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18-May-18, 23:40

19-May-18, 10:04
Old news.....shouldn't you be posting in the politics section?

Anyway, it's all swings and roundabouts, Scotland now has a huge annual deficit that would not be solved by oil revenue even if past govts (independent) had invested wisely, we all know they would have spent the lot by now, like kids in a sweet shop.

19-May-18, 11:28
And we voted No anyway.

04-Jun-18, 22:27
Scotland now has a huge annual deficit that would not be solved by oil revenue even if past govts (independent) had invested wisely, we all know they would have spent the lot by now, like kids in a sweet shop.

Not helped now either by the SNP deciding to spend even more money on plastic laden sanitary products to be given away in Hollyrood. With a basic MSP salary being near on 60 grand, and even the lowest paid staff member on at least national minimum wage, if not that other so called metric, the "national living wage", your not telling me that staff are too poor to look after themselves? If so, this is an even worse indictment of SNP policies.

05-Jun-18, 09:36
Let's watch the price of these products increase once the manufacturer realises the tax payer is paying for them. I still can't believe many women can't pay for them. Tesco value products are less than 1p each. What next, free toilet roll for everyone?

07-Jun-18, 23:48
Typical men. :roll:

10-Jun-18, 15:32
There should be a phone inspection before any free products are handed out. If the ladies phone is posher than a £10 Samsung one from Tesco, then they should either be directed to the nearest supermarket, or put their donation in the tin.

Next, they'll find they cant keep the stocks in, as all the hackers of Edinburgh realise you can go into the parly building as a visitor (entry fee = £0), tour all 42 female bogs, tipping the contents of the sanitary provisions box into their oversized handbags, then flog them off to their mates on Facebook for half the price they are in Poundland.

Before we know it, the sanitary budget will have burst the £100,000 barrier. Far fetched? Well, remember they did promise us the building itself would only cost £40 million.......