=920662007) says that. Just look at the Woolmer saga, sensationalised out of all proportions.

I posted a transcript of the actual interview so people could read it and make up their own minds. In my opinion there was a lot said that was a lot more alarming and newsworthy than what made the headlines, which he didn't actually say but which the press could sensationalise and get people scared.

Meanwhile Emperor of the World Bush is saying he will overrule the United Nations and declare Kosovo an independent state with hardly a murmur from the press.

13-Jun-07, 21:15
Well, on a point of information, he can't declare it an independent state. He lacks the power for that. But he can say that America will regard it as being a free and independent nation. Which is roughly like China saying it regards Taiwan as being part of mainland China and not independent.

13-Jun-07, 22:18
As long as they're only aiming.....